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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Fark you! So I can't speel nickel, what's it to ya? You're just sore because you sold a safe loaded with cash mr bigpants.




    The more syntactically correct alternative form "plugged nickel" has been in use longer than "plug nickel", although "plug" has begun to supercede "plugged".


    Thanks for being one of the Americans that gets lazy and says plug instead of plugged. It's just one more straw on the crumbling back of the camel known as civilization.

  2. As Gisele has revealed, Tom Brady cannot throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time. I am sure she is aware of many other multitasking shortcomings Tom may have.


    We all already know he can't go down a water slide and retain his composure at the same time.


    We already know he can't watch a parade and dance properly at the same time.


    What other stuff do you think he can't do?

  3. I'd like to see everyone's draft predictions in a little bit of a different way.


    I will list the Bills picks. If you think you know who the Bills will pick in a given round, before the draft, put that in your list. As your opinion changes come back into the thread and edit your original. Don't add additional posts. If you have no opinion in a round, leave it blank. I will start but since it is so early I will have it all blank. Some of you may have opinions already so have at it.


    Remember, this is just who you think the Bills will take, not who you think they should take.


    Round 1:

    Round 2:

    Round 3:

    Round 4A:

    Round 4B:

    Round 5A:

    Round 5B:

    Round 6:

    Round 7:

  4. I have to believe that losing 2 front line defensive starters counts more than a backup QB and a kick returner. Morrison does not count.

    He has a radio show with Rob Dibble which makes him relatively famous. The bigger the "name" the more it is going to count.

  5. That might be a biiiiiiiiiit harsh, but understand your perspective and with underlying logic, I agree....I personally thought it was just time for Lynch to move on and glad to see that he is having success somewhere else, but he was just symptomatic of an overall problem in Buffalo and getting another viable draft pick from Seattle is worth it in my opinion...there are plenty of good contributors who were former 5th Round Draft picks, and if Nix and Co. do their job then the BILLS should be able to make that pick a good value!! But, time will tell....

    Dr. Trooth thinks it is easy to avoid drunk Canadian broads stumbling drunk on every street.

  6. This wil be even more interesting due to San Fran being the team involved. As we know SF got in a bidding war for a former Bill last year. Whitner is now an all pro. They have to like what they see coming out of Buffalo but there is a twist. If they read boards like this, and some teams do, they would know that Whitner was not liked on this board yet excelled for them.


    I would say although not unanimous, the overall sediment on SJ is positive. Will SF view that as an indicator that SJ will just be unstoppable or will they think since this board missed on Whitner that maybe we are missing on SJ too and that makes him a risk?


    I personally hope we just sign SJ so this doesn't turn into watching another ex-Bill in the Pro Bowl.

  7. Cornerback Darrelle Revis was the queen on the chessboard, per the usual. Surprisingly, opposing quarterbacks threw at him 89 times, but were only successful 36 times.




    Stevie had 11 catches for 159 yards an a TD including the longest catch against Revis all year (52 yards) Thats 30.5% of the completions this entire season against Revis was Fitz to Stevie. Thats not a bad percentage


    I can't believe stevie was excited about beating him, seems like its not really that hard for him

    Maybe Revis had the runs that day.

  8. So what is the minimum number of nuclear warheads that is a "credible deterrent"?

    That depends on whether the President is a Los Gatos at the time.


    You know when you'd know if you didn't have enough Nukes to be a deterrent?



























































    When your head was rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.

