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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. What was it that got you piled on again? Oh I remember, hitting on 14 year olds.
  2. Straight into my sig. Thanks.
  3. Yes. porno. But at least he learned the difference between XX and XXX. It's all in the Sir cum stances.
  4. Especially when he tells the judge he is gainfully employed at sir cut city.
  5. When you got to 375 or so mailboxes did something in your brain kick in and say "I have to do 75 more."?
  6. That doesn't bother me. You're just mad that I took the crayonz ID over there before you could get it. That is the only board where I have the crayonz ID.
  7. Or maybe he laughed because it said "sir charge".
  8. What's a sir charge? Did you have to pay an old man or something?
  9. Marketing 101 at Hudson Valley ain't astrophysics at Yale.
  10. This thread title is really funny when you consider that in some Chinese dialects Google means Play with. When I read the title I thought "tell me something I don't know."
  11. I think I just killed two birds with one stone You? Not you, but he has an interesting name
  12. Whoopsie. You put this in the Capri Sun thread. I think you meant it for the "What Rachel says after sex" thread.
  13. I was never one to believe that special interests actually had an effect on government and in other places. I thought it was all whining by a bunch of sorry losers that were jealous of people like me. I now see that, for the third or fourth time in my life, I was wrong. Yesterday, I posted a complaint about a lousy product called Capri Sun on the Consumer board of this site. To recap, you cannot open those bags of punch without spilling the punch everywhere. It is WAY to hard to rip opena and the punch goes flying everywhere. Then you have to buy paper towels, which I'm sure are made by Capri Sun Inc., to clean up your mess. My complaint and warning to others here has been erased. I know Capri Sun has the government in their pocket or else their crap product would be pulled from the shelves. I did not realize that they also own this board and that anyone speaking ill of them here will be silenced. I, for one, will not be silenced. CAPRI SUN SUCKS. I WILL NOT CUT OPEN THOSE BAGS WITH SCISSORS AND POUR THEM INTO MY GLASS. MAKE A NEW PACKAGE. BOYCOTT CAPRI SUN NOW!!!!! CAPRI SUN SUCKS. I WILL NOT CUT OPEN THOSE BAGS WITH SCISSORS AND POUR THEM INTO MY GLASS. MAKE A NEW PACKAGE. BOYCOTT CAPRI SUN NOW!!!!! CAPRI SUN SUCKS. I WILL NOT CUT OPEN THOSE BAGS WITH SCISSORS AND POUR THEM INTO MY GLASS. MAKE A NEW PACKAGE. BOYCOTT CAPRI SUN NOW!!!!!
  14. Which one of you is this? Used to the little one? Come on. Get a grip. Literally.
  15. There was never any doubt.
  16. I'm looking forward to the Losman vs Culpepper era to begin.
  17. Look at our all-pro CB out of position.
  18. Marv Levy is the cousin of Satan.
  19. I hope his kids never see this thread.
  20. Who ended up winning that match?
  21. No. It was Toby Keith. Why would Keith Urban care about 9/11 anyway? He's Austrian and married to Katherine Zeta-Holmes. He probably doesn't have a lot of spare time. And Notre Dame is in Iowa or somewhere in the midwest so how would an Austrian know anything about it?
  22. A lot of times songs foreshadow future events. That is eery to me. Angry American by Toby Keith and 9/11 for example
  23. Fish squish Sunday Squish Squish Squish them Late season game too
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