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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. You must not actually watch the games if you think Whitner is better than Wilson by "all objective measures". Wilson hasn't even been a full time starter and he has 12 interceptions to Whitners 7 in the past 6 years. Last year Wilson had 4 last year.. Whitner had 2..


    Whitner played in 15 games last year and had 62 combined tackles, 2 interceptions and 1 forced fumble.

    Wilson played in 13 games last year and had 106 combined tackles, 4 interceptions and 2 forced fumbles.


    I know stats aren't everything.. Just saying..

    Everybody complains that Whitner got to go play on a better defense and then is surprised when he gets fewer stats. The Bills had horrible LBs and a DT that quit after he got a boo boo on his foot. Naturally more guys are going to get to the safety without being tackled and Wilson had to shoulder that load. I like Wilson, don't get me wrong, but comparing tackling stats is not objective. The fact that Whitner made the Pro Bowl and Wilson did not is objective because it is apples to apples. Whitner had a bidding war for his services but it is unfair to compare that to Wilson who was under contract. Do you think there would have been a bidding war for Wilson?

  2. I agree. A "all pro" safety is someone like Ed Reed or Troy P. (won't even try to spell the last name) who makes those around him better. Donte benefited from playing safety on a defense LOADED with talent. Take Donte out, the 49ers D is still great. Take out Reed or Troy and the Ravens or Steelers D are much worse. Donte simply is not a factor unless the focus is off him. Reed and Troy are factors when the focus of the offense is on them.

    At this point in his career the only thing Troy has going is his self promotional hair. It was fun watching it flow in the breeze as he chased the Denver receiver in OT.

  3. This isn't what the OP did. The OP was pointing out that Donte says one thing yet does another. Donte says it isn't good to talk about what happens in a locker room, and as the quote shows, he, himself talks about what goes on in locker rooms.



    That would be a good observation if that is what Donte actually said. What he actually said is that he respects Harbaugh more than Gailey because Gailey talks about stuff that should stay in the locker room. I guess in bizarro world or anti-Donte-no-matter-the-facts world that makes it look like he is talking about a locker room. In the actual world he was objecting to it being done by Gailey.


    Before this gets out of hand let me say I personally have no problem with how Chan handles things, I am just pointing out that Donte has been consistent on his stance. Whether you agree with his stance is a different matter. The fact is that he has been consistent in what he says and what he does even though the premise of the thread is that he has not.

  4. You say you aren't a fan, but your die-hard posts prove otherwise. Even the post above.


    You are welcome to your opinion, irrational is it may be. I'm not sure of the "all objective measures" (completely made up) you are using to say that Whitner is a better safety than "anyone we have". That's laughable to me.


    If you'd actually watch football, you would realize just how well George Wilson played at safety this year, despite injury. Even Donte himself said Wilson should have been in the pro-bowl.


    You don't agree with the other posters, I get it.

    It's not that I disagree with other posters, it is that they act like scorned teenagers who lost their girlfriend to another guy and now call her ugly. Then she is voted queen of the prom.....still ugly.......there is a battle to be her next boyfriend.....still ugly.


    My stance is that players come and players go. Some good ones go, some bad ones go. When a good one goes, there is no reason to irrationality pretend he isn't good.

  5. I am no more or less a fan or detractor of Dante than anyone else. i am just pointing out the irrational behavior jealous fans have toward him.


    In this thread alone he is being called out for defending teammates and being called an ass for it. He is being slammed for being born under the wrong stars or whatever that voodoo crap is and he is being criticized for the way he made it into the pro bowl. The facts are that the Bills didn't have anyone at safety make the pro bowl and Donte did is just a fact. Get over it. He isn't an ass and isn't under the wrong sign. He is just a better safety by all objective measures than anyone we have. It is only one position of 22.

  6. I have seen your emotional opinion on this subject before, you love Donte. You are the one that needs to get over it... You are delusional if you think Donte is really an all-pro caliber player, or that there are many Bills fans that want him back.


    Donte IS an ass, he is a below average SS with above average hype and money, on an above average team. If you can't handle other's opinions, don't read their posts.

    The Pro Bowl called and said you should really watch next year since you missed it this year.

  7. And risk killing some endangered bird? That'll get you 20 to life.

    Good point. He can't shoot himself in the leg either; look at what that did to Plaxico. They couldn't arrest him if he shot himself in the head, but I doubt he had the proper t-shirt. Shoot the perp? What if he missed and hit an antique vase?


    This is a tough one.

  8. first watch this video, or not because i will say what he said.




    "you never express the negative things that go in the locker room or through out the football team. you don't do it whether you are with that team or you're not, you dont put those things out."


    I actually laughed out loud when i heard that. It is 2am and i woke up my roommate because i laughed that hard. here is one lovely link that donte talked about the bills after he left. I am glad he left.





