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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Do they put sand in those blow up dolls nowadays or do they make them from a different material? 118 pounds? Damn. How much did it cost you for shipping?
  2. Just as I figured. You completely ignored the Cicada factor. This proves JP sucks.
  3. How do you think he'll do in his fourth year? Can you compare it to Dave Krieg's 11th year and prove that Losman was a bad draft choice? If not, are you aware that in late games his completion percentage is less than the % of Cicada's born every 7th year after a lunar eclipse? Have you taken that into account?
  4. It's obvious you're trying to throw this man off the track of finding the secret Capri Sun conspiracy. Don't let them fool you too Dave. You're too good for that.
  5. Does this mean we have to give up a 3rd?
  6. I don't think we can speculate on the diagnosis. Do you care to speculate how much of a draft pick it would cost us to acquire TO?
  7. What round pick do you think he'd accept for TO?
  8. You are 100% correct here. Based on this, what round pick should we offer?
  9. Based on this conjecture, what round pick do you think we should offer?
  10. So are you saying he's worth a 6th rounder?
  11. She may be pretty but she isn't too smart: 1. Health 2. outgoing 3. and 4. confident.
  12. So what you're saying is that we should hurry up and get him for a 7th before Dallas realizes he didn't try suicide and they want a 4th?
  13. Dallas is in the south and Philly is up north but I think bi-polar is a stretch. This is why the world hates the US. We act as if there are no other countries out there. FYI, the North pole is in Alaska and the South pole is in SOUTH Africa. Maybe if he played for The Juneau White-Outs and got traded to the Johanaseberg Whiteys he would be bi polar.
  14. I think Joat Armatige is going by her first name only now. Like Prince or Usher.
  15. Do you think we can get him for a 7th? P.S.
  16. With all of this trouble maybe we could offer Dallas a 4th rounder for TO. If they find out it was a suicide attempt, we could probably get him for a 7th.
  17. Based on your response my number of questions has increased to two. I'll try to use big words like you. 1. Do you have a theory on the grip that Capri Sun holds on the hierarchy of this erstwhile web board? I have pointed out several times that their packaging is designed such that they will increase the sales of paper towels. You can't open those things even if you're Sampson with locks to your ankles. When you do, it spills everywhere instigating the paper towel alert. When I point this out herein, and on the correct board of the consumer, my posts are erased from on high. What gives with Capri Sun in general, and what gives with this site's beholdenessitude? 2. Why have you brought up epistemology in this thread? Did your wife have one after childbirth? That stojan sounds painful. Lee is tough as nails. She got them for entertainment.
  18. Common? Don't you mean come on?
  19. I can be almost sure that part of my path will be in exposing the evil nature of Capri Sun and its servants here at TBD. It will probably get more of my posts deleted. It may have a mind control drug in it.
  20. Trust me, you have to do what you love. I have all of the money I could ever want mostly because I am so smart and because I did what I love. I can't disclose how I got my money but I can brag that the rest of my life could be spent satisfying my every whim, if I chose. In days past I would do this. I would go out to one of my cars and rev the engine all day long. It was sublime. I have satisfied so many of my whims and so many of the whims of famous females that I must now dedicate my time to choosing the right path. I thought the path of Lee was the right path, but she was using me for sex. She had no other message in the end. No pun intended. I have decided to take a path of my choosing. I don't know what it will be or what the future may hold.
  21. Can you update us? How many times did they make out after you followed them home and peered in their window? How many tattoos in hidden areas? How long until your peeping tom film hits youtube? What color Honda Fit did they drive?
  22. Ehhhhh right. And Napolean's only insecurity was about germs.
  23. You seem smart and seem to know a lot about drinks. Can I submit a question to you for your review?
  24. You know I love the ladies. They come in all shapes and sizes and personalities. The one thing they all have in common is the gift of gab. Pyrite Gal is no different. She's cute, as you can see in my personal photo. I haven't met her but I would like to some day.
  25. How can anyone answer that? If you got in space you would freeze to death in about 14 seconds and you couldn't get a good reading.
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