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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I think you're right - he could go as high as round 4 (there hasn't been a 10th round in years - if he's not drafted by round 7, someone will likely take a shot on him as an undrafted free agent).

    I think some team will be unable to hold back their desire to play with their Talleywhacker. This will result in his premature matriculation.

  2. Well now to me that article clearly shows they could see there are potential problems why else would Obama meet with him? As for the lying part I don't agree but I can see how you can make the argument.



    Obama agreed to meet with them because he thinks of himself so highly. He thought that once they were in the power of his presence they would abandon their God and do whatever Obama said they should do.

  3. If Fitz, who I believe just doesn't have the arm to get the job done, can't get us to the superbowl there are still ways to get a good good QB without drafting in the top ten, because I doubt we will be there any time soon. A top QB could acquired if a Good QB has an injury and his team doesn't want him anymore like Peyton and Brees. Maybe Roethlisberger gets killed again behind that line cuz they need upgrades everywhere but center and they can't do it in one year. Or guys like Mallett or Skelton become trade bait, really wish we would have drafted Mallett over Sheppard and am really Glad we got Ed Wang and Levi Brown over Skelton. Then there is the Chance that we get a mid round prospect that becomes a star like Joe Montana and Brady, Guys like Kirk Cousins, Brock Osweiler, B.J. Coleman and Nick Foles.

    My greatest hope is Fitz turns into Drew Brees but if that doesn't happen we are going to need an upgrade at the QB position.

    Have you stopped focusing on your talleywhacker?

  4. Cycle ward.....is that for pedal-philes?

    OK I guess cycle ward was a little strong. I just don't see the need to be turning around someone's life rather than concentrating on football. I know a lot of people have drinking and pot problems and they don't all end up there. Sorry if I offended anyone.

  5. Would it really matter to us if all non photosynthesizing life on earth besides humans, pigs, cows and certain bacteria went extinct? Not saying that should be policy, but I can not think of a reason the human race could not carry on.

    I agree with most of the other replies on here. There is a lot of other stuff that is needed. And what will we eat other than vegetarian stuff? And why did you list Canadian women a their own two separate categories? That is de-humanizing.

  6. I like your point...if floyd turns out to be like a plax or vjax then i am all for that pick. I just dont see him being that big of a game breaker right away..and at 10 thtas what you need to get. I just cant seem to find a guy that i like at 10....All the top tier talent are picks 1-7. After that everyone is being a capable starter in the nfl i just dont see talent there to deem a top 10 pick. Even though we are stuck at 10 unless we trade down... then im all for picking up floyd, or reiff, or ingram, perry..etc...

    Will Goodell just make us skip our pick if nobody left is worthy of being picked at #10? How does that stuff work. Do we just not submit our card for a while like the Vikings did that one time? Who picks 8th? They are screwed even worse.

  7. Finally, sombody acknowledges it. Instead of State charged with oversight, Federal oversight would be in place.... and insurance compaines can do business in any state they choose as it is.

    I agree and think the Federal Government should run everything because it would make everything more organized.

  8. 450 Million?


    Do they really need that many? Aren't they in charge of securing the borders? If you add up the populations of Mexico and Canada I don't think it gets that high. They must be lousy shots.


    To all you ammo experts: Do you think there are special bullets for freezing conditions like we have on on northern border?

  9. And the answer is obviously 2500 pages of legislation?



    I agree Mr. Limbaw. Things should be simplified. How about:


    From each according to his ability. To each according to his need.


    That sounds like something we can all agree upon.

  10. disrespect and snarkiness may win the day here but i don't think it works so well in the supreme court, even among conservatives. the exception, of course being, when a justice does it.

    I only read the quote provided but don't you the the judge was being snarky by implying the money came from the sky?


    I mean if he replied by calling her "Tubby" or something that would have been snarky but his answer seemed legit to me.


    If that guy giving me a 10 million dollar job was Tony Soprano I would realize the $$$ came with a loss of some freedom. Why is the government boatload any different?

  11. because she wasn't sure where she should pee.




    Police were able to locate her.




    In her front yard.




    Drinking beer.




    Observant police officer notices beer cooler nearby.




    Asks nice lady if they could check for drugs/weapons.




    Nice lady says sure, search the cooler, but there is a knife in there with the remaining beer.




    Police found a loaded handgun sitting safely on top of the beer.




    A brief scuffle ensued when the nice lady was being cuffed.




    During a strip search at the jail a vial containing meth residue was found.




    So, my only question is...would Poojer hit that?

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say it would depend on the lighting conditions.

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