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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. What about BWD for Biological Warfare Defense or Boo boo foot, Williams and Dareus?
  2. I do not want to take too much credit until something actually happens but I was able to program the Googlebot with a little something I code named "Ittman Linception".
  3. You know what would be a nice touch? If Bruce Smith was at the dinner.
  4. It will ruin Madden for you because you won't get to play with your talleywhacker.
  5. After that injury he may not be himself. Unlike boo boo foot, Lindell's injury looked real.
  6. I wouldn't say that unless you are talking about a public figure like Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann. The tricky part with them even is that you can only criticize them when they are being politicians. Sometimes they do other things as private citizens like when Palin goes hunting. Bachmann is an entertainer of sorts with exhibits at local county fairs called the Michele Bachmann filet show. . In her act she performs amazing feats with boneless meats. It is unfair to call her bad names as an entertainer but as a politician she is fair game.
  7. Women typically don't care about men calling other women names. They are catty. Unmoved? If Obama wanted to move women all he would need are credit cards and shopping centers.
  8. You're reaching. Reacharounding is more like it. Anyway Canadian boys have instincts like any other human or nearly human. And Canadian broads are the only ones around. And that begets more Canadians and the next thing you know we are trading our best running back to Seattle.
  9. I heard SD may be after Wimbley but if we want him we have a three hour head start. Git 'er done Buddy.
  10. They import those from Eastern Europe. Ask yourself this: Is she better looking than Celine Dion? If the answer is yes then she is not a Canadian because Celine Dion is the #1 Canadian sex symbol of all time. I do not see the logic of spaying Canadian broads any more than I see the logic in putting a vault door in front of a jet engine. Nobody in their right mind would walk into it anyway.
  11. If you're talking about Canadian broads they tend to be their own best birth control.
  12. Actually the plan has re-distributed 75% of Canadian doctors to only perform vasectomies. The remaining 25% do all the other stuff. This way no kid has to wait past his birthday.
  13. What if every Canadian male got a gift from the government on his 12th birthday? A vasectomy. The initial cost would be large, but the real dollar savings long term would be staggering. In addition, the world wide societal benefits would make the discovery of fire and landing a man on the moon look like a baby first saying "da-da".
  14. St. Patrick's Day is a good idea. Ask her if she has a little Irish in her.
  15. Here's a tip. If you are making out do not start cooing. Being younger she will apparently back off if you do.
  16. IMHO playing it cool is not the way to go here. Strike while the iron is hot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFyWPeou4Gc
  17. I would like to see us sign big names and all but am wondering what you all think on likely targets. Also which teams do you think we'll compete with once free agency starts? Look for the Bills to get the guys where we're not competing with east coast teams. They will out bid us like usual. When we're competing with a west coast team we will at least have three hours to put pressure on the guy to sign before the Seattles of the world can throw money around.
  18. Look at the post right above yours. You can disagree with someone without mocking them or calling them vile names. Well, most people can. Rush and you seem to have problems with that. At least this guy doesn't invoke mean names like that on a college kid.
  19. Basically Whitner part 2?
  20. Hint: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYuBDIWpvT4
  21. That looks like some sort of electrical equipment.
  22. I think he is almost a sure bet to flop. Again, name one successful NFL QB that was a son of a horrendously crappy pathetic NFL QB. It can't be done which means Luck is spitting into the wind of history. Good "luck" with that.
  23. You make some good points here but I don't totally agree. First, I do think it is possible that the market has changed and agree that rookies making less $$$ could help the market, but I don't think we can conclude anything based on something the Redskins have done. They are crazy. An observation that makes me sad is that you seem to have joined the club and become obsessed with talleywhacker. I doubt many NFL GMs are in that club but I guess we won't know for sure until draft day. And the saddest part is that years later you keep slamming Whitner. An All Pro at #8 is no given but we drafted one. It is too bad he had to go to another team to prove himself.
  24. And the pwnage continues...... On your side you have blame shifting and rationalization and Alska Darin. On my side I have facts, hundreds of advertisers and perhaps Americas greatest legal mind.
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