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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Beerboy was at OBD and high fived Williams after he signed. They rushed Mario to the hospital to check for spiral vaginitis.
  2. OK now that this is done everybody over to the "Dating an Older Woman " thread cuz Hurricane Ditka needs help.
  3. If we sign this dude and get 7 and a half guys to change their last names to Williams, it could wreak havoc on other teams game planning. We could be an all Williams defense. The half is George Wilson since his name starts correctly before it goes off astray.
  4. Do you guys think this thread could actually end up with 1/3rd the number of pages as the Last Post Wins thread? That would really be something.
  5. Oh, God I remember that crap. Oh the horrors of spiral vaginitas. He hasn't felt this bad since the yeast infection of '96. Blah blah blah.
  6. Good one. Back to your olds tricks I see.
  7. Herre is a plan B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxCWzyUtFbY
  8. I seriously doubt that. There are too many twists and turns that you have to remain focused. On a side note, WGR has certainly turned since becoming the broadcaster again. Bulldog was on and had dug up this tweet. Last year at this time they would have been talking about the Sabres but this year they are digging for details.
  9. You guys must be a big hit with the ladies.
  10. Aren't you the guy that used to act like you were being Ed?
  11. Did dinner run late because boo boo foot ordered 9 entrees?
  12. This is the wrong thread for this but your assertion is only correct if you are a waffle. Have you ever met a Belgium. They are as boring as can be.
  13. Most people have their own limos so it is not the same thing. Most people do not have their own private jet. I would guess it is only about 10% of people.
  14. Exactly. I am rooting for the guy but his health comes first and if his heart has physical issues that has to come first. It's not like he missed half the season with a boo boo foot.
  15. They still might be friendly with the dude and he may have been invited to dinner.
  16. All the people that get abducted by aliens describe them as having bulbous heads and huge eyes. Well, everyone except Beerboy whose head is so bulbous and eyes are so buggy that nothing else seems that way in comparison. But I regress. Anyway it looks as if you're an alien you're gonna need buggy eyes. Link How would all of the people getting abducted know this before this report came out? Is this proof or just a large step in that direction?
  17. If they all wanted free health care from the government they wouldn't be americans. They'd be commies. Or worse.....canadians.
  18. To the "Let's not blame Buddy crowd": Who said he had to show us the baby? Well to get a baby a lot of things have to happen first and if a guy like Robert Meachem walks while Buddy is simply trying to cop a feel then a baby is a long way off. Plus, why on earth would a GM bring a boo boo foot to help sign someone? Kyle was probably ripping Dorito farts all dinner wrong and souring the air. I think bringing Bruce Smith to dinner would have been a better idea.
  19. To the "Let's not blame Buddy crowd": Who said he had to show us the baby? Well to get a baby a lot of things have to happen first and if a guy like Robert Meachem walks while Buddy is simply trying to cop a feel then a baby is a long way off. Plus, why on earth would a GM bring a boo boo foot to help sign someone? Kyle was probably ripping Dorito farts all dinner wrong and souring the air. I think bringing Bruce Smith to dinner would have been a better idea.
  20. We could sign Mario Williams like 14 times for that amount.
  21. So if I sign for the big money and then get a boo boo on my foot can I take the rest of the season off too?
  22. I just hope they don't slide the contract over to him, he gets out his pen, and just then Boo Boo Foot orders a triple decaf mocha whip with a shot of vanilla and Mario re-thinks the whole thing.
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