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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. A prom date for The Big Cat?
  2. I think it shows a lot of progress that 60% of evangelicals will vote for a Mormon. Let's face it, there has been a lot of radical Mormon/Muslim terrorism around the world and people tend to wrongly equate that with all Mormons/Muslims being terrorists. The fact that even 60% of evangelicals are now willing to put this behind them is telling. That 60% would likely grow to about 85% by election day.
  3. Premature, immature. You say potato, I say tomato.
  4. It will mean less time for Russ to pick up Jeffrey's dry cleaning.
  5. How about the butt-naked wonder big brother thunder and master blaster offshoot? Is that some sort of subsidiary? Like a Pixar/Disney thing? Do you think the Utica PD was just trying to get money out of this guy?
  6. In his interview, the victim says he has a film company. Have you ever heard of it?
  7. Perhaps you are wrong. The victim of this police conspiracy was interviewed. He had to be clandestine and do it at the local skate park for fear of retribution. I think there is something in there about the police planting the drugs. The important part starts at about 1:22. He's mad. NSFW. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BKqPh5Gv-g
  8. $100M net worth and the guy can't even throw on a shirt? Geez.
  9. I would imagine the smell alone would merit a purple heart.
  10. What's the big deal? Beerboy is always half in the bag.
  11. QB play? Do you like when he hands off to the guys face mask in the red zone?
  12. Tell that to The Big Cat's Golden Retriever.
  13. Young = longer career which for Honey Badger = more greatness. For Maybinot all it meant was more ineptitude.
  14. I usually don't watch boring shows about construction. How many stories up were you? I would have watched if you said so ahead of time.
  15. So what if he is a little young? The best is the best. Honey Badger. Tanneyhill sounds like a name for a brand of crumpets. No thanks.
  16. He has to come out early. He is too talented to not cash in after this huge season. Imagine if he has a huge game in the BCS. We might need to trade up.
  17. HONEY BADGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No QBs will be there; we will hopefully have signed Stevie and I don't think any OLBs are worth the pick.
  18. A Los Gatos foreign policy also causes a lot of problems.
  19. My biggest surprise and disappointment is that once Williams signed his contract he got a boo boo on his foot and quit on the team.
  20. As soon as he signed for the big $$$$$ it seemed like he stopped reading the playbook.
  21. Terrible. I'm glad to see he is over it and even getting his finances back in order. He is so excited to be able to be one of the original season ticket holders for a brand new franchise.
  22. Plus the loss ruined your chance to whine about the win hurting our draft position.
  23. I'm going to have to go with Michelle Bachman on this one. And no it is not a correlation with Fitz and facial hair. The Bills started out with good numbers and seemed to be getting some momentum but then got sidetracked by all the hype and glamour. They started printing t-shirts and wearing each others t-shirts and doing end zone dances. Bachman started with good numbers in Iowa and let it go to her head. She thought she could be more than a president. She thought she could be a celebrity too. Her presidential hopes went down when she debuted her attempt at celebrity at an Iowa county fair. It involved stunts and antics with boneless meats. It was called the Michelle Bachman filet show.
  24. No more post contract Billy Joe Hobart imitations.
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