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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. The decision of a Manning trade revolves around Manning himself. For there to be any discussion of a possible trade he would have to be willing to go to that team first. Polian wouldn't have to deal with Buffalo for manning because I'm sure he wouldn't waive his no trade clause to come here.

    Polian didn't have a deal with anyone for Manning. He was just investigating deals, but not enough of them. Then he got his walking papers. Irsay may or may not be working on a deal.

  2. Sure, Polian purposely traded for a crappy and injured McCargo just so Irsay would get mad at Ralph Wilson and then agree to NEVER trade Manning to Buffalo. Makes sense.


    Stay tuned tomorrow for "As The World Turns" with special guests, Pete Townsend and Roger Daltry.



    That is not what I said and I'm not sure how you got that. The McCargo thing was to sour Irsay on the Bills in general. there is no way anyone would have been able to see the Manning thing coming. Polian was trying to refrain from dealing with the Bills in ANY scenario,not just this specific one.


    Oh and btw, there is a BIG stipulation with Mannings contract that you left out and that he has a no trade clause.


    In this scenerio if he would get traded Manning dictates where he wants to go NOT Polian or Irsay. Buffalo wouldn't be one of the teams he would want to play football for in hopes of another title before he retires.

    Look, I don't know all the details and you could be right. All I know is what the Irsay girls said. It is probably just the front office trying to create options knowing full well that Manning has a say. With that as a given though The Bills do have a lot of pieces in place and Manning himself could probably attract one or two free agents like Mario Williams. He would have 2 games a year versus Brady and could rib his brother about playing in New Jersey. I don't know that any other team provides that opportunity.

  3. So for clarification, a straight up trade? Fitz for Manning? No draft picks?

    All I hear is that they were looking into several options with several teams. I don't think it got that far really but yes a straight trade once Manning's bonus had been paid by Indy.

  4. Really? It makes sense for Buffalo to offload a 7-year $60 million contract for a *Huge* risk - Manning's 5-year $100 million contract? :)


    I know you prefaced it as hearsay, just sayin..




    As I mentioned Irsay would pick up the big bonus which is due soon.


    Other than that I am just speculating that:



    Buffalo feels they are closer than they let on and Manning could put them over the top.


    Indy feels Fitz would be good for the community and help Luck; although IMO Luck could have Unitas helping him and he will still be a huge bust.


    Manning might be open to it as a way to maintain his rivalry with Brady and also have a fun loving rivalry with Eli. "The REAL New york team...." etc.



    Look, this is a long way from certain but my source does know two of the girls and you have to admit that the accounts all seem to make sense given the limited amount I know about the personalities. I doubt Manning himself knows and Archie may be a stumbling block but this could happen. If you think about the abrupt firing of Polian this makes a lot of sense. A lot of bosses put up with a lot of crap but lying/deceit is rarely tolerated.

  5. As you know I live under a bridge which is usually a very good place to keep a low profile. In this case however it is one of those times where word gets around a small community quickly.


    I know someone who knows two of Irsay's daughters very well. My contact is reliable but I do not know Irsay's daughters. What I do know is that they like being around Hollywood types so I tend to believe the stories I'm hearing.


    Polian did not get dumped only because of the Manning thing alone. He got dumped for refusing to investigate all angles. Irsay wanted to pick up Manning's bonus as a show of thanks and good will. He wanted to then immediately trade Manning for a journeyman who could hold down the fort until Luck got good enough. Forever is a long time if you ask me, but I regress. There are 6 or 7 QBs who fit this scenario and you already guessed who one of them might be.


    Anyway, Irsay was quizzing Polian about the status and sensed Polian was lying to him. Although he was indeed trying to move Manning, he just faked it about actually speaking to the Bills about Fitz. Evidently he had all the details about Grossman, Orton, McCoy, Jackson, Moore, and Campbell/Palmer but was real thin about Fitz. As he drilled him it became clear that Polian's disdain for Wilson was still a major issue. Polian is also no fan of Nix but doesn't really hate him.


    Anyway the source says Irsay stormed from the meeting and was heard to say "We won't get fooled again....that's enough". When his daughter tried to calm him down Irsay said that Polian had made a trade for McCargo despite knowing about McCargo having a back back and also sucking. Polian did this to make sure Irsay would never deal with the Bills again but the whole thing backfired when Irsay found out.


    Fast forward to now and Irsay had had enough. He feels bad about the whole Manning thing but has to do what he has to do. Evidently he told one of his daughters "No one knows what its like to be the bad man, to be the sad man....". He is really depressed about the whole thing. He isn't 100% sure about the Manning/Fitz trade but wants to investigate it. He sees it as one of the top three scenarios.


    The fact that Polian got fired seems to back up all of these rumors/accounts of the behind the scenes goings on.


