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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I was aware that women over certain ages had to have cpap's annually but did not know why. Why is it that all older women have periodic sleeping problems? Does this occur when they go in to heat or heat flashes or whatever?
  2. Multiple choice definition (low blow): A. Unfair insult B. What Polish guys do in prize fights C. What Meazza gives his paper boy instead of a tip D. All of the above
  3. The word bang implies something loud, powerful or forceful. Maybe you meant you'd still beg her, or rub her, or disappoint her.
  4. Which one is married, Eva or Rachel? Maybe both. Clearly they are really twins so at least they started out with the same name. Maybe one or both are stage names.
  5. C onstant annoyance O verly idiotic N erdy S illy and childish E d gives head R arely coherant V ile A ss T ool I gnoramous V erbally challenged E d gives head
  6. At one time or another, I've been all of those things.
  7. I asked a simple question. If you don't want to answer it then fine. There is no need for personal attacks. But since you started it: .daeh sevig dE
  8. Meazza's Mickey Mouse club tapes will never wear out. He has them backed up to tape, dvd, hard drive and department of defense mainframe. As long as those tapes lives, Britney will be 12 and hot.
  9. In sports like in anything some people will do anything for one more dollar. Snyder, Jones, Nike, you name it. It will catch up with them.
  10. I saw the movie Constantine and Rachel Weisz has been getting a lot of press lately. She is pretty good looking. Does anyone know the name of her twin? She is probably not an actress because she didn't have any speaking lines in Constantine but I would have thought I could find her name out somewhere.
  11. That song makes Ed cry.
  12. EdsGirlPutOutInBackSeatOfCrayonz1979Pinto.com
  13. The NFL already has a minor league, it's called the NCAA.
  14. $25 is a lot of money! Just ask meazza21 how many boxes of girl scout cookies he can buy with that.
  15. I haven't heard such hogwash since JP-Era started replying to his own posts.
  16. We are the laughing stock of the league second only to the Lions. If we lost to them we'll be the worst.
  17. One man's page full of ugly people, is another man's (Ed) page full of opportunity. All he needs is $20 and a greyhound ticket and it's bye bye cherry.
  18. This thread was innocent enough. I see no reason to pick on Ed. Leave him out of it.
  19. The faster it is official the better. He has been a big headache for this team for a long time and the trade is asprin. He'll make about 40 catches a year with Carr in command. He'll help Carr up from a sack about 40 times too.
  20. A quote from the article One can easily see why Meazza was offended. Eryn owes him an apology. I am not aware of Meazza ever looking for girls and boys on myspace. At least not at the same time.
  21. Asking this girl to stay away from 15 year old boys is like asking meazza21 not to masturbate to reruns of Full House. It just ain't going to happen.
  22. It was so sad to see you in this thread all by your lonesome that I thought I'd reply. Nice topic.
  23. Is Steve Irwin related to Ken Irwin that played for the Bills?
  24. What is worse is that you can't kill those things without a lot of effort. If you cut them in two, both halves live, and so on and so on. You have to get them into really small pieces before you can truly kill them off. They also get faster as they get smaller.
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