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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Weird. You got two. One Two
  2. I thnk the algo rhythm puts too much emphasis on keywords. Then again, maybe not. It's only a beta.
  3. Truthful answers matter
  4. Don't trust her, or anyone else
  5. The Algo Rhythm is based on all 30 questions but because Bill is such a genius, he hones in on one as a look into the deepest reaches of your being. I will highlight these questions when revealing your soul mate. Remeber, this is only a beta. It's the chick, not the dude.
  6. Bill did it again. His algo rhythm is done. He is such an overachiever. Not only will it match up those who filled out surveys with the Hollywood star of their dreams, it has also gone out and proactively surveyed the posts of other TBDers to get a profile. It will match them up too.
  7. Gatesy says the Algo Rhythm is coming along nicely. I've seen him like this before. The last time he worked like this he became pretty famous and very rich. He says it won't be as easy to fool single morons desperate for attention as it was to fool IBM, but he still thinks it'll be pretty easy. Anyway, fill out the form so we have more data. Thanks.
  8. Why would anyone joke about a guy bleeding heavily? Geez. Leave the poor guy alone. Some of you people can be really mean.
  9. I understand that you're married and don't need a dating service but many people are in need. Can you please fill out the form and help our startup company? You can be part of it and make big $. We all understand that we are bilking suckers out of their money. We are working together to do it. If you fill out the form it will help Bill perfect his algo rhythm. He says he hasn't had this much fun since the pre-IPO days. If he can fins a Hollywood match for even you we'll know he's got it down.
  10. Ok team, I have some up with the 30 traits from our experiment in the other thread as well as some outside input. Bill is working on the Algo Rhythm. it should be ready to go Monday or Tuesday. For now, if you want to be part of the beta answer these 30 questions. If you can't answer them all answer as many as you can. 1. What is your favorite color? 2. What day of the week is your favorite? 3. When you pass gas, what is the molecular composition of said fart? (*)4. Please describe your prosthetic limb preference. 5. How are the Cardinals doing these days??? 6. We're not talking tobaccy juice are we? (*)7. Do you have a glass eye? 8. What is the best way to fix an auto's brakes? A. Work on them with pliers and wrenches and other tools. B. Replace all the parts C. Write the company with inane anecdotes D. Gooey stuff, elevation and sweet old time. (*)9. Please describe what you'd do with caramel, super glue and the cast of Baywatch. 10. If you are kissing up to get the VP of Operations title just keep going. And get me my coffee right now. Black. Please respond as you see fit. 11. Your hair tastes different. Did you change your brand of shampoo? 12. If you were a dog what would your name be? (*)13. If you had to choose between your pet or one of your fingers, which would it be, and why? (And, no, you don't get to pick which finger we're talking about.) 14. How intense is too intense? 15. Give me an example of how you got revenge on someone. (*)16. What is your theory on the fact that no matter what color your shampoo is, the lather is always white? (*)17. Yes...happy birthday, Juan Ponce de Leon. Please elaborate. 18. What is your favorite position? 19. Do you come here often? No pun intended. 20. Where is here? (*)21. How many uses of ammonia can you think of? 22. Who's the boss? 23. If you could fly, where would you go and how would you get there? 24. Huh? 25. Please describe everything you feel about Capri Sun. 26. Coffee Tea or me? And why. 27. What is your favorite restraint? 28. Why doesn't anybody knock anymore? (*)29. What goes up must come down. Explain. Again, no pun intended. 30. Describe why E-Harmony just plain sucks. As you'll note I have put an asterik near the sexual questions. Thanks for all of the input. Now let's keep the spirit going as we set out to kick E-Harmony's butt.
  11. I have an update with very good news. My friends in Hollywood really like the E-HM idea. They may want to invest but right now I'm inclined to keep the money for us. There will be a lot. What I did get from the Hollywood crowd is an agreement to take part in beta testing. Here's what will happen: Keep your questions rolling in. I will get the list of 30 traits together. We still need some more. My friend Bill who is a computer wiz with more time on his hands now will put together the matching algo rhythm this weekend. Early next week I'll post the questions in a beta thread for you all to fill out answers if you wish. We'll match TBD superstars with Hollywood superstars and show the results. You won't get to go on a real date, but you'll know who you are most like. Who knows, maybe you can stalk them and it will actually work.
  12. This poor Kangaroo had to fight a person in a boxing ring. Unfair This is unfair on so many levels. 1. The fight was in China. The Kangaroo had to travel from Australia and was probably tired. 2. Kangaroos only speak Australian and probably don't understand Chinese one bit. 3. The human boxer is wearing the Honda Fit racing team uniform and not shorts like a real boxer. 4. The Kangaroo is naked except for his boxing gloves and is probably feeling self conscious.
  13. The ACLU will never take that up. Why would they care what you think? Are you daring them to come after you?
  14. My guess is that Chunky Soup somehow competes with Capri Sun. So here we go bad mouthing Chunky. Surprise, Surprise.
  15. Do you think the Bills will go after him? What round pick might they offer?
  16. If we're going to make any serious money we need to cover the whole US. Southern chicks are not typically as desperate. Or disparate for that matter, but I'm getting off topic.
  17. I'm inclined to let you go with this because you appear to be a student of the game. You do realize you're typing instructions and editorials, not just questions right? Funny story related to your second item above. When this chick Angie I know got back from some trip to Africa or Austria or Australia or whatever, I asked her the same question. I don't really listen much as it is and she had been gone a long time and I was sort of busy so I don't know her answer but there was something about a baby or something. She was screaming out all sorts of stojan. Maybe she said baby shampoo. I don't know.
  18. If you are kissing up to get the VP of Operations title just keep going. And get me my coffee right now. Black.
  19. Not if you know what you're doing.
  20. Ok, now this is going downhill. To DIB; more time handling and knowing what to do are two different things. To the rest; please don't come up with either/or questions or yes/no questions. That doesn't help us enough. If we get tired and need a few at the end it will be ok because these suckers will buy anything. For now try to keep it open ended or at least multiple choice. I'll give a few examples that won't make the cut. 1. Please describe what you'd do with caramel, super glue and the cast of Baywatch. 2. What is the best way to fix an auto's brakes? A. Work on them with pliers and wrenches and other tools. B. Replace all the parts C. Write the company with inane anecdotes D. Gooey stuff, elevation and sweet old time. Both of these questions are better for our 30 trait personality profile. Now get to work.
  21. So far so ok. A few pointers here folks. 1. Do not be so presumptuous as to assign numbers to your traits. I'm the boss. I'll decide what makes the cut. 2. We've had some good ideas but let's try to keep the sexual traits down. I can handle that since I know more than the rest of you combined. I figure I'll use up 8 traits for sex. You all can use the other 22 for the touchy feely stuff and money and whatever. Ok, keep going.
  22. Ok, we're on page 10 and nobody has mentioned what round draft pick we should trade to get him. Any thoughts?
  23. As you know, I have a lot more money than a nickel and a dime. I can speculate with some to plant seeds. Lately I see many advertisements for e-harmony dating. The douche bag on the commercial brags about matching people on 29 dimensions of personality and says that's all there is to it. He should say 29 traits of personality to hold more true to the language like my dear old Aunt Viv. The moron doesn't realize that the whole universe only has 4 dimensions total since that crappy old singing group died. So my idea is to come up with a company that matches these dopes together using 30 traits instead of just 29 traits. We can call it Z-Harmonious or some slick name like E-HM. Trust me, these losers will buy off on either one. With your ideas for the traits and my funding and non douche-bagginess in the commercials, we will kick their butts and bankrupt that little rat. So help me get started. What are the 30 traits essential to a good relationship? I guess I'll go first but I'm probably not going to be much help. I know a lot about satisfying female celebrities but they are very one dimensional relationships. Here goes with the traits: 1. Favorite position 2. Favorite pet. You do the rest. I just reminded myself of Sammy and I have to go now.
  24. If you were on a ridiculous and irrational vendetta you could use 9 or 6. Otherwise I'd stick with 16.
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