    There is a difference between ripping someone in public and defending others who have been ripped. Chan did the former, Donte did the ladder.


    This sour grapes about Donte has got to stop. Yes we lost an all pro player but he is gone now. Yes we would all love to have him back whether we admit it or try to deny it .


    We just all need to get over it. We can write all the anti-Donte threads in the world but he is still on another team and still an all pro.


    We can write anti-gravity threads too but what goes up will still come down.

  9. The Rachel character was definitely the week point of the two movies (both Holmes and Maggie). When they were working with established characters they did great, but creating Rachel from scratch really didn't work too well. Hopefully Catwoman will work out better this time since she's another established character.


    Do your negative thoughts on Bale in the Dark Knight go beyond the batman voice stuff? I liked just about everything he did outside of the batsuit, especially his interactions with Alfred. But then again, what can't Michael Caine do right? That's the one thing they've definitely had going for them in all of these movies. The casting has been great. Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman... and these are just supporting roles.

    Bale just seemed too angst ridden 24 hours a day to be realistic. The voice was definitely the worst of it but there were plenty of other parts like after the car accident which saved the guy who knew his identity and tons of other parts. I knew I was watching a movie when he was on screen yet Ledger with his face painted still seemed to make every utterance real and plausible.

  10. Neither movie is even remotely near the mindless entertainment label. They are far more intellectual than any comic book movie that comes to mind and both were incredibly well written and planned out. I'm guessing that you're trying to tie these into the Burton and Schumacher movies, which is a big mistake. They're not connected in any way other than the character names. You should give at least one of them a shot some time, you may be surprised. Worst case scenario, you've lost 2 hours. It can't be any worse than watching a Bills game.


    As for the bolded line, take out the costume part and isn't that what 90% of movies are about?

    I found them intriguing but hardly intellectual. I will agree with the mass opinion in one regard:


    Heath Ledger was incredible as the Joker. Amazing.


    I don't think the movie was "one of the greatest movies ever...." at all although I did find it very good. I do think Ledger's performance was among the best I have eve seen.


    All of this actually makes me less inclined to want to see the new movie. It seems to me that it will be a good movie begging for something it won't find: a performance like Ledger's. I thought Bale was good in the first movie but found him brutal in the last one. I expect he will be bad in this one too. I found the rest of the cast in both to be solid with the exception of Maggie whatshername who was horribly mis-cast as an attractive woman who had a brain. That was a reach right there on both counts.

  11. I thought he was called out for lying about his service record. Or are you saying that's ok if you served in combat conditions at some point?

    Didn't he make up crap about atrocities being committed by Americans so he could support hippy commies because that was his only shot at ever getting laid?

  12. Even with taxes it would probably still be cheaper. It grows everywhere and has a short growing cycle. If it cost Company XYZ 50.00 per pound to produce, they could sell it for 100 bucks a pound, the government could tack on a 300.00 per pound tax, and it would still be below today's current market value.


    And let's not forget, if it were decriminalized, lots of people would grow their own for personal consumption.


    So yeah, in all likelihood most black market activities relative to pot would be gone.

    Awesome. And it would be so much easier to turn what would otherwise be productive citizens into catatonic losers.


    It is ridiculous that people who engage in something that is wrong, like smoking pot, constantly look for the government's approval as if that will make their loser activity into some kind of "normal" thing. Government label or not, their brains will still be fried and productive citizens load will be all the heavier.



    People who smoke pot should own it. They should not look for the government to tell them everything will be ok. If they feel guilty that there is a violent industry behind their joint and people are being exploited then own the guilt. Don't hope for some miracle from Washington to wipe away their guilt, just own it.


    Nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes and sometimes do things that are wrong. Just grow up and own up to it instead of blaming everyone else all the time.

  13. The Bilderberg Group, the Rothschild empire, and the Aliens will not mess with him. He's that formidable. Even all the available gods may be reconsidering their stance on Kim Jong Un. Chuck Norris might even ally with him for shear survival. Maybe something as simple as a Bee sting can topple him tho? :D

    I had no idea Chuck Norris was so into scissors.


    The entrepreneur from Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, says: "I split up with my girlfriend in March 2009. I had been with her for two years, ever since high school.


    "I thought she was my soulmate, someone I wanted to live with and the girl I would have proposed to.


    Does that sound like me?


    Remember I had that Apprentice competition a few years ago? You might not because you were fired in round 2, but this is the guy that got fired in Round 1.

  15. I think it's just an observation on non-traditional marriages. Expressing the moral that, someday, people will accept gays being married, by showing a historically forbidden mixed marriage in the last panel between an American and a Canadian.

    The dude strung together three sentences and the broad is black. There is no way either one of them can be Canadian so that shoots your theory.


    I think the broad used to be a dude since the title is gay marriage, or maybe the dude used to be a broad. It's all too confusing to be funny anyway. Can't they just have Sarge beat Beetle to a pulp and be done with it?

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