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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Hopefully all the pot will make that guy sterile.
  2. Maurice Clarett couldn't declare because he was in jail and I wish Mike Wiliams NEVER declared. If you don't want a CB fine, but these sure are weird reason. Honey Badger can declare and should. He gets his right to declare here.
  3. I get that he is young. But he is as an aggressive DB which is the exact spot needed in today's NFL. I can't see him passing up a big paycheck for another year. I say he declares and we take him.
  4. I am not endorsing trespassing but if any of us ever need to break into the Jags stadium for any reason, at least we all know the code to open the loading dock doors now.
  5. Can never have enough DBs? I smell HONEY BADGER!!!!!
  6. Update: Average up to just under 4
  7. I hate to post such wild speculation but the story just reminded me of stuff I had read in the past. Not exactly close to I-94; not exactly far away either. Link
  8. Maybe Flutie/Johnson is a better example. Maybe if reporters always promoted Flutie despite his total and utter ineptitude in the last Bills playoff season and continued to carry the myth that he played well that year instead of evenly reporting that both he and Johnson sucked when they played and the defense was the only reason for the playoff run that would be a better example of bias. Maybe if they painted Johnson as a complete bum despite his leaving the field with a lead in a road playoff game to an eventual Super Bowl team that would be bias. Or maybe if they used the term "magic" to describe Flutie despite his being challenged to complete screen passes that would be seen as biased. You should use the even reporting that occurred as an example of non-bias from the sports world. Oh, wait. You better go back to the Bledsoe example.
  9. Give Chan a break. He is old school and not as touchy feely as some of these new guys.
  10. I love how they call it "the movement". If my Grandpa were still alive I think he would call it the same thing but mean something entirely different.
  11. Do you think that was a gentle way of saying Littman is pulling the strings on Ralph like a marionette?
  12. I have heard him mention Jesus in post games. He mentions Jesus, then his teammates, then the opponents, then next week's opponents. He never mentions the word "me" unless it is in regard to areas for self improvement. I know the Jesus thing bothers some people and all. I don't find it a reason to hate him. I can see why some people might be annoyed but beyond that it is over the top. All the stuff he says/does team wise is important and rare in today's pro sports environment And now people are on here calling him a misogynist. I personally find it hard to believe but he has spoken about still being a virgin. If he ventures into a parlor now and then it might allow him to keep his virginity and fulfill some natural urges. Big deal. That is a lot better than Big Ben's tactics. Still he is a big celebrity and I think if he really were a misogynist some paparazzi would have gotten a photo of him walking into/out of one of those places.
  13. Because if it weren't we would have a billion people running around with names like Boziddybop and few productive members of society to prop up these complete losers.
  14. I disagree as I am sure I have seen some of his articles printed horizontally.
  15. Update: Still tracking at 3+ additional wins.
  16. George Snuffleupogus asked Romney for a job by job accounting in his latest debate but asked for no such detail on Obama's report.
  17. I wasn't even aware Tebow hung out in Cali. He went to Florida and is now with the Broncos. Did he grow up out there?
  18. Amazing she is alive. It said no serious injuries but she may have some brain damage because she talks funny.
  19. Are records kept of which posters advocated which players in the draft? My guess is that the correlation between Blaine Gabbert and Ryan Talleywhacker is pretty high.
  20. So far the consensus seems to be the Bills would have won between 3 and 4 more games with Tebow.
  21. I was not on stage. I was playing bartender. Beerboy got drunk on fresh squeezed pomegranate lemonade with a splash of wine cooler; his favorite.
  22. Donte is still in the playoffs and Polamalu's self promotional hair is still blowing in the breeze because he still hasn't caught up to Thomas.
  23. I threw a party for Beerboy's birthday. We had a decent sized crowd so we used the auxiliary auditorium. Against my better judgement, I booked his favorite band of all time to play the gig. For their big finale they played his favorite song. Well Beerboy had had a little too much to drink and crashed the stage with a huge box on his head. I thought he was going to get hurt but he started dancing with the band and well......... I'll let you judge for yourself. He comes in about the 1:30 mark. link
  24. Reply if you'd like but i am mostly interested in the survey part.
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