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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. article US rules all porn is child porn By Lucy Sherriff Published Friday 24th June 2005 12:47 GMT All pornography in the US is now effectively classified as child pornography, unless providers can prove the ages of everyone taking part. The law, which requires porn producers to hold copies of all actors' photo ID for seven years, has been in place for some time, but as of 23 June, the rule was extended to cover online pornography as well. This includes online forums, adult personals sites and any other place where adult material may be published. In response, a number of sites have voluntarily taken themselves offline, to avoid breaking the newly applied rules. According to BoingBoing, Rotten.com has taken down ratemyboner.com and gapingmaw.com, which contained the occasional explicit image, although it is/was not a porn site, as such. In a statement on the site, gapingmaw.com's administrators call the law a "side-handed attack on the pornography industry", and says that it would be impossible for it to meet the requirements of the regulations. While the law is designed to protect minors, and prevent exploitation, some free speech campaigners argue that the law gives authorities an awful lot of power to close down site they don't approve of, even if that was not its original goal. They point out that the Patriot Act was used to prosecute people for offenses that were not terrorist offenses shortly after it became law. The Free Speech Coalition is already preparing a legal challenge to the law, and says it has already won some concessions from the government. Meanwhile, others still warn that the law could even leave some performers, such as women operating webcam shows from their homes, open to stalking and harassment, because the law requires that they publish their physical addresses online. See more on that here. You can plough through the text of the legislation here. ®
  2. This thread has been marked for termination.
  3. Take a page out of the Indian handbook. They are experts in pissing off the government and getting what they want. Pull out your shotgun and shutdown the highway.
  4. Ed has a vagina...
  5. It's $99 for a concealed weapons permit.
  6. Guess this means you'll have more time to stalk your ex.
  7. TD killed off Jadzia Dax's character on DS9.
  8. They had her autobiography on TV a few weeks ago. She turned into a huge nerd and has written research papers on mathematics.
  9. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the government to push alternative fuels. This is something that will be developed and enhanced by the private sector. The rise in oil prices has already encouraged car manufacturers to come out with hybrid cars. So let OPEC cut its own throat.
  10. And according to the father, this kid was not under the influence of any drugs.
  11. Be careful... a former Florida State QB went to a DMB concert just a few weeks ago. Afterwards he declared himself god and is now locked up in a mental ward.
  12. I don't care about the price of gas going up. I'll just cut the hot pockets out of my budget. The issue that we need to be concerned with is our dependence on foreign oil. If something catastrophic should happen in the middle east, we'd be in a world of hurt.
  13. Hey CW, training camp is almost here! Lets get cracken on some new DVDs.
  14. Why did you start a new topic about unions? If you did a search, you would have noticed that there is already a union thread in PPP. I guess you missed the search button question on your union exam.
  15. That would require me getting into the fetal position.
  16. I was going to do a poll on who believes Ed has really gotten laid. But who are we kidden, Ed couldn't get laid at a Madonna convention But on a more serious note. What do people think about flag desecration? Freedom of speech, disrespectful, both...
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