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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Someone could post a link directing us to the Peter Pan guy right now and I bet all of us would fall for it

    I seriously doubt that.


    There are too many twists and turns that you have to remain focused.


    On a side note, WGR has certainly turned since becoming the broadcaster again. Bulldog was on and had dug up this tweet. Last year at this time they would have been talking about the Sabres but this year they are digging for details.

  2. Likely timeline:


    Dinner ran late. Took tour of OBD. Williams went to sleep at hotel, agent stays at OBD to hammer out numbers. Williams wakes up and goes to physical. Agent probably brings up Megatron deal and wants more $$$ from Bills. Nitty Gritty time in Nix's office.



    Did dinner run late because boo boo foot ordered 9 entrees?

  3. Again, he was not injured last year. He had a potentially serious health issue with his heart, but has since been cleared to play. Remember, before that happened he was about to take over the #2 WR slot. I know there is a question mark concerning him, but I do believe he has the potential to be something special for us.

    Exactly. I am rooting for the guy but his health comes first and if his heart has physical issues that has to come first. It's not like he missed half the season with a boo boo foot.

  4. All the people that get abducted by aliens describe them as having bulbous heads and huge eyes. Well, everyone except Beerboy whose head is so bulbous and eyes are so buggy that nothing else seems that way in comparison. But I regress.


    Anyway it looks as if you're an alien you're gonna need buggy eyes.




    How would all of the people getting abducted know this before this report came out?


    Is this proof or just a large step in that direction?

  5. To the "Let's not blame Buddy crowd":


    Who said he had to show us the baby? Well to get a baby a lot of things have to happen first and if a guy like Robert Meachem walks while Buddy is simply trying to cop a feel then a baby is a long way off.


    Plus, why on earth would a GM bring a boo boo foot to help sign someone? Kyle was probably ripping Dorito farts all dinner wrong and souring the air. I think bringing Bruce Smith to dinner would have been a better idea.

  6. To the "Let's not blame Buddy crowd":


    Who said he had to show us the baby? Well to get a baby a lot of things have to happen first and if a guy like Robert Meachem walks while Buddy is simply trying to cop a feel then a baby is a long way off.


    Plus, why on earth would a GM bring a boo boo foot to help sign someone? Kyle was probably ripping Dorito farts all dinner wrong and souring the air. I think bringing Bruce Smith to dinner would have been a better idea.

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