  9. My headline may be an overstatement, but not by much. Read this article . . .


    What Jeremy Lin Teaches us About Talent (Measurement/Evaluation)


    The article has much more to say about football than Jeremy Lin or basketball. Here is one of the more interesting points:


    "A few years, Cade Massey and Richard Thaler came out with a paper that looked at the “return on value” from these early draft picks. In essence, they constructed a model in which all the players at a given position – quarterback, running back, linebacker, etc. – were ranked according to the order in which they were picked in the draft. Then, they compared any two of these players in consecutive order, so that a tight-end taken early in the first round might be pitted against a tight-end taken late in the third. The comparisons were based on a number of performance metrics, such as number of games started and yards per catch. As Thaler notes, if teams knew nothing, the player that went higher in the draft would outperform the lower ranked player 50 percent of the time. In other words, drafting talent would be roughly equivalent to a coin flip; all the scouting would be perfectly useless. In contrast, if teams knew what they were doing – if they could effectively identify the best college players – then the higher draft picks should outperform their competition close to 100 percent of the time. So what did Thaler find? Flipping a coin is the apt metaphor, as the higher picks proved better only 52 percent of the time. The teams beat randomness, but barely."


    My conclusion, teams like the Bills need to put far more stock in production than combine scores. Draft people that play the best competition, and who have had the best results (winners) . . .

    So you're saying that a Japanese guy playing a good week of basketball means all the scouts in the NFL should be fired? :unsure:


    What happens if a Hungarian left wing gets a hat trick? NFL teams should not watch film any more?

  10. OK - now that the cat is out of bag, maybe I should reveal that I am the one that knows the 2 younger Irsay daughters (Casey & Kalen) quite well, having spent some considerable time in 'The Circle City'.


    The younger one, Kalen (18 years old), has fake ID and loves to bar hop - she'll say and do just about anything once she gets all liquored up. She was the one that spilled the beans about Polian trying to work a deal with Ralph to trade Manning for Fitz, straight up.


    One night when we were all out together, I was puttin' the moves on Casey when Kalen got all jealous and started screamin' and hollerin' and carryin' on. I was tryinghard to just ignore her, when finally she just blurted it out the entire Manning scenario that Crayonz described.


    I thinkl she was just trying to win my affection, 'cause right after she said it she was all like, "Oh sh_t, I probably shouldn't have told you that!!!!" But hey, ya can't un-ring a bell, right?


    I am surprised none of you TSW perverts have asked for, "Pictures, please"...


    Do I think your story is viable? Yes.


    Are you the "hollywood type" source I mentioned? lol

  11. I agree. Manning's the greatest quarterback of my generation, and I'm tired of asking myself "Who are you?" when the Bills sign these inexperienced no-name quarterbacks on the cheap, then wondering who's next when they flame out every three years. Don't fiddle about, let's see action on this trade.

    Very funny. I will laugh too if the Bills get Manning or Romo.


    I really never like The Who. It's nothing personal, it's just that "crappy" has never been my favorite musical style. I do have to give them props for their advocacy work.

  12. My contact spoke with one of the girls a little while ago. It turns out that Manning is not interested in Buffalo but has a real real interest in playing for Dallas so he could compete with Eli. There is no animosity, just competitiveness. The Colts do not want Romo and are trying to work a three way trade with either Seattle Jackson to Indy, Romo to Seattle, Manning to Dallas or Buffalo sending Fitz to Indy, Manning to Dallas and Romo to Buffalo.


    Talks are still early but Dallas does want Manning and would give up Romo. Indy would do it. It isn't clear about Buffalo or Seattle. I don't know why either team would hesitate on such huge upgrades.

  13. Skillrex won a Grammy. That tells you how lame the categories are.

    I only know of minaj because of the super bowl. She's kind of swanky in a gross way.


    Of course I didn't watch it, but heard Chris Brown won. Hope people booed.

    Did Chris Brown win in the "best mouthpiece for cheap ownership category"?

  14. Irsay's Wikipedia


    Irsay is known for quoting rock lyrics and for his love of "The Who". Hmmmmmmmmmmm.



    Holy crap. I didn't know the quotes were from The Who because I don't listen to garbage like that but the one about bad man/sad man sounded weird and familiar. Then everyone on here starts making The Who jokes and it clicks. I knew my source was good but this only reinforces that it came from Irsay's daughters.


    Anyway, it is still only investigation by the Colts into possible trades. I might make a few calls later to see if there is anything new as Polian got fired a while back. Maybe the new guy or Irsay has made progress since then.

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