Overnight Sammy News:
About 9:00 last night, I noticed Sammy was awake. The strange thing was that he seemed to be looking right at me and he look pissed. If I didn't know better I'd swear he was shaking his head no.
I went to see him about 11:00 before I went to sleep and things really went awry. I know it sounds crazy but Sammy kept pointing at the bag of silica gel and looking at me. He seemed to be pointing right at the part that said "do not eat". He'd point, then look at me, then eat some. He finished it all. Then he drank his whole bottle of water. That is a lot. It usually takes him like two weeks to finish a bottle.
He moaned and groaned. I guess the rapid muscle growth is painful. I didn't notice him getting any bigger though. This stuff isn't like gamma rays for the Hulk.
OK, here's the weirdest part. When he was done with that he had to go potty. instead of just letting loose like usual, he lifted his leg like a dog and peed in my general direction. He couldn't reach but most of it got on the table. Then he stuck his little butt between the bars and crapped on the table too. Gross. I cleaned it up before I went to sleep. THAT made for some weird dreams I'll tell you.
Right now he is asleep so I put a new packet and fresh bottle of water in the cage.