    Wow it would be cool to see Manning in Buffalo.

  6. intentional??? it wasnt a "drop" and also i would take him in a heartbeat, i heard someone showed him how to run slower, go over the middle, drop game winners and showboat after meaningless td's, since thats the kind of guys we have now here in b'lo

    I'm not sure where you're going here. Do you want Evans or not? I would take him. If you grew up a Bills fan and the Bills moved to LA and you ended up playing for LA wouldn't you drop a pass out of loyalty to the Bills? Evans did that for the Browns.


    But, then I catch myself and remember that we are dealing with an infantile mentality, and that they will never admit to being wrong even when they are confronted with the proverbial blue dress.



    That blue dress was real; it was not a proverb. But in all fairness to Obama and Boehner and Reid as much as they all suck they had nothing to do with the blue dress. At this point there is no way Monica is fitting in that thing anymore and they all know they would get in trouble.

  8. Youkilis first met Julie Brady, who is one of three Brady sisters, at a Patriots party after the team was knocked out of the 2010 playoffs, according to the Boston Herald, which first reported the story.


    I bet the other Brady sister feels left out. They could have at least mentioned her. Now everyone knows Julie and Tom but nobody knows the third sister.

  9. Not the first time I have seen Spiller referred to as not being too smart. I could have sworn, when he was drafted, he was described as very bright, and a straight-A student at Clemson...for what that is worth.

    No offense to anyone but isn't being a straight A student at Clemson kind of like being the smartest man in Canada?

  10. Agreed. Gronk is already in the record book. He layed it all out on the field, He tried for the "hail Mary" but he could not push off on that ankle. I don't care what he does in his personal life and neither should any of you. He is young, rich and single and you only go through life once. He can date whoever he wants.

    I agree but Kraft likes to sell hi. Especially when his player only dates girls named Phyllis.


    Sy-Phillis that is.

  11. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/7559875/oakland-raiders-release-starting-cornerback-stanford-routt


    He may ask for too much money than buffalo is willing to spend but he is a 7 year veteran who could be a huge upgrade alongside Aaron Williams building his starter role. I know there are lots of CB's in F.A. that may be better fits but I'm curious to see what people think of him.

    I clicked on the link which I usually don't do. I'm glad it wasn't Peter Pan, but.....


    Did you see the guy's picture? He is a fat white guy. How many fat white corners have you seen worth that kind of payday?

  12. Don't ever, ever, ever, EVER read the comments on youtube. I don't know what it is about that particular community, but the youtube comments section might just be the douchiest place on earth.

    I ran that theory past the Googlebot and it said no. I never heard of it but evidently the numbers show the douchiest place on Earth is somewhere called Massengill factory.

  13. Even on a very badly hurt ankle (which will likely require surgery) Gronk still was getting downfield. This was pretty amazing given the fact that it was pretty apparent New England downplayed his injury. He won't be going anywhere. Despite the fact he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, he has the potential to be one of the all-time greats at the position if he can stay injury-free

    He never fought for that ball. It seems curious to me. Bad ankle or not, you have to try. Is it possible that growing up as a Bills fan makes it harder for him to give 100% as a Patriot?

  14. OK, now you referring to me wearing panties puts the insults at 1-1.


    The one I provided was off the top of my head. A UDFA member of the Bills, the very same team that chose Troup with the 41st pick. I don't track NTs picked in the 2010 draft, if you want to know more try google. It was a bad pick then. It remains a bad pick today. That's my opinion, you are welcome to yours.

    If panties are such an insult then why are there 4 pages worth of invoices for them every month on your expense report?

  15. Remember who you are dealing with here. Fatty may be a big guy/girl but is a mental midget. He is the one complaining about the "rich" not paying their fair share in taxes when he was raking in Earned Income Credit and had a negative tax rate. He'll respond to this with one of his bright retorts like "gee, you're really stupid".

    He also likes to mock dead people. :thumbdown:

  16. I think that dollars to donuts is a way of disparaging law enforcement officials. i.e. you can pay them off with anything from dollars to donuts.

    No. Mine was right. You can probably look it up on the internet.


    Anyway, even if mine was slightly off yours is stupid. Dollars to donuts to pay them off? That is a short range. What about cars, vacations, women, beer? None of that stuff fits between dollars and donuts. I can't even think of anything else starting with D that would be good for a bribe.

  17. I heard one of the football talking heads on FOX sports radio, last night, speculating, should Evans become a free-agent, he may end up playing for his childhood favorite, Celveland Browns.

    If he grew up a Browns fan it is almost certain he hated Baltimore, who stole the Browns. All of a sudden the crappy season and almost intentional looking drop in the championship game, might make a little sense. Maybe if he came back he would be a back to his old self.

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