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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I'm in search of some good Noir movies to watch over the next couple weeks. I'm fairly well versed in the classics of the genre (Double Indemnity, Sunset Boulevard, Naked City, all the Chandler stuff etc) but I'm sure there are ones I'm missing. What are your favorites of the genre?


    My top 3 would be:


    1. Double Indemnity

    2. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (sacreligious I'm sure)

    3. The Big Sleep

    I didn't know what the term "noir movie" meant until I read the title of your favorites.


    I think this topic is off limits even for this board. I don't really watch that stuff but some of my clients do. I'll have to get a few of those titles. Debbie Does Dallas and 21 Hump Street are classics but yours sound more eclectic other than Double indemnity which just sounds gross.

  2. 1. The Bills will draft a WR in the first round. He will go on to have a great season.


    2. The Bills will also draft a small school player that jumps high or has a black belt (something strange like that). He will struggle to make the roster. He will make a play in a game during pre season. He will have more fans than the 1st round WR and be a message board sensation.


    3. Shawne Merriman will be a UFC fighter and or commentator by the end of the 2013 calendar year.


    4. Stevie Johnson will drop a crucial pass, but we will still love him.


    5. Chan will shave the beard


    6. Chris Kelsay will prove everyone wrong


    7. “DaveWannstedtsmustache” will no longer be available as a screen name on any popular BBMB.


    8. The Bills will sweep the Jets (My father, the jets fan has to wear a Bills tie to work for two weeks)


    9. Aaron Maybin will still be relevant


    10. The Bills beat Dallas in New Orleans thus completing my ring of happiness.

    You should have put some easy ones in there early like:


    We will trade one of our 4ths to Philly for Casey Matthews.

  3. The play finishes with Alinsky announcing he’d rather go to Hell than Heaven. Why? “More comfortable there. You see, all my life I’ve been with the Have-Nots: here you’re a Have-Not if you’re short of money, there you’re a Have-Not if you’re short of virtue. I’d be asking more questions, organizing them. They’re my kind of people – Hell would be Heaven for me.”


    So he is basically saying he just wants to be against the prevailing winds of society. If everyone who believes in Heaven thinks it takes goodness and virtue to get there, he wants to be a douche instead.


    What would happen if the "have-nots who have no money" suddenly had the exact same amount as everyone else? What would he find to be a douche about? His brilliant thoughts will have come to fruition and I'm sure he'll be applauded by the previously rich and previously poor alike because each of us will have recognized his wisdom. Then he'll be all pissed because nobody thinks he is a douche bag any more. Then what will he do? He'll have to wait to die and go to hell but he'd end up in heaven. His philosophy seems to be "everything sucks and if we fix it, it will still suck".


    Personally I think it would be best if society ignored these pot smoking, hemp macrame plant holder making loser hippies. It would allow them to wallow in their self pity and be happy because there is plenty left to complain about and it would allow the rest of us to go about actually producing.


    And the bolded part is also telling, because "comfort" is really what it is all about for these losers. The comfort of knowing there will be lots of things there for you even if you don't endanger your "comfort" by getting off your butt and working for them. And no I don't mean the poor that have been held back by the insane thoughts of loser hippies like this. I mean the loser hippies themselves. We should give them a lifetime supply of pot, some potato chips, a lava lamp, a few books and tell them to contemplate the mystery of "what if blue is really red and red is really blue" and don't come out of your apartment until you've solved it. They would be forever comfortable and we wouldn't have to listen to their stupid crap.

  4. I guess every country should do what they think is in their best interest but if American interests diverge from Israeli interests I expect American leaders to put American interests first, if not then they are traitors and should be treated as traitors. If Obama had any balls he'd say attack Iran if you must but you will be on your own and you will not be allowed to fly over Iraqi Air Space. An Israeli attack on Iran will Immediately put Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan in jeopardy, and what it will do to oil prices will probably push the world economy back into recession,and what the oil prices will do to food prices will be a disaster in the poorer countries.

    You know when you'll finally wake up and realize that we should bomb Iran?






























































    Tom knows, ask him.

  5. If you're doing it at church, then quite likely you are a Christian or at least share many similar views.


    The simple act of associating with socialists, Marxists and other left leaning groups doesn't mean much taken alone, but when you're associating with these types at functions celebrating known Marxists then its a pretty clear indication that Barry is at least sympathetic to their cause. Politicians get to know all sorts of unsavory characters, and I couldn't care less if Obama enjoys talking borscht with Lenin himself every year at the XYZ gala fundraiser. But there is a difference between overlapping social circles with socialists and going out of your way to serve on a panel with the radical left. In this instance I think its totally fair to discuss Obama's associations.

    Geez dude have you seen some of these commie lefty pinko hippy pot smoking dirt bag losers? There is no way you would hang around one of them unless you were one of them.

  6. Saw this on BillsZone and BB.com message board. Looking for details.



    I think the Stevie signing makes the most sense but it was leaked yesterday and is old news at this point. I think the presser has something additional or they wouldn't have called it.


    My guess is SJ signing PLUS we traded one of our 4ths to Philly for Casey Matthews.


    Edit: Just saw the post above and blue pants are definitely another possibility. Maybe all three?


    The investigation spanned from October 2008 to March 2010...."We will continue to go wherever gang members and their associates commit their crimes"


    And it only took four years to realize the guy was in jail, not unemployed.


    I would think that would be the weirdest part, but if his tattoo actually does tell the story of the murder he committed then Planters has been using a stand in Mr. Peanut since at least 2004.

  8. Ok, question...


    Rush Limbaugh is a blowhard, granted. But does anybody (myself included, unfortunately) who has ever referred to a woman as a "slut" casually behind her back deserve the right to such indignation in light of his comments? I have a feeling there are plenty of hypocrites out there.

    Well did you ever say it to multiple millions of people at the same time?

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