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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. That blows my mind. Here's another one. What if cyan was really tangerine and tangerine was really cyan? Like, wow dude.
  2. Are any of them pointing out the obvious fact that if they kept Flutie they would have just sewn up home field throughout the playoffs? You should let them know.
  3. The lights and music are awesome. After all these years, Jeff Lynne can still really rock.
  4. Did anyone know he is an avid Sabres fan? They remind him of Rapiers.
  5. Technically, sloth called it a pubic phone. This must be covered under some blanket anti-porn legislation.
  6. Sometimes you can download "jibjab" files to your hard drive sometimes you cannot. Either way, you are better off not doing it. These "jibjab" files can often come with viruses, etc. The free files are not often very long in duration although they are probably long enough for you. You are better off going to your local video store to make your purchase. They often have a "jibjab" room in the back where you can make your purchase in a somewhat discreet manner.
  7. All animals pee. Not just owls.
  8. Owls are knockterminal birds. The thing was probably in the tree when they brought it home and flying around their house at night while they slept. It probably was hungry and ate their stash. Mystery solved. Next.
  9. True. Add irony to that list. Every time I have seen Mariah speak or interview she comes off as very intelligent. I don't mean just articulate, I mean REALLY smart. I'm very surprised she fell for this. She probably just did it to let her friend feel good. It must be tough being friends with someone so beautiful, talented AND brilliant. It was really nice for her to make this gesture.
  10. Man, he really rocked out with the Blues Explosion. I think they just put a CD out...Bummer.
  11. This may be true, but any good hooker will do it for you at a steep discount to their "normal" services. Also, it is technically not illegal.
  12. Was she screaming and pointing at you while identifying you as the perpetrator of the "violation that you won't specify"?
  13. I have an idea for a new GM. Stephen Hawking. He is really smart and RWS has wheelchair access. It's a match made in heaven. Seriously, I was just trying to come up with something stupider than these threads: Van Miller's analysis of JP We need Travis back. It's looks like I'll have to keep trying.
  14. Well it was my birthday.
  15. Maybe you should take up cooking. I have some good recipes with all different flavors of Crayonz available. Because they involve frying the crayonz AND boiling water, they all take at least three and a half hours. They can not be done in any less time. You can reserve Sundays from 1-4:30 as cooking time. Your family will be unscuffled and well fed.
  16. I read this thread with great interest. There seems to be much acrimony about steroids and rightfully so. The part that confuses me is the statement from both sides that wrestling is fake. Did anyone ever see Chief Jay Strongbow vs. Captain Lou Albano? That didn't look fake to me.
  17. Nice work. Of course it does nothing to explain my loofah.
  18. 13. Let's not have a 13. It's bad luck.
  19. My loofah didn't send out a homing beacon either.
  20. One time I had Raisin Bran for breakfast four days in a row. When I took a bath the fourth night, I let out a little gas. Well, ok it was more than a little. I have not seen my loofah since. Coincidence?
  21. I like when the kid says Oh Shoot "Only I didn't say shoot".
  22. Since the hairs at the base of the cochlea die first in everyone, of course the young, generally speaking, will hear some high frequencies that the old do not. DUH! Every Indiana high school graduate knows this. The baffling lack of detail provided by the vaunted NY Times in this article is disturbing. Five minutes of research would have yielded a better story.
  23. The first part about her pale skin and the anger of the other characters is obvious. Did you see the foreshadowing the same way I did? She led him to the throne carved from jade. Jade/Emerald city of Seattle. Pretty cool. Their breakup led to his move, which had already been planned by the writers evidently. The even more subtle part comes from the last two lines of the song: Two golden globes float into the room And a blaze of white light fills the air. If you watch certain episodes of Frasier there are two globe like decorations above the fridge in his kitchen. They are suspisciously not in every episode and even when they are there you have to look closely sometimes. It's a stretch but I think the blaze of white light is when the fridge opens. Why else would they put the decorations in the kitchen? They could have just as easily put them behind the dad's chair or near the entrance way.
  24. I know more about Genesis the group than I do about the Cheers guys or Genesis from the Bible. I read an article a long time ago. It was back when she was first introduced to the show. It was with one of the prominent writers, probably one of the three you mention. If you can dig up the lyrics for the song it is actually pretty obvious. In the article he even stated that the lyrics give some foreshadowing for the direction of the show. You'll see that too, or at least you should. It's actually very cool and more planning than you'd expect from a sitcom. Here you go:
  25. I bet they're good. Here's a little Genesis trivia...... The Cheers character Lillith was based on the song "Lillywhite Lillith".
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