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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Overnight Sammy News: About 9:00 last night, I noticed Sammy was awake. The strange thing was that he seemed to be looking right at me and he look pissed. If I didn't know better I'd swear he was shaking his head no. I went to see him about 11:00 before I went to sleep and things really went awry. I know it sounds crazy but Sammy kept pointing at the bag of silica gel and looking at me. He seemed to be pointing right at the part that said "do not eat". He'd point, then look at me, then eat some. He finished it all. Then he drank his whole bottle of water. That is a lot. It usually takes him like two weeks to finish a bottle. He moaned and groaned. I guess the rapid muscle growth is painful. I didn't notice him getting any bigger though. This stuff isn't like gamma rays for the Hulk. OK, here's the weirdest part. When he was done with that he had to go potty. instead of just letting loose like usual, he lifted his leg like a dog and peed in my general direction. He couldn't reach but most of it got on the table. Then he stuck his little butt between the bars and crapped on the table too. Gross. I cleaned it up before I went to sleep. THAT made for some weird dreams I'll tell you. Right now he is asleep so I put a new packet and fresh bottle of water in the cage.
  2. Nice selection of cop movies. I heard Jamie Lee Curtis is a herbivore. I know that they probably use the phrase in a lot of cop movies but I am thinking of a specific one. I guess I'll give you another hint. When the cop said the line, the perp had his hands on top of the police car.
  3. This is a little weird. I just wrote the last update beacuse I was busy cooking up a few batches of my favorite dish for the last three hours. Sammy is still asleep. That's a long nap for him. He still looks peaceful. He's so cute.
  4. Sammy Update: I put one of the packets in the cage. I slit it open and pulled back the paper to form a little bowl. Sammy took a bite and made a funny look. It must have tasted good because he took a second bite. Bigger this time. He twitched a little, then he twitched a lot. He took a very big drink of water and twitched some more. His mouth was making a gurgling noise. He is taking a nap now. he looks very peaceful and is even sleeping with his eyes open.
  5. Nobody got it yet? I'll give you a hint. It's a cop movie.
  6. Did you ever notice that when you buy a CONSUMER product like shoes there is always something in there called silica gel? The package always says "do not eat" on the outside. Who would thik to eat it? Does anyone else think this is the man's way of keeping us down? Maybe silica gel would give us super strength. This bugs me. Why not let us be free to eat what we want? I am going to try a silica gel experiment. I am going to feed some to my little hamster Sammy and see what happens. I bet he gets really strong. I'll keep you up to date.
  7. No. The game is quotes from movies. Not topics.
  8. Since I got that one I'll go.
  9. What? Jewish guys can't get some too? I knew a guy named Howard Nuremburg that banged like half the 10th grade. Meazza did too, only he waited until last year to do it.
  10. I out musseled a friend of mine in a contest one time. I had 52 he had 47. I regretted it the next day. I think it was a bad batch and I sat on the toilet for hours.
  11. Bob Alou played for the Astros right? I hate the Astros.
  12. That's from: "ans4e64 Fiction" or was it "There's something about ans4e64"?
  13. Debbie Does Denver?
  14. I think in the fifties they asked about Leave it to Lucy and stuff like that. I'm not sure which TV shows they asked about back in the 1800s. Probably Gunsmoke.
  15. The passion of the Christ?
  16. I used to have a Safari way back in the days of Pong. I didn't realize they were still around.
  17. Nope. Still not following your line of humor.
  18. Why don't they just auction off about a billion bats? If the bats go for $500 dollars they could get 500 billion and get a cure. Then they wouldn't need to sell any bats for treatments because you don't need a treatment for something which is cured. I'm not sure there are enough pink trees but they can always plant new ones. The doctors don't want them to sell that many bats so they limit it. This way there is no cure and the doctors keep making money off treatments. And don't worry about Jim. He's going to the game on father's day to benefit colon cancer. There aren't special bats but they only sell tickets to a$$ holes and they charge double.
  19. If you come from another country you have to take a test before you become a citizen. They ask about George Washigton and Welcome Back Kotter and stuff. There is no way a baby could pass that test. Especially because the babies all speak mexican and the test is mostly given in american. At least it used to be but now they might have cunnilingual versions.
  20. I tried to sing that to the tune but it didn't work. Try again. It's not that hard.
  21. I get it. You hate black people and don't want the country to lose its focus and start hating mexicans too. Take it to the KKK board. Or, if you want the "shoot black people game" so bad, just write one yourself.
  22. I'm having a tough day. I don't get this one either. Usually I have a good sense of humor.
  23. I agree with Avenger that the game is not entertaining at all. Where I part ways with him is whether a similar game with black people would be fun. I don't think so. Evidently, he does. Not only is his opinion offensive, but it is stupid. The last time I checked there was no US/Africa border.
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