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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I believe Honey Badger is the title given to the best DB at LSU. No offense but I think Claiborne earned that this year. I am sure Mathieu will be the Honey Badger next year. Who knows, maybe we'll end up with two on our roster.
  2. Of course I'd prefer the guy be smart but he has already proven he can play!!!!!!!!! If he slips to 10 get ready for some HONEY BADGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Bills
  3. I think some team will be unable to hold back their desire to play with their Talleywhacker. This will result in his premature matriculation.
  4. Is that true? They have never overturned a law?
  5. Obama agreed to meet with them because he thinks of himself so highly. He thought that once they were in the power of his presence they would abandon their God and do whatever Obama said they should do.
  6. Any updates on this?
  7. Crack head frankensteins rarely succeed.
  8. Have you stopped focusing on your talleywhacker?
  9. OK I guess cycle ward was a little strong. I just don't see the need to be turning around someone's life rather than concentrating on football. I know a lot of people have drinking and pot problems and they don't all end up there. Sorry if I offended anyone.
  10. So now we're a cycle ward? Forget winning. Let's heal.
  11. Kirkpatrick and Floyd. A doper and a boozer. Great. Well, maybe our round 2 pick will be well adjusted.
  12. I agree with most of the other replies on here. There is a lot of other stuff that is needed. And what will we eat other than vegetarian stuff? And why did you list Canadian women a their own two separate categories? That is de-humanizing.
  13. I keep wondering about Russell Wilson. I swear that was the kid in the movie "Up". If so, he is too pudgy. Wilson?
  14. Bill in NYC.............paging Bill in NYC.
  15. Will Goodell just make us skip our pick if nobody left is worthy of being picked at #10? How does that stuff work. Do we just not submit our card for a while like the Vikings did that one time? Who picks 8th? They are screwed even worse.
  16. Aren't they in the same State as the Eagles? I don't like how this looks.
  17. I agree and think the Federal Government should run everything because it would make everything more organized.
  18. 450 Million? Do they really need that many? Aren't they in charge of securing the borders? If you add up the populations of Mexico and Canada I don't think it gets that high. They must be lousy shots. To all you ammo experts: Do you think there are special bullets for freezing conditions like we have on on northern border?
  19. I agree Mr. Limbaw. Things should be simplified. How about: From each according to his ability. To each according to his need. That sounds like something we can all agree upon.
  20. I only read the quote provided but don't you the the judge was being snarky by implying the money came from the sky? I mean if he replied by calling her "Tubby" or something that would have been snarky but his answer seemed legit to me. If that guy giving me a 10 million dollar job was Tony Soprano I would realize the $$$ came with a loss of some freedom. Why is the government boatload any different?
  21. A picture? I'm glad I didn't click it. Beerboy you should really put NSFW if you're going to link pictures like that.
  22. I'm going to go out on a limb and say it would depend on the lighting conditions.
  23. I didn't click on your link because I find this whole topic unseemly. What a woman does with her "herb garden" is her own damn business. Over fertilizing, brazilian, whatever. Different strokes for different folks. Why is this news? People should keep private things private.
  24. all that stuff from tar Trek is fake. They're just props. Don't waste your half a billion on crap.
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