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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Pick my lotto numbers for me and I will split the winnings with you.


    It's the Lotto Max draw in Canada and tonight's draw is 30 Million.


    Need to pick 7 numbers between 1-49


    I will buy a ticket with 3 sets of numbers, so the first 3 posters to pick the numbers are in.


    If the numbers you picked come up, I will split the winnings 50/50 with you.



    Given that this is the Canadian lottery I think the correct numbers will be:


    4, J, Ice fishing, 9. 24, Celine and 26, R2D2


    The significance of each is as follows:


    4 - random number

    J - most Canadians think this is a random number

    Ice fishing - what most Canadians would do every summer if they won

    9 - number of people currently standing in line at the Hamilton DMV waiting in line for lottery tickets only sold at the donut shop next door

    24 - The average number of hockey pucks in the glove compartment of Canadian cars

    Celine - the only thing Canadians dream about more than winning the lottery

    26 - The number of American dollars you'd have if you exchanged tonight's Canadian jackpot

    R2D2 - Eighth number in the sequence of 7, but hey this is Canada

  2. 96

    I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but let's face it they no longer have the ability to count after about 72.


    The size of a rock ending mankind as we know it prolly depends on the trajectory almost as much as the size. Speed must play an important role as well. Also, what is said rock made of and what percentage of it will survive entry before hitting ground level. Ugh too many factors, and who wants to think of our demise anyway. :-p



    Somewhere in DC, a guy named Tom is looking for his recently stolen thunder.

  3. 3 beers.

    I might after 3 beers too.........................
























    ...............if someone had smashed me over the head with the 3 bottles and dragged me away and tied me up and blindfolded me and had a gun to my head. Otherwise.....no.


    Hey, do you guys remember when Obama signed his health care bill into law, and be brought Gary Coleman with him to the signing? That was awesome!

    I don't get it.

  4. I admire your on-going defense of Donte Whitner...I always liked him too...but then I am never sure if you are being serious. :P

    There is no such thing as "All-Pro" in hockey like in football but giving up Miller would be like giving up the All Pro Whitner. Bad.

  5. The best part is a lot of fans were ready to run Miller out of town for Enroth. Ah, sports fans!!! :worthy:

    So true. Thank goodness the front office didn't listen. If the Bills only had taken the same approach with Whitner I wonder what 2011 would have been like.

  6. I watched the video and it was good.....pretty funny too. It is sad that the girl is so stupid she doesn't understand the need for a periodic extra day. Public schools......sheesh.


    Anyway the thing I don't get is why they put it in February. Wouldn't adding June 31st make more sense so we could get an extra day of nice weather instead of an extra day of crappy weather?

  7. Ah...not necessarilly offensive, just funny. Honeslty, not a swipe at you. I am not an admirer of Andrew Brietbart, but I don't celebrate that he is dead. I can't think of anyone I would be "happy" to see dead. I suspect most feel that way, if they are not in tune with his particular perspective.

    You shouldn't have threatened Rk though. There is no call for that.

  8. With all this talk of trading up for RG3 lets sign Brees instead. Talks are not going and they may franchise, then again they may not.


    "Brees is coming off one of the most prolific passing seasons in NFL history, setting a single-season NFL record with 5,476 yards and leading the league with 46 touchdown passes. Brees’ agent is Tom Condon of CAA Football, who negotiated Peyton Manning’s $18 million per year contract with the Indianapolis Colts last July.


    Given Condon’s experience negotiating quarterback contracts, and Brees’ importance to the Saints offense and his role in the New Orleans community, it’s a surprise that particular contract hasn’t been wrapped up already. Brees hasn’t missed a game due to injury during his six seasons with the Saints and, after turning 33 in January, is the same age that New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady was when he signed a four-year, $72 million contract in 2010.


    Guaranteed money is likely the issue holding up the Brees deal."




    This is a ridiculous thread but I will say I am glad to see that you are no longer obsessed with Talleywhacker.

  9. It's so cute when you're trying to make friends.


    TPS' post is basic economics - he's not operating over anyone's head. It's also the kind of thinking that's going to have your grandchildren's grandchildren pining for the days when the U.S. was still an economic superpower. Let's just keep kicking the can down the road because there's no way the next economic downturn can be the one that finally puts us over the edge, right?


    Your desperate need to have some kind of backing on this board is starting to seem like the Who during the "Eminence Front" era.

    Mr. Limbaw,


    You called him Chachi before. Did Chachi get fat?


    P.S. Rodger Daltrey sucks

  10. Let's clarify this again. Morris Claiborne is the best CB prospect in this draft and reportedly a better prospect

    than Patrick Peterson was last year. However, he is NOT the LSU DB that they called Honey Badger (BTW, he is

    better than that guy, too).

    You are right and wrong at the same time I guess. I get that Claiborne is not the current Honey Badger, but he certainly deserves to still be remembered with that title. RGIII is the current Heisman but that doesn't make Cam Newton or Sam Bradford or Tim Tebow any less of a Heisman. Claiborne is no longer at LSU but as you point out he was their best CB in 2011 and earned the title Honey Badger even if the new guy has it now. I think his name is Tyron Matthews or something along those lines and he is good too.


    Personally, if the Bills get Claiborne I would like to seem him turn into an All-Pro and earn that title. He can tell his kids he was a honey badger but this is the pros. Focusing on the past glory won't help earn future glory. Hopefully he'll be an all pro before he leaves, unlike Donte.

  11. Hardly intellectual? For a movie that is based on a comic book character, I ask you, what more could you ask for?


    Heath Ledger was incredible and he deserved the Oscar. My problem with regards to peoples attitudes to "The Dark Knight" is that everyone made it all about Heath Ledger, when in fact "The Dark Knight" was a damn good movie all the way around, and should have been nominated for best picture. Did anyone even notice what a great performance Aaron Eckhart gave in that movie as Harvey Dent/Two-face?


    As for "one of the greatest movies ever", I try to stay away from debates like that, because there are plenty of great movies and I feel there is no point in trying to trivialize a certain group of them.

    I liked it. The themes were somewhat intricate, but again I don't know about intellectual. If we're grading on a curve because it was a comic book movie then sure I guess. It was certainly more intellectual than the Superman movies, I'll give it that.


    That doesn't mean it didn't keep my attention. It did.


    I liked all the performances except Bale and Maggie whatserface. I found some of the minor characters very well acted too.

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