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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. 1. Why slam on the guy for attending a Satellite campus? I'm sure it had more to do with his preferred degree than anything. Pittsburg in still in PENNsylvania and he kicked for the big club on Saturdays. 2. Haven't we been burned enough by Maybinot and Mr. Beautiful hair?
  2. The more cases they can jam through the courthouse the more corrections officers they can hire.
  3. I know Moorman is only a punter but he is a better punter than those guys are at their position. Bottom line is still no PSU guys here please.
  4. Sorry if you're easily offended dude. Nothing was meant to be offensive. I was just pointing out that although not all Mormons are terrorists, pretty much all of the terrorist threats to our nation come from Mormons. It is just dumb that old ladies and 4 year olds and guys that look like Rand Paul get pulled over at airports. I know; I know....racial profiling blah blah blah.
  5. I am getting confused by two things. On the original question I am wondering who technically is in possession of the punt in the air once it crosses the line of scrimmage. If it is Team A or the receiving team, game over, if it is team B, kicking team then a muff occurs, team B wins. If no team is technically in possession then ??????? As for your point about the pick how can it not be an opportunity? You see DBs say in pressers after the game "I really missed an opportunity there" when they dropped a pick. They play the game for a living so I doubt they are wrong.
  6. So if on third down of the initial OT possession a DB drops an obvious pick six and Team A then kicks a field goal on 4th, the game is over?
  7. In that case you would start your own thread to ask that particular question.
  8. Ok I honestly didn't know the rule about advancing a muffed punt, and I know they can't recover a fumbled punt return because of possession change but......what if the punt is muffed and bounces all the way to the end zone on its own before being recovered?
  9. Ok this is an almost impossible scenario but what if....... Team A wins the OT coin toss, drives down the field and has to settle for a field goal. Team B has a good run back on the ensuing kickoff and starts their drive at mid field. Three holding calls, two incomplete passes and a sack later it is 4th and 50 from the 10 yard line. Team B figures they have a better shot at recovering a muffed punt than hitting a 50 yard play so they punt, and not only is it muffed but they pick it up and run in it for 6 points. Team A is obviously very stupid for even attempting to field the punt but they did. Which team wins?
  10. This thread is about a non-Penn State guy so I will stop posting in it but not until I point out one thing: All the guys in your list have something beyond PSU in common. They all suck. Brian Moorman is a good one but he is only a punter.
  11. 1? 1 decent player in the whole NFL is from Penn State and that is the school we should draft from? There are over 275 players in the NFL and only 1 is from Penn State and that is our choice? No Thanks.
  12. A Stanford study about women being afraid of pain......I wonder if a former Bills QB was one of the subjects. I wonder if the stats were counted as male, female or as part of the control group.
  13. There is a movie which is mostly an action flick but for a few minutes it is a documentary. It is call "Bad Boys II" and it goes into the mindset of rats and how they just want to get laid. Martin Lawrence is the field reporter and Will Smith keeps the stats.
  14. Don't even get me started on Billy Joe Hobart Fitzpatrick. And don't forget Grapes or Pears or whatever that ridiculous guy is named. I will say that Drayton Florence pretty much sucked equally both before and after his contract. I said a while back that the Bills should hire a sports psychologist as part of the contract negotiating process. If the guy did his job he might uncover character flaws in guys like Fitz, Williams and Pears and see that Florence wouldn't get any suckier. I'm sure it would cost a little and could save a lot but Jeffrey doesn't like writing checks.
  15. Given his post contract work ethic we can all profit from his rehab by buying stock in Doritos.
  16. Start a new thread for this ok? I know those ladies can be controversial and even annoying and at times probably too harsh, but consider their loss. I don't think they're trying to be diversionary but their strong personalities can get in the way. If you ask me they are actually concerned with staying on point. Imagine the diversion they must feel every day having suffered the way they have.
  17. Did they miraculously grow from the ink in the pen he used to sign his contract or were they there before?
  18. So if I understand you correctly President Los Gatos is eager to assure the Russians that their ICBMs are still free to fly into our air space and annihilate us all. And he will gladly turn over the blueprints to one of our weapons systems to ease their mind that their ICBMs are still free to fly into our air space and annihilate us all. Do I have that right?
  19. Which Kyle Williams would you rather have? Your choices are the one who fumbles punts and the one who signs a huge contract and bails on his team because he got a boo boo foot. Good luck choosing.
  20. Penn State? Haven't we had enough from that school ? Granted Poz had beautiful hair but check with the Steelers to see what hair gets you without skills and/or after skills have diminished. If we take a guy from Penn State it is like skipping that round of the draft. Is there even a single current NFL player that is even decent that played for them?
  21. Was the Plummer named Jake?
  22. When you're sitting around thinking about whether a rodent has empathy, think of just one word.............. SAMMY. Remember the time you were trapped under the pool table retrieving the 4 ball and instead of releasing you Sammy peed on you and laughed for an hour? And that thing he did with the pool cue was simply uncalled for. Empathy. Yeah right.
  23. After this imaginary car accident everyone would have thought at least it was good that Williams would be back because he only got a boo boo on his foot.
  24. You know what is really weird about that story is that the cat is named cupid and got shot by an arrow. I know cupid usually does the shooting but still. It just makes the whole thing even weirder than if the cat was named fluffy or something. And I agree that shooting a cat like that is disgraceful.
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