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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I doubt cheap Ralph wants a bidding war.
  2. It wouldn't really be trading a pick. It would just be correcting a missed picked from 2011.
  3. In the 2011 draft Mead did not think the Bills should pick Casey Matthews in the 4th.
  4. In the 2011 draft DC Tom did not think the Bills should pick Casey Matthews in the 4th.
  5. I just think it is an awful big coincidence that the fan base agreed we should get Matthews in the 4th and then after not doing that the Bills go trade for another 4th. I would guess that the front office received a lot of letters after Matthews went to Philly. Is it really surprising to see them make an effort to set things right?
  6. Then why did they trade Evans? Maybe Wanny saw something flawed in the way he was coached at Philly.
  7. Whether Obama wins or loses there will be a big democratic set of primaries in 2016. I am not too political so I am wondering who everyone thinks will be involved. If Obama loses it could be him again but let's just assume he doesn't run. Who will be the top 5? I predict: Biden: Total doofus but will run Coochy Ku or whatever his name is: Democrat version of Ron Paul. Crazy nut job but will run. Maybe he and Paul can make some sort of third party like the Cuckoo's Nest party. Eric Holder: Any more power and he will force you to vote for him. Hillary - Probably not a good idea because if she gets 5 more wrinkles and wears a hood she will look just like the emperor from Star Wars. That is not a vote getter. Andrew Cuomo - If he runs he will crush these 4 morons. If Cuomo doesn't run the field will look as ridiculous as the current republican field. Your thoughts?
  8. Wait a minute. You said you were going to vote for Obama.
  9. Maybe two fourths? We have two fourths.
  10. You are a voice in the wilderness on Matthews. Sorry but the consensus was overwhelming. Just check the old threads. EVERYBODY. Anyway the pieces are falling into place because we traded one of our best players just to get an extra 4th. You can say Ralph is cheap or whatever but why not a 3rd or a 5th? It seems they wanted two fourths. One for this year and one for last year perhaps? Matthews has self-promotional hair too? I didn't know that.
  11. Stingray city is pretty cool in Cayman . It will kill a good chunk of the day but is worth it. I would also look into a basic snorkeling expedition that doesn't involve a lot of time killed on a boat getting there. Don't bother with "Hell" or the turtle farm. Also set aside some time to get some of your money off shore in hidden accounts. You can usually get a starter account for $125 million minimum monthly balance and the rates they pay are decent even before considering the tax implications. Start looking at the short term CDs if you have more than $3.3 B to set aside but not a penny less. The rate bump doesn't justify the liquidity trap until you hit that number.
  12. Any updates on this?
  13. In the 2011 draft /dev/null did not think the Bills should pick Casey Matthews in the 4th.
  14. Last year, the mock drafts on this site were all over the place. A lot of them had Dareus but after that it got all different for the most part. For example, I don't think I saw even one mock with Aaron Williams and I KNOW I never saw Jasper mentioned. Here's the thing though: Almost every draft I saw had us taking Casey Matthews in the 4th. Naturally, the Bills screwed this up even though everyone on the board knew what we should do. This is no knock on whatever crappy player we ended up taking in the 4th, it is just pointing out that everyone here wanted Matthews. Now I know a lot of people got mad when we traded Evans for a 4th, but do you think maybe the front office was finally thinking ahead in the chess game and may be planning on trading that pick to Philly for none other than Casey Matthews? I don't think this is certain but it sure seems like the pieces are falling into place.
  15. Don't worry Buffalo Barbarian will keep you up to date, at least on one QB. He is obsessed with Talleywhacker.
  16. Earl had seen just about everything in his travels but even he was amazed when he paid a quarter at the fair and watched the Michelle Bachman filet show.
  17. He has been obsessed with Talleywhacker for a long time now.
  18. That is a good system except it still leaves you open to being fooled by Peter Pan links.
  19. You'd think one of these genius scientists would put a snooze bar on the friggin thing.
  20. Look closely at the picture. Definitely photoshopped.
  21. I don't really think we should be spending taxpayer dollars worrying about whether Woody Woodpecker is going to mis a few days of work because he got sick. Activity on the borders? I suppose but I still like the idea of the wall for Mexico and the mine field to the north.
  22. If you're not sure how to spell haven you definitely should have found a private school a long time ago.
  23. They are Canadian right? They would be "very satisfied" by 3 beers, a hockey puck and a ripped blanket as their entire worldly possessions. Throw in a slab of back bacon and other than being part of the evil 1% life couldn't get any better.
  24. Or he could begin an outbreak of spiral vaginitis.
  25. I can see that from now until draft day some people are going to be obsessed with Talleywhacker.
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