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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Yeah Seriously. If you hit Alex Smith in the head/chin you are going to get a penalty and a costly one. If the most important thing is to win the game why would you want to do things like this over and over? Its nonsense

    If they managed to knock Smith and/or Gore and/or Davis out of the game they wouldn't have increased their chances?

  2. The idea that he would want his players to injure others, take stupid penalties, and possibly get kicked out of games is disingenuious. Motivation is the only thing out of that speech that could be genuine.

    How many motivational speeches have you attended in which anatomy lessons are given? How to position someone's ankle for prime injuring?

  3. I dislike it, but if anyone is surprised, they have been lying to themselves.


    Cutoff the head and the body dies doesnt mean take a headshot and the player is out. Gregg openly used this phrasing with the media in 2009 - you rattle the best player and the team collapses.


    Further, the Giants players openly admitted that they went after the 9ers receiver with concussion history the following week, again, in the media.


    I dont think it belongs in the game, I am not arguing its ok - but all this has been wide open for all of you to see for years, why is it a shock now? Like i said, cutoff the head was a phrase used leading up to the 2009 superbowl IN INTERVIEWS. I only post on one other board, a saints one, and ive been complaining about them pushing the bounds of what happens in piles and playing on the edge for a few years, they do it, and its really no secret. lots of people do it.

    I agree on that part but he did kind of tell them to hit Gore's head while Gore was in the pile.

  4. What is unbelievable to me is the publics reaction to this whole situation. Greg Williams is motivating his team! The idea is to go out and win the game! In order to do that you have to physically out perform your opponent.


    Did anyone on the Saints defense actually hit Alex Smith on the chin? Did someone on the Saints defense purposely snap Crabtrees's ACL? Do you think Greg Williams REALLY wants his players commiting huge penalties in a playoff game. Come On!


    The idea of this game is to stop your opponent from scoring and score yourself. You do this within the rules because if you don't you make it harder on yourself. Greg Williams is trying to get something extra of his players here. He is saying things in this fashion that will get a response out of a 24 yr old muscle head. He wants to motivate but to think he wants them to break the rules of the game is retarded.





    Not to mention this tape was grossly cut up and pasted into fashion that makes it seem 10 times worse than I'm sure it actually was. Now throw it up on the Yahoo front page, gain some clicks, Ad dollars, and ruin some lives. Thats America in 2012. An OVER REACTION!

    What part of reminding someone to hit the outside of the knee so the ACL goes seems motivational to you?

  5. Nah. He doesn't need to be fawning all over this chick. He needs to keep it cool and not come off like he's waiting around for the next time they get together. I think he's doing just fine.

    Dude. There is a difference between fawning all over and striking while the iron is hot. Some irons get cold real fast.

  6. Last night I upgraded to 100meg internet service...it just got me thinking, what sorts of things have you guys purchased that you didn't really need, but just "because"? We can always debate want vs need, but I'm talking about things that you're not even really sure you'll ever use, but you bought it anyway.

    I'll answer for Beerboy......


    After the 4,833rd inflatable date, do you really need any more?

  7. You're playing it right, man...nice job :thumbsup:

    Playing it right???????


    Dude. You should make a web show about ineptitude around women. You can interview yourself as the world's leading authority.


    For those of you asking for an update....We had set up a time to meet for dinner two Sunday's ago. She cancelled the day before saying that her son was in NYC all weekend and he was coming back that Sunday night and she wanted to spend some time with him. I responded by saying "no problems. I'm going to Mexico in a couple of days. If you want to hang out when I get back, get in touch with me". She said that she would get in touch with me upon my arrival and asked me to send her some pics of Mexico, etc.


    So I was in Mexico for a week and got back last Tuesday. I didn't reach out to her at all while I was away and didn't get back in touch with her when I got back.


    Then on Saturday, after not having corresponded in almost two weeks, she sent me a text message this past Saturday saying "Hey....Thinking of you. Let me know how your trip to Mexico was. I'd love to see you again".


    So it's been a long, drawn out process, which I appreciate. Whether or not it will flourish into a full fledged, I don't know what you would call it....relationship....has yet to be determined. If anything happens, TBD will be the first to know.


    Let's break this down step by step:


    Step 1: It was not her son coming in from NYC. It was her Aunt Flo coming in from the Netherlands.


    Step 2: Your trip to Mexico made her wonder what you were doing and worked her into a frenzy. FRENZY! She is rich so she probably assumed you would be there for at least two weeks.


    Step 3: Since it was roughly two weeks since her visit from Aunt Flo when she wanted to see you again......BE VERY CAREFUL!!!!!!


  8. The government isn't "buying" SS or Medicare on the free market.


    (And don't anyone tell me Medicare buys health care on the free market - it doesn't, it's price-controlled.)

    So are you saying there is no control on the free market but that Medicare has control? Then why wouldn't we go with a system where we can control the prices? Why not just fold all health care into Medicare. Even the name works. I would bet anything that Medicare is short for Medical Care. There wouldn't even be any re-branding costs.

  9. What you wrote is certainly true for reasons you gave. But I've heard a different argument made which I don't quite know how to resolve. If the government is allowed to tax the population and then buy a product for that population, eg medicare, social security, etc, why is the government not allowed to tell the population to directly buy that product? I'm not an economist, but I collaborate with economists quite a bit, and they tell me that they don't quite understand the distinction.

    The government hands out cheese with tax money too. Why can't they just tell everybody to set up an online account with Land o Lakes so we can fix the cheese crisis?

  10. This thread keeps going back to the top and showing up on the front page as it gets bumped. Whenever I come back I find out it is still about the same firing even though it is totally plausible that KO could have been hired and fired all over again about once every 20 minutes. Can someone change the thread title to say "By Al Gore" or something more descriptive. We have a pool going on how many times KO will be fired in 2012 and I keep trying to track it using this thread but it is wasting my time.



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