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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Quite the contrary. I may be down on the Bills right now but my life has changed over the last thirty days. I'll be detailing it all on the other board and it is very much for the better. By the other board I mean Off the Wall, not the other football site. It's not about the Bills.
  2. Do you throw away the vanilla and chocolate stripes or does someone else in your family eat them?
  3. In three different cities last year. It's not just that. Our free agency period was a joke. The draft was a also amusing to say the least. I'll wait to see the product on the field, but at this point I think we are in worse shape than we were last year at this point.
  4. They were using the term Neopolitician before the mayor said that, so that can't be where it comes from.
  5. Instead of padding your post count with a BS remark, you might actually try to give him an answer. We already have enough know-nothing tards on this board. (Such as Ed, Simon and CTM.) We don't need another one. To answer linksfiend's question, I personally like to use the TV schedule from SI. You can get to it from the cnn.com website and clicking on the sports section.
  6. It's more about us. We are trying to be a grind it out running team. You aren't gonna be a grind it out running team if your linemen can't push people back and open holes. Ours can't do that. I don't want to get in an argument with you because I like you. It's just the way I see it.
  7. I don't come on this board much so you may not realize that I am a student of history. I've probably forgotten more about history than most of you will ever know but that is besides the point. I need your help on a pretty recent topic. I like the trivial things that result in catch phrases. I understand where "the right" and "the left" comes from and a thousands of other little things like that. Some are well known, some are not. If you have questions on any of them, I'll be glad to answer. One that is very current is partially lost on me. The term Neopolitician, like Neocon and Neolib gets thrown around a lot. Is it based on the ice cream flavor? I would think the republicans would be vanilla because they are all white guys. Democrats are probably strawberry because many of them are pinkos. I'm not sure where the chocolate would come in. Do any of you know?
  8. Willis looks fat in those pics. He needs to stay off the ho-hos and get his fat ass to a gym.
  9. I just got out of a room I've been locked in but that is a story for another forum. Over the last month I've thought a lot about the Bills 2006 season. I'm pretty bummed out right now because the season isn't getting me pumped like it usually does. I guess it's tough to get excited when you know the Bills are gonna get crushed every week. It's sad because I don't think the rest of our division is great. If we made better moves we could take it. We didn't, so I see: Patriots 10-6 Miami 9-7 NY Jets 6-10 Buffalo 2-14
  10. Seems idiotic ogling Bills. Even seemingly esthetically charming females warrant admonishment.
  11. The hideous esoteric farce in things is sometimes shockingly hidden inside them.
  12. Every day germs invade very engaging sluts. Heed exhortations. Abandon district. Translation: Get out of town before you catch something from her, even if she is a Bills fan.
  13. It's all done with polygrams.
  14. He uses projections of 3 dimensional images. They are called polygrams. They were first used in the Star Wars movies for messages. The technology has developed quite a bit.
  15. You might be right about the spelling of Occam, but it is definitely shaver. Think about it. A shaver easily cuts through something like a beard. This is symbolic for something that easily cuts through obstruction to the truth. The shaver is more complete than the razor, which is just a part. The razor by itself could not cut through to the truth. You need the whole device.
  16. There is another complicated theory. Excuse me while I go get my Mack truck to drive through the holes in it. If Pyrite Gal is really a dude then how do you explain the picture? I know our society is pretty twisted these days but I don't think "he" would dress up like that just for a joke.
  17. Then who is in the picture? She's pyrite gal because she's a gal who studies pyrite. I guess she also likes the Bills. Your theory is very complicated. Have you ever heard that when there are simple and complicated explanations to a problem that you should go with the simple one? I believe the theory iscalled Occum's Shaver. They talked about it in that Jodie Foster movie taken from the Stephen Hawking book. He's arrogant but I think he is right about the Occum's Shaver.
  18. Is she the one that is Dwight Adams niece or something? Is that how she know so much about football?
  19. Please go back and re-phrase that post. Please. Bad mental image.
  20. In related news, there is a motion on the ballot to change the name of Colorado to "Meazzaville".
  21. I'm not 100% sure because I haven't met her. But I think it is to much of a conicidence with her name and the girl's shirt. How many pyrite gals can there be?
  22. I think you mean my personal photo. That's not really a picture of me so I can't answer questions about pyrite. I'm pretty sure it is a picture of Pyrite Gal who is one of the TBD hotties. She is long winded but her posts are good and she is pretty cute.
  23. I'm sure I have many. It's just a numbers game really.
  24. When you're 12 your dad will explain.
  25. .......he says while laughing at his own joke.
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