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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. McShay further cements his position as the heir-apparent to Kiper, by consistently sucking at his job the way Mel has for years.


    The only 2 people I ever listen to when they talk about the draft are Corey Chavous and Mayock.

    There is a guy on radio named Landry that I like. He is usually very good on football topics including the draft. The only total whiff I remember is him talking about some dude named Jay Clocker that never even got drafted.

  2. All I'm saying is that if you provide hundreds of internet links supporting your argument, then your argument must be true. You disagree?



    Oh no! You should have stuck with the chain email idea. :lol:


    How's it going Red?

    Yo Baldy. Long time no talk.


    Anyway, when we last left off you wanted me to talk to the big man:




    As I mention at the bottom, he allows one GvG follow up question. I might have missed it but do you have one?

  3. What plight of the masses are you talking about. This post is generally confusing.

    Have you met a Canadian?????? Generally speaking they are toothless, dense, obsessed with hockey and Celine Dion and drunk. That sounds like a plight to me. Of all the countries that have large oil reserves, their economic system and generally open avenues to drilling should ensure a robust economy. I think their general dullness has them them back. Other countries have had different things hold them back.


    Crayonz's contention is that the U.S., by not drilling to our full potential, escaped the burden of oil money and energy independence. As a country it has forced us to work harder and not live off the fruits of our ill begotten natural resources. It's made us turn to coal burning electric cars and bird killing windmills for 1% of our energy. Realistically if we can find a "fair" way to aportion that 1% we can get ourselves off of our addiction to oil and leave that possible trillion barrels of crude in the ground where it belongs.

    You have this partly right. i think we should have a system that allows us to drill for our own oil and we would be more wealthy. I mistyped implying we weren't wealthy. We are, but not as wealthy as we can be. We have to rely on high priced oil from dictators, commies or dopes. That is truly the trouble trifecta.

  4. I have been bored so decided to get a pHd. It is in Society and I am almost done. I just have to write my dispenstation and I have begun it on the topic of oil and wealth. i wanted to run the theme by you guys and some of the conclusions to see if they make sense to you.


    I will assert that countries which have a lot of oil under the ground have not historically become wealthy nations as a whole but that there are varying reasons for it.


    I start out with the Middle East and point out that while the people at the top have become very wealthy, their fellow citizens have not due to the oppressive regimes. I go into a lot of detail with historical stuff.


    I then move to Venezuela and point out their relatively recent foray into this market has been met with a "separate but equal" oppressive regime to those in the ME.


    Where I think this dispensation will differ from most is that I then move on to the US and discuss how although a wealthy country with a relatively open system, the wealth potential from oil has been largely unused for various reasons and even though we are awesome we are like the other countries inasmuch as we have unrealized potential that can be attributed to oil.


    Lastly I focus on Canada. This is a country rich in oil, with a government on paper at least that allows for a relatively high amount of freedom, drilling is happening and yet the plight of the masses remains horrifying. Yes, some of this can be attributed to the weather, but in fact most of it has to be laid at the feet of a population chock full of abject idiots. How can they not turn this good fortune into a better tomorrow for their children?


    In summary I wonder aloud if having oil is somehow a curse in that not one nation, regardless of governmental system, has been able to tap its whole potential. Did the oil create the regimes in the ME and Venezuela? Did it cause us to look for reasons not to drill? Did it make the Canadians morons? These are complex and far reaching questions that I will attempt to answer.


    Any thoughts?

  5. Same score here. In a world of stupid quizzes, that one stands out. I think Chef Jim called it correctly; I live in a bubble because I don't watch American Idol, didn't pay to see any of those crappy movies (other than the Oscar winner) and I know who Richard Branson is? Boy, I sure hope this bubble never pops!



    And yes, I've been on a factory floor. :rolleyes:

    Grown Ups did not win an Oscar.


    Did it get screwed? Yes. But it did not win.

  6. Some of you like Floyd in the 1st. OK. How would you feel about Fleener in the 2nd? Fleener had his pro day yesterday and, at 6'6", 250 lbs., ran a 4.5 40. Mayock hand timed him in under 4.5. For comparison, Gronkowski ran a 4.68 at 6'6" and 268 lbs.


    How would Buffalo's O look with Floyd and Fleener as 1 & 2. Buffalo, though, would have to bypass linebacker and OT in the first two rounds to do this.


    Any thoughts?

    Seriously? Coby Fleener.


    I will bet anything that if you match up the people on this board that want Coby Fleener it wil be the same group that wanted Toby Gerhart and Blaine Gabbert.


    Guys with feminine names like that get abused in the pros. I'll pass.

  7. (66) How is that possible? And, I wonder what happens if we know that Jimmie Johnson is both? :D


    These conclusions about me are wrong. I watch next to 0 TV. I watch tons of movies. Living in bad neighborhoods and being in poverty were choices I have made subject to the type of work I do. Other than that I have never lived in anything less than upper middle class neighborhoods, also by choice, or parents. Lifelong resident? :lol: Retarded. I've barely been a year-long resident...of anywhere.


    They shouldn't make ASSumptions about consultants and start-up guys. We don't fit into the world view of college professors, and certainly not political ones. Therefore, we don't fit into their analyses of the raw data of this survey. We might as well not exist for them.


    Archetypes? :lol: When you need to get requirements from 100+ $10-20/hr claims processors, mortgage processors, public utility crews, etc., you can twiddle around talking about archetypes and get fired, or, you can find a way to relate to them in the next 5 minutes and get your job done.


    I can just see some poor fool going to my first project manager and saying "I wasn't able to get it...because I wasn't raised in a working-class neighborhood". :lol: No. If we came from rich, poor, middle, it mattered not. We were all subject to the same "STFU with that! Find a f'ing way to do it...by lunch!" standard answer. Always, by lunch...and we actually did...most of the time.


    This is buffoonery for us. Perhaps these professors should consider if they are living in a bubble.

    I think the football coach is Jimmy, not Jimmie.


    Anyway how is somebody supposed to break out of their bubble if they live in one? If you've been in your bubble too long you will certainly get beat up once you venture outside. Non-bubblers can smell a bubbler a mile away. And this guy is NOT a libertarian or else he would not be criticizing peoples lifestyles and choices. Wake up and smell the COMMIE.


    Plus the fact that he left out modern technologies ways of breaking out of the bubble. Lots of bubblers are friends on Facebook with non-bubblers. This proves they are informed and just don't want to get beat up.

  8. Yeah, the fact that the city has a history of racism is not relative to the case at all. Ignore it.

    I'm confused. You usually like mocking dead people like my Uncle Geno but in this thread you aren't. It is a step in the right direction. Would you like to apologize about Geno?

  9. Looks Canadian to me.


    And if I'm smuggling a bomb on to a plane, a kid's wheelchair is the first method I'm trying. For once, I'm on TSA's side on this.

    If it was a Mormon kid I suppose you would have a point but he sure doesn't look Mormon. Plus the fact that the agent didn't touch the wheelchair while he was molesting this kid.


    The Canadian thing is probably just because he is 3 years old an had a dumbfounded look on his face. This face can be seen on Canadians of all ages.

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