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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Eat it. Eat it. Dontcha make me repeat it.
  2. Did Benedict mention he was driving to the movies? Thus he is 16 or over. Thus Harry Potter is for people 5 years younger than him.
  3. The Dick Van Patten show.
  4. That was A-Choo. I think they were Norwegian.
  5. Wasn't Abba. Jacksone Brown
  6. All of those hotels are fine but U2 is not the same since Michael Hutchence died. That new guy stinks bad. I wonder if Kylie Minogue will be all over him too. I can't believe they're still playing big arenas like HSBC. You'd think they'd be in mostly clubs by now. I guess the 80s live on.
  7. I'm pretty sure it was Red Foxx. He beat the living crap out of Grady in that flick.
  8. Five Burnt Siennas. Bleech. I did have a tangerine for dessert.
  9. It all stems back to the rain of Louis the XIV in 14th century England. In 1423, a group of prisoners escaped from the famous English prison called a "Bastille". This day is still celebrated in France, because they hate the English. They rampaged the countryside and killed thousands. After this, Louis the King saw to it that all prisoners wore white jump suits so they could be distinguished. Coincidentally, these prisoners also did much of the painting on public works projects. After a while, Louis switched them to orange jump suits to show off less of the paint, but many of the original painters were shipped off to Austria. At the time, Austria was where many English criminals were sent. The prisoners complained about the orange suits and the ACLU petitioned on thier behalf. In this case the A was for Austrian. The prisoners got their white suits back which was a cunning move. As you know, it snows a lot in Austria and the painting prisoners blended in. They escaped. In the 16th century, 1684 to be exact, painters all over the world were dismayed at the perception of the general public that painters were all stupid. They banded together and wore the white suits as a reminder of the clever painting prisoners that escaped Austria.
  10. Only fags watch ER... real men watch Dr. 90210.
  11. Good memories. It's funny how we remember commercials. Also....... "Trust the Morton's fisherman....." Now that song is stuck in my head.
  12. Dear Binney & Smith, Please ramp up your production. FFS used a gross of cases in that thing.
  13. I meant in the cognitive sense. Maybe bankrupt was the better word.
  14. Nope. You're just broke.
  15. Chuck Berry did not do Johnny Be Good. That was Anthony Micheal Hall. Chuck Berry was the host of the Gong Show. I agree about Hendrix though.
  16. If that doesn't work just sleep over her house, staying on the couch of course. In the morning, whip up a batch of raspberry crepes and tell her you are sooooooo excited because Cher is going to be on "The View". You won't have to lie as in lie down or lie as in not telling the truth, and she'll definitely get the hint. Plus you'll get some good grub and get to watch your favorite show. It might not hurt to wear your teal and chartreuse outfit.
  17. I'm sorry if my contributions to this thread turned your ego into Burnt Sienna. In an effort to perform a proper post mortem you may also want to take a look at other possible causes for its demise. For instance, it may have been ruined by the gale force winds created when that monarch butterfly flew past you last Wednesday. Also, you may have noticed that this thread often appeared next to Pete's dilemma thread on the board. The sheer manliness from that thread may have breached the relative security of this one and crushed everything in its path.
  18. This might be the worst sentence structure. I have ever seen. ....but dammit I can't stop laughing. onz
  19. Does anyone have a fleet of Mack trucks that I can borrow? I have an opening to drive through and I don't think just one will do.
  20. Yes. I believe his crayola preference was "Atomic Tangerine".
  21. For possibly the first time in my life, I have no idea which color crayon to use in my response. Crayola doesn't manufacture "pansy" so I guess I'd have to go with "periwinkle". There are some new colors that also come to mind: Candidates The first of the colors introduced in 2003 probably has some applicability, but the fourth color from 1998 is out of the question. Help me. What should I do?
  22. I heard Darin is pretty dreamy. Alaska Darin > /dev/null
  23. What are you guys talking about? The only space movie DeForest Kelly was ever in was Battlefield Earth and that was set mostly on earth. There was no gay planet. He was also working with Travolta in Phenomenon. I think he is a pretty good actor but he needs a new agent and a new diet. He gets bigger every time I sse him. He was HUGE in that movie Phone Booth which stank.
  24. And I'm sure you'd have fun for the whole 8 minutes. About two weeks later, you'd have the same symptons as if you'd played in Ron Mexico's yard.
  25. I hate to correct you. I really do. But its Gum drop mountain and candy cane lane.
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