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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. A few responses, since we've gone over this ad nauseum...


    Let's compare 2001 the year before the tax cuts began and 2006 a few years after they had a chance to impact.

    Unemployment was 4.7% for 2001 and 4.6% in 2006 (this answers crayonz); the DOW was higher in 2006 than 2001 (to compare apples and apples).

    The on-budget deficit was -$30 billion in 2001 and -$434 billion in 2006--a $400 billion difference for the mathematically challenged.


    You guys are forced to constantly come up with ways to deny the facts because you are stuck on the ideology that supply side worked, when all it did was create huge deficits under republican presidents. Seems to me you guys need to do some esplaining...

    Do you think the tax cuts caused the telecomm bubble to burst? It makes sense to me; less govt revenue=less ability for govt employees to make phone calls = telecomm implosion. Same goes for housing a little later on. More taxes = more Sally Mac = everybody can afford a house = housing boom.


    Am I on it?


    Selling solar panels to wind farms? That just feels like an indictment of both energy production models...

    Sending a solar panel to Canada for any reason doesn't raise all sorts of red flags????????????????????????


    That is like sending sporting equipment to old people. I have as much or more respect for them than anyone, but let's face it, they aren't going to be moving around a whole lot.

  3. All you have to do is look at the period from 2000 to 2008 (I'll ignore the recession) to debunk hoser's law. Revenues as a % of gdp ranged from a max of 20.6% to a min of 16.1%--that 4.5% swing means lost revenues on average amounted to $600 billion, and most of the loss was due to the Bush cuts in personal taxes. On-budget revenues (which excludes SS) swung from an $80 billion surplus in 2000 to an average $500 billion deficits from 2002-2006, as the Bush tax cuts took effect.

    But, if it fits your ideology, you can ignore the facts....

    Were those the only factors or have you left some out?


    Do you think less people in the work force had an impact?

  4. I was thinking of getting an iPad for my office, but I heard if you try to make videos with it, they come out blurry. Most of my videos would be of athletic events. Can anybody tell me if this is true about the video quality?

    Athletic events in your office?


    Do most of these involve a secretary and take place late at night?


    If so, blurry images can actually add to the ambiance and depending on the individuals you might not want HD anyway.

  5. Interesting to watch how this goes. i bet i am in the minority.

    A) Williams should not even ask

    B) no one should have to give up their # after playing with a team for so long. if it were two rookies, let em work it out sure

    3)why would Mario want to memorialize his texas past?

    he needs a new number for himself. Wondered if anyone has some other suggestions?

    Hope you do not mind my question, Allstars004.

    Click the link in the post directly above yours.

  6. Goodbye. You am right, me and Obama Barack am not as smart as Bizarro Man-Boob and the GOP (Guardians of Privilege). You must have great solution on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies and costs, while not asking insurance to cover expense of prevention when they cover male services like vasectomies, and even Viagra (those slutty men!), AND get rid of Planned Parenthood who provides services to women. Perhaps Super pill between knees? Don't dress so slutty? Listen to Rush so they lose all sex drive?


    Funny ha-ha how Man-Boob and GOP smarter, but not smart enough to avoid fake war Super trap. Like hooking bears in an aquarium. Hello.

    What do you think of my proposal that all Canadian 12 year old boys are given a free government vasectomy?

  7. Reminds me of the story of Pamela Smart, the teacher who had a highly sexual affair with a 15 year old student, and eventually got him to murder her husband because she was so obsessed with him? It's quite a story.

    They had a re-enactment of that on TV. She looks just like Helen Hunt.


    Mmmmm...ballet dancer nookie...memories...

    I think "Ballet Dancer Nookie" is out of print but if you still have your old VHS tape you can get it converted to DVD.

  8. I have no idea how anyone can disagree with this post.

    I like Spiller quite a lot but I also agree.


    I think there are two things Spiller does better than Freddy. He has some real quick moves and that straight line speed. I am not knocking CJ, but Fred is just very much better at all of the other things. He is a complete player. I do like that we have them both, but I don't see too many backs in the league I would rather have than Fred. 10? I don't think so. I can't be too hard on Spiller for not being able to beat Fred.

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