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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. A wise man once told me the legal age in Canada was 14.
  2. Yet all black people are africans in your eyes? Are they all rap stars too?
  3. I would but I'd have to move to Canada.
  4. I sense you are being sarcastic. I do not appreciate it but whatever. I don't think you need to speak about Nazis to make your point. It offends a lot of people. I hope no jewish fairies post on this board. You're probably bringing back bad memories for them.
  5. I don't get this one either.
  6. I don't get it.
  7. Just a hunch. Are you familiar with the term "Q-Tip"?
  8. Bob's new Halloween invention was called the Crack-o-Lantern.
  9. Are your speakers plugged in and turned on?
  10. He must be a mexican. He's wearing a vest with his suit. Very funny racist.
  11. I didn't mean they assigned it. They just approved it.
  12. Well of course the company would try to name it something else, but the government wouldn't let them unless their claims were true. That would be false advertising which the government strictly forbids. As for the Nazis, I doubt they tried the name you suggested. I think fairies were on their list of people to persecute. If you were a jewish fairy you were really up the creek. Also, I don't think comparing the makers of Splenda to Nazis is really fair, do you? I doubt one day we'll all look back in horror at the Splendacaust.
  13. Blacks come from Africa? Just what in the hell is that supposed to mean? I know many black people that were born in the good old US of A. I consider them americans. They are not from Africa. In the same sentence that you say you would racially stereotype them what do you do? You racially stereotype them. Nice. As for the game, I think shooting any person is wrong. It is more or less wrong to shoot a person because of his attire. Are you saying it would be ok to shoot a mexican in the game if he was dressed in a business suit?
  14. If Splenda did not go through FDA testing, why did the FDA let them name it after the word Splendid? If your doctor couldn't even get into a North American school why couldn't he be a quack? I'm not saying he is but you should cover all your bases. The bottom line is that I'm glad you're healthy even if you got there by chance rather than research. Cheers.
  15. Get a room guys. This is turning my stomach.
  16. I don't get it. For which photo is that a caption? Either way it is pretty dumb. Try again.
  17. I really don't want to picture you extracting the root of some guy name Steve. Keep it on the porno board.
  18. Exactly. His doctor may even have ties to the sugar industry too. I am not accusing him of it, just saying it is possible. I doubt the government would have named it Splenda if it was that bad.
  19. Here's my caption: Bob's new Halloween invention was called the Crack-o-Lantern. Come on everybody. This caption game is fun.
  20. It's not my birthday today yet.
  21. Splenda clearly has its name based on the word Splendid. I don't think the SEC or FDA would allow them to use this name if the product does what you say. I'm sure they have stringent rules. You may want to check with a new doctor. Yours sounds like a quack. I have a hard time believing the whole federal government is wrong and your doctor is right. He sounds like he has a Quincy complex. Good luck and good health.
  22. Here's my caption: Pick a good one Colin. if I do say so myself.
  23. His hand is pregnant? Is it his left or his right? Maybe twins.
  24. Thanks. The other day was my birthday too. She kept saying happy birthday over and over while she was playing with my Goldenrod and my Burnt Sienna.
  25. After I won all that money on the Derby as detailed in the other thread, Suzy wanted to "interview" me. She makes a mean scrambled egg, but the rest isn't what you make it out to be. If I hadn't had those Mint Juleps I probably would have taken a rain check.
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