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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. They let Canadians fly airplanes?
  2. I believe the word you're looking for is "Los Gato".
  3. For Trent it is.
  4. And the scout team for the list of "Los Gatos scapegoats". At least Lindell and Evans will have some company. In addition to sucking, this guy is a dirt bag too? And popular with 75% of this board?
  5. This is our best hope. First Ankiel was good, then he sucked and now he is one of the top 5 players in baseball. This shows that some players can suck horribly like Trent and then turn things around. There are two things that are different though: 1. Ankiel was good before he sucked. Trent does not have that in his favor. 2. Ankiel has the benefit of working for what is generally considered the best organization in pro sports. i am not as down on the Bills org as some, but they are not the Cards. There is one thing in the Ankiel comparison that works in Trent's favor: 1. Both Ankiel and Trent wear a glove.
  6. True but he was good at first, then he sucked. that makes him more like Wohlers than Edwards.
  7. In that case I'd go with Mackey Sasser. Wholers was good before he forgot how to throw. Sasser and Edwards both sucked before and after.
  8. You left out everyone, including quaterbacks, acting like "Los Gatos".
  9. You already know who shot Kennedy and there have been moron Canadians flooding over the borders for years so there's your answer on the aliens. I think the secrets for Obama are a little more secret than that.
  10. Are there any effects of concussions that are impacted by rifts in the space/time continuum? This might explain Trent's horrific play in the first part of the Raiders game where he almost threw the game away. I realize it was before his concussion but maybe there was a time warp that day.
  11. Oh that's rich. I'm a "clean up the city boy" fan. Four crying out loud, I'm the one who called him "clean up the city boy" in the first place. Do the depths of your love for Trent really run so deep that you have to project that much? Trent being among the 3 worst starters in the entire NFL both before and after these last 4 games has literally nothing to do with JP.
  12. Dude come on. He had all night to throw against the Browns. How can being afraid of getting hit explain holding the ball too long? Wouldn't it make him throw it more quickly rather than holding it?
  13. I pointed this exact same thing out after the NE game and everyone ignored it.
  14. I guessing that his comparison was based on how they look alike or maybe how they both incredibly suck, or how they both play like "Los Gatos", not on their use of Gaydar.
  15. Holy crap dude now you're starting to creep me out. There are people on this board who actually claim Trent Edwards is a good quarterback and you call me weird for mathematically proving some people's BS is wrong???????
  16. Holy Crap. Because the Lions never play the Cowboys on Thanksgiving, I'm a serial killer? That's even better than the dude who solved the S. Taylor murder in 6 minutes. You just made my sig line.
  17. This is too funny. Now there are new BS rules on top of the other BS rules? This is like in Stripes when John Candy keeps getting that guy to make his bed based on what country they're in.
  18. So there is a chance that the Lions would play the Cowboys more often than once every three years? 2/3rds of the years they don't play the whole division * 25% of the time they finish in the same position in the standing the previous year. 2/3*.25=.167 which we'll call 17% which added to the other 33% = 50%. So 50% * 17 weeks equals once of every 34 years they SHOULD play on Thanksgiving. They never have. The math says the set schedule ain't real.
  19. Agreed. If the schedule is really computer generated like these people claim, then maybe it'll happen.
  20. That makes no sense because Trent could learn a lot by throwing picks and dropping fumbles all over Arrowhead. Imagine how useful that experience will be in years to come. If Trent were to receive a fabricated injury however, now we're talking.
  21. All of that math NEVER has the Cowboys and Lions play on Thanksgiving? There are 17 weeks every year. The two teams play each other at least once every three years if you believe that theory. 3 years times 17 games per year equals once every 51 years on average they would play on Thanksgiving, but they never have? Sorry but I am not buying it.
  22. I was on here one time and openly hoped we'd get an easy schedule. I wished for a game against the Lions for example. Well a bunch of people jumped down my throat about how the schedule is set automatically and there is very little flexibility and you can tell me who the Bills will play in 2012 and blah blah blah. Well this is BS. If it wasn't, there is no way the Lions and Cowboys would avoid meeting on Thanksgiving every year. I realize it wouldn't happen much, but if the schedule was really pre-determined it would happen sometimes. The last I check, each of those teams plays at home every Thanksgiving. So much for computer generated, pre determined schedules. If it really is true though, then the Lions and Cowboys will meet up on Thanksgiving one of these years. If they do, I hope the Bills get to fill the void by hosting a game. That would be cool.
  23. Isn't that the reason you like Trent? Because he would be the backup QB on about 29-30 teams.
  24. Were any QBs that ended up horrible also horrible when they started like Trent? Or were all the great quarterbacks horrible and all the horrible quarterbacks great?
  25. Dude, if you can surive all the Los Gatos in Los Gatos, there ain't nothin the NFL can throw at you.
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