You repubs really need to get off this because you are looking foolish.
Mr. Limbaw who I think might be Alaska Darin based on the way their opinions line up, is a political commentator. His target is an ordinary broad who just wants some free pills. He called her a slut and it has since come out that she is a lesbian. Sure, lesbians can hop from bed to bed but I don't think you can technically be a slut without several men being part of the equation. So now not only is a political commentator saying mean things about a regular everyday person, but they are even wrong. I wouldn't be surprised if she owned his radio show soon, Personally I don't think she needs free pills and may want to take a biology course while she is at Georgetown but that is besides the point.
Mr. Maher on the other hand went after a public figure and called her some really mean names. I don't like it but he is not a political guy, he is a comedian. You might think he is funny or not but the ultimate measure of success for a comedian, or anyone else for that matter is good old $$$$$$$$$$. If he can only afford to give a million of them to Obama he might not be doing so well but maybe he just doesn't like Obama so much. Anyway he is making enough $$$$$$$$ so therefore he is funny. All sorts of people like all sorts of comedy so just because you don't like him calling people mean names doesn't mean you get to write his act for him. Get over yourself already. These poor congresswomen were put on the spot for their taste in comedy by this idiot reporter? Really? Come on. You are grasping at straws here.
If I were a repub I would focus on illegal immigration as pretty much everyone is sick of looking around and seeing Mexicans stealing jobs and Canadians stealing welfare checks and dental care. If they don't do this they will lose.