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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. The opponents are already set and released... just the dates weren't released. I PROMISE we play the Colts in Indy.



    Well I hope you are right about the Colts but I am not clicking on any Peter Pan link. If the schedules are already out then what is the big hubbub? The dates? Well, duh mostly Sundays. Buy a calendar.

  2. He equated your statements to the media's inflammatory statements, and opined they motivated racial violence. He accused you of guilt by association.


    Again, agree or disagree, you'd have to be almost completely illiterate to not understand that.

    He understands and likes to mock dead people. He just doesn't care.


    He claimed that people like me are responsible for the Black Panthers putting a price on Zimmerman's head and calling for riots until there is "justice" for Treyvon Martin. I don't know how you equate calling for the DoJ investigating what looks like a racially motivated killing to calling for a race riot.



    Your previous posts would seem to indicate that you couldn't give a crap about bounties because you hold human life in such low regard. You are reaping what you sew.

  4. http://dc.sbnation.com/washington-redskins/2012/4/9/2936513/nfl-schedule-release-date-2012


    I believe there was also a story late last week (pro football talk?) that reported a source showing the release coming up on "An upcoming tuesday"


    That narrowed it down to tomorrow or the 17th.


    The 17th is also typically around the time the schedule is released


    Obviously none of this is carved in stone but there you have it.



    I hope we get to play the Colts, Vikings and Redskins because I think those teams are going to stink out loud.

  5. That's a pretty bad name. I'd call it "Wedon'thiremuslimssoyoucanbuyalltheporkproductsandboozeyouwant". It helps because not only do you know they sell it all, you also know if they would hire you or not based on your religion.

    You try that and the original Wegman's guy can try his thing. The market will decide. To each his own. In other words, you say tomato I say potato.

  6. Why do they need to be fired? They made a poor decision in an attempt to accommodate an employee and then received corrective measures. Doesn't seem like a firing offense to me.

    You never know dude. The firing could be the best thing for the guy. Sometimes guys fired from one company start their own and then beat out the original. Maybe this guy will start a grocery chain named Wegmanssansporknbooze and it will be a big hit. Don't stifle the guy. He has ideas.

  7. I thought you were talking about the song "Afternoon Delight."


    So just excuse the !@#$ out of me for assuming you were a better troll than you actually are, !@#$.



    You have a good point. Maybe Yukon Jimmy can do a mash up of the two songs.


    I also found this interesting on The Fixx:


    The band found particular success in Canada, where "Stand or Fall" was an immediate top 10 hit.


    Who could have guessed that a song about trying to stay upright while drunk would be a big hit in Canada? :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

  8. 70's, actually. By the '80s, the Merchant Marine had access to better satellite data, and didn't need to resort to light pop-rock for weather forecasts.


    Barret left The Fixx just after the recording of their first album, Shuttered Room, in 1982. This album featured the band's initial hits, "Stand or Fall" and "Red Skies," both of which charted in the US and the UK. The band found particular success in Canada, where "Stand or Fall" was an immediate top 10 hit.







  9. The Meadows Family


    We want to introduce you to a man who says he is 'self-employed and loving it." We aren't sure exactly what he is doing, but based upon his publicly available criminal history it doesn't look too promising. He has previously had run-ins with the law for Grand Larceny Motor Vehicle, Possession of Burglary Tools, Distribution of Heroin, Distribution of Cocaine, etc. etc. Not to mention all that driving around with no driver's license and no insurance. I wonder if his weapons are insured. He might need to get some renter's insurance because Section 8 doesn't cover his property. That Saiga is worth at least one month of rent on that taxpayer subsidized residence you live in. Maybe you could sell it and pay us back? No? Didn't think so.


    Charleston Thug Life

  10. So, to summarize, your defensive philosophy involves immobile cement blocks (I think you mean concrete) backed up by fedora wearing traffic directors surrounded by spongebobs? And you wonder why people don't take you seriously.

    That is not my defensive philosophy, I am just commenting on the defensive philosophy in the NFL these days. I am an observer.


    If I were to decide I would get a more cement barricades in the later rounds because despite their size they tend to miss long stretches of games if they even get small dings on their pedestals; also known as boo boo feet. The sponges, being more flexible can spring back into action even if they get squeezed a few times. Sometimes they come back even better. You need good ones because there is a lot of water. You need a good Civil Defense guy to yell really loud. It doesn't matter if they guy is incoherent and rambles on loudly about nothing all day long. If he has a mean look on his face and screams a lot he could be featured on ESPN daily. Look at Ray Lewis. Half of his speeches are about lollipops and their impact on space exploration but he yells so loud that the Ravens play great. We need a guy like that.


    P.S. Cement and concrete are two different words for the same thing like air and oxygen so stop being a jerk.


    As far as the first round pick goes I actually agree with Bill if the Bills move down and pick up Hightower. He is our CD. If they stay I think Gilmore because the Bama guy is a pot head. If Honey Badger drops to us then bye bye Gilmore.

  11. You know when Wegman's will stop selling pork and booze?

































































    When their head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.

  12. You do realize that sponges don't have feet don't you?


    What are the LBs?

    The LBs are like those Civil Defense people that wear those funny helmets with the flat brim all the way around. The can direct things in a more mobile way than the barricades but they are subject to getting washed out.


    Pic of helmet


    Here is a positional breakdown of all 23 1st round draft picks this franchise has made since its historical pinnacle in 1990:


    DB: 8

    RB: 4

    DL: 4

    OL: 4

    WR: 2

    QB: 1


    Notice how the Bills have drafted as many DB's during this timespan as they have OL and DL combined (half of which were colossal busts - Mike Williams, Maybin, McCargo, Flowers...yikes).


    Also notice how the Bills have drafted more combined DB's and RB's during this timespan as all other positions combined.


    The OP is right: this is not a winning draft formula.

    So the answer is we'll get better if we draft more crappy OL/DL?



    Now, as for the 2012 draft, I fully expect the Bills to draft Floyd. I don't want them to mind you, but if they do,... ... I would want to see him play at an Eric Moulds level. If he could, I would be more than satisfied, because this could win us games.




    For real? You want our #1 pick to suck for two years and then get good? Personally I'd rather have a player who can contribute right away even if it is a lineman.


    Personally I think you are looking at this DB thing all wrong. In today's NFL where an offense flows like water in that it can go anywhere on the field at any time, we need DBs. Think of DBs like sponges who can absorb water anywhere it is. They can take the water out of play. If you only have one sponge in can get saturated and become useless against more water. If you have crappy sponges they are all brittle and unable to hold enough water plus many of them smell like comet. If you have enough sponges you can deal with any amount of water. Now think of linemen as concrete barriers or sand bags if you prefer. If you are preparing to hold back water they can be useful but they are immobile and once the water gets past/around them you are doomed. We don't want to be doomed. We need more sponges.

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