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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Please stay on topic in this thread.
  2. Are you trying to get hacked/disabled?
  3. If you mess with the bull sometimes you get the horns. I am the bull; the Googlebot is the horns.
  4. Thread rules violation. Be careful or I will spin up the Googlebot.
  5. Geez dude I don't know whether to have the Googlebot shut you down because you are pissing me off or because I feel sorry for you. Either way I am call h in with instructions for a 3-dayer. Seeya.
  6. Don't let Tgreg mix you up. Please stay on topic.
  7. Why do you insist on hijacking this thread?
  8. You have violated the rules of the thread. Yes/no type answers only. And PM Beerboy if you'd like to know the answer to your specualtion. Make sure to use code names.
  9. This is an acceptable answer This is useless information and not necessary in this thread. It can be considered an editorial in a facts only thread. Please stop doing this. I would not want to have the Googlebot disable your account.
  10. Examples of acceptable answers: "Yes" "No" "Hell yes" "Hell No" "Absolutely" "Not even with your d(*&" "All day" "In ways that I cannot count" "Never" There are many more acceptable answers. Examples of unacceptable answers: "Maybe" An answer which asks for substitutions or stipulations....start your own thread if you'd like An answer which makes fun of your own abilities.....we really don't need to know... In other words all of the crap you have typed