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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I went on a date with an older woman last night who is much, much older than me. She actually turned out to be older than I initially thought, but I can't remember the last time I've been as physically attracted to a woman, as I am to her.


    A little background:

    I met her last Thursday at a Redstone outside of Philly. I was out with co-workers having some post work drinks, when I decided to stick my head into a cougar den. There were a group of 6 older women, still looking very good and seemingly, having a good time. I bought them all a drink. A few of them came over to talk to me and my co-workers and I struck up a conversation with a very attractive woman who, to me, looked like Marisa Tomei. She had a ring on her finger, so I assumed that she was married. While discussing it, she said that she was in fact a widow and she lost her husband five years ago. She asked me what my sign was. I told her I was an Aries to which she responded that her late husband was an Aries as well and that his birthday was April 6th...which happens to be my birthday. This, in addition to the fact that she was very attractive, merited additional conversation. She walked me out to my car that night and we shared an embrace and a kiss and we agreed to go out again the following week.


    Fast forward to last night. I have been on dates with some very attractive, successful women, but I had never been as nervous as I had been preparing for last night's date. I am 32 years old, and I assumed she was between the ages of 39-43. No big deal. I set up a classy dinner date where we had flights of wine and cheese plates in a wine cellar with a romantic ambiance. Dinner was upstairs an hour and a half later. During dinner, she reveals that she has an 18 year old son heading off to school. She said that she was 29 when she had him, which would make her 47 years old....15 years older than me!


    Another thing to add is that she is very successful in her own right (she owns her own interior design company), but her late husband was a dental surgeon who lost his life unexpectedly. She has a lot of money, showing up to dinner in a brand new 2012 Mercedes Benz CLS 350, not that it is something that factors in to my attraction to her.


    Does anyone have any experience or advice?


    Thanks in advance TSW.


    Do that s#$t.


    Don't wear a mask like Sage says, she might not be into any kinky crap.

  2. And they should be a priority to the taxpayer why?

    I didn't read where he said taxpayer. We may not be able to fix it and the government probably can't but you can't blame the guy for not ignoring it. Who knows what can happen? Maybe nothing will. Maybe some straw of awareness will break some camel's back. There are lots of situations in history where it looked like nothing could be done and you know what:


    Sometimes nothing is done and kids keep getting kidnapped and turned into killers

    Sometimes something is done and it fails miserably

    Sometimes something is done and it helps.

  3. The GOP doesn't have to apologize. You're misunderstanding me. They just have to say he's full of ****. People are going to associate what he said with the GOP whether the Conservatives like it or not. Make it clear that he does not speak for them.



    Darin made one slip up and called someone a slut. Now you want a whole political party to disavow him entirely? That sounds pretty harsh. If everyone who said something stupid got disavowed then this board would be left with DC Tom calling himself an idiot over and over all day long.


    Personally I think you laughing at my dead uncle is far worse than calling someone a slut. I never did anything to you and you slam Geno from out of the blue. You are the last one on here that should be passing judgment on people saying stupid things.


    Now here's a women (?) worthy of a Bill Maher 4 letter characterzation.





    She should be bounced from office just for the waste of time.

    I hope you aren't from Ohio but I'm sure there are Asian girls everywhere that hope you are.

  4. I admit it, but just to one person who I thought a little heads up might help. I guess I'm just a softie. Have I violated some code that I wasn't aware of? Regardless, I thought this was an actual dating site that would fix me up with Asian girls that would be submissive. Did I click on the wrong Icon?.............................................



    Top that, Crayonz.

    Were you trying to embed some sort of video?


    Anyway, no offense but if you're a softie I don't think the asian girls are going to be interested. There are drugs that can fix that but don't ask the government to pay or you'll be called a slut. <_<

  5. No point in arguing with fools any longer.



    More commentary about the real situation.




    The Anchoress




    My husband and I had to attend a late mass today,.....


    Stopped right there as I am not much for religious freaks. I do find it sad that they are usually the ones using names like slut and getting all judgmental. I think it is unnecessary just because you disagree with someone on a small point or even an overall philosophy.


    Your own part of the post proves you would rather call names that discuss the topic. In all the time I've been pwning you in this thread I never once called you a name.

  6. Be honest, you have a problem with young college sluts? Maybe it's just that you like to use 4-letter words? Or is it that you would just rather be with a 30 year old faux student that likes to eat carpet, carpet by the way that tastes like anchovies and is readily available to the whole girls softball team at Georgetown? Crayonz, from your name, it's obvious that you eat wax. Do you have to eat the unwaxed part too? Or maybe all of this is just to piss off a moderator and steal her away from him. If I were you I would tread lightly, his avatar would kick your avatar's ass 100 out of 50 times.

    If you were Booster I would ask you if you were stoned again. Because it sounds like you're stoned again.


    I don't get it.

  7. The average "nursing home" worker has a high school diploma and a few weeks of training. They make about $25k a year. The problem isn't the wage. The problem is the cost of things has continued to skyrocket because government continues to !@#$ things up by trying to control everything. They've driven up the cost of housing, food, cars, insurance, and medical care because they simply won't let the market work the way it should. Your solution is even more of the same ****! You'd have a better chance of success if you prayed to the God of Powdered Deer Penis.


    It's like ObamaCare. It fixes NOTHING but has THOUSANDS of pages of bull ****. You liberals trumpet it like it's the Arc of the !@#$ing Covanent but there's not a single provision in it that does anything to address the actual problems that cause health care to be expensive.


    My wife and I each made far less than $25k a year for the first few years we were married. We did without a second car, cable, long distance, and various other "luxuries" that the average American enjoyed. We were both military, so we at least had ok (not great) health care but we were so young we rarely used it. I worked an additional job the first SIX years I was in the military so we could save enough money to buy a house and so my wife could finish her Bachelor's while still on Active Duty. We were both putting in upwards of 70 hour weeks and living in the highest cost of living area in the United States. Sell your !@#$ing bull **** somewhere else.


    You !@#$ing liberals piss and moan when people give wildlife handouts because it teaches them to be dependent and eventually ends their lives but can't see the correlation to the welfare state that you've created with over a half century of the same abject !@#$ing stupidity. It's now so easy not to work that you've created a voting block that is perpetual and generational. AND IT STILL ISN'T ENOUGH. MORE, MORE, MORE. You're not going to get a different result but you still don't learn. <_<


    No, yours is "sunshine and unicorns" and doesn't even come close to reality. You want to pay popcorn tub fillers and cashiers a "living wage", which is completely impossible everywhere but fantasy land. Your "solution" will ensure there are no more movie theaters or low end restaurants because no one is going to be willing to pay $12 for a !@#$ing Happy Meal or $30 for a bucket of corn. These are ZERO skill jobs and anyone worth their salt does them only as a bridge to something better.


    How you liberals doing at controlling public education costs? You freakin' OWN that venue and it's as bad as the ever-evil health care system. Why is that? :lol:


    Turn off your !@#$ing television and go outside. There's a whole world out there that you're not going to fix with liberal idealism, because that's what's actually broken it.


    This is all very admirable Mr. Limbaw but you still shouldn't call people sluts.

  8. Wow, seriously.......stop embarrassing yourself.


    Being in college has nothing to do with it.....she's thirty


    By your (lack of) reasoning, Georgetown paying for the staff's "pills" makes them college kids


    We get it, you don't appreciate the jokes, but your absolute inability to grasp the actual basics of this case is just laughable (and sad)





    Ok dude, piss away your first amendment rights on slut jokes. Congratulations.


    And rationalize all you want about degrading a student. You know another name for student? College kid. But according to you she is on the faculty I guess so you can feel better calling her a slut.

  9. She's not a "college kid" no matter how many times you repeat it. She's a thirty year old woman. Thirty years old. She left kid status at the turn of this century otherwise known as Y2k. She was a fully employed adult in the workforce for the previous 6 years.

    Her life has been far from ruined now that the far left has elevated her to the voice of lefts war on self sufficient women.

    Remind me who she wanted to pay for her pills. Georgetown, right? College kid.


    P.S. You can stopped getting pwned all over this thread if you just accept facts instead of throwing out all logic so you can make slut jokes. I find it amazing that people will elevate relatively meaningless things like being able to say crass things to such a level. It's just not that important.

  10. By that logic, the Supreme Court Justice spots aren't political positions either.


    And anybody who tries to tell you that Supreme Court Justices aren't political figures is a dirty, filthy liar.

    Ok then go ahead and undermine the entire US foreign policy by calling the SoS a dirty name. As long as you get a few god laughs.


    You guys are something else.


    Last I checked I suppose justices are political in a way but they are in for life so why bother making fun of them? Just to be a jerk?


    Please don't feed the trolls. Unless you're Canadian.

    Thank you Mr. Limbaw.

  11. Correction, a 30 year old women who injected herself into a political issue via her testimony at a congressional hearing. Calling a women such names is wrong no matter who it is. However, if you want to qualify it only to political types then she was fair game according to the liberal's rules of misogyny.


    So it's a-ok for liberals if Rush called Hillary a c*** or t***? Yeah right.

    "Injected herself". Hardy har har funny lesbian joke. You repubs sure are funny.


    And last I checked Secretary of State is a diplomatic position, not a political one.

  12. Mr. Maher IS a political commentator. The show that was cancelled on ABC wasn't callled Bill Mahers Comedy Hour. It was called Politically Incorrect. His current show on HBO is called Real Time in reference to current political events. His guests are Political: Political Operatives and Political Pundits. He's a frequent guest of MSNBC's political commentary shows.



    Mrs. Palin, despite being a politician is still a citizen. Mrs. Bachmann is as well. They both are daughters, wives, and mothers.



    Cry me a river of fake tears. Geez. When they sign up for politics they sign up to have comedians AND political commentators call them names. Maher talks about politics but as a joke. It is like Bill Cosby talking about his kids. It is just material. I don't remember any repubs complaining about the treatment Ferraro received but they sure cry about Palin's private parts from a funnyman. Personally I don't think he is that funny but a lot of people do because he makes boo koo bucks.


    Anyway, Rush lambasted a college kid which is a lot different.

  13. Irsay not only got a ridiculously accommodating and lucrative lease with Indiana but also got the taxpayers to buy out $48 million from his lease with the Hoosier/RCA Dome. On top of that, it was discovered after that deal had been executed, the taxpayers were on the hook for $70 more million in unpaid construction costs of the Dome going back to it's construction in 1984. With no lease payments coming from Irsay, taxpayers ate the entirety of that found cost.


    New crew in charge in Indiana and they want some changes. Those changes would impact Irsay's already tenuous ability to pay.

    Dude I live in Indiana. Trust me, I know.

  14. Thanks for your free advice, but continuing to point out the biases and hypocrisy in the media and dem "leaders" does not make anyone look foolish.


    Your simplistic rationalizations, along with what has to be the funniest line of the week (these poor congresswomen.....lol) has made my morning.







    OK whatever. Be careful not to spill your coffee with those blinders on.

  15. Cowherd asked him if he'd be focusing on football instead of hair in 2012.


    Fitz said that he always loved the book Rip Van Winkle and wants to go by the name "Red Van Winkle". He said he went to sleep right after signing his contract and when he woke up the Bills were 5-9. This year he is going to shave some of the playbook into his head backwards and bring a mirror into the huddle. He is still too busy to read it because he has lots of $$ to manage.


    Cowherd asked about Stevie and Fitz said he likes Stevie but at the end of the day he will use any excuse to express himself via hair.


    Cowherd asked about Manning and Fitz stated his theory that Manning may in fact be going bald.


    That was basically it except for a few jokes about Harvard and Jeremy Lin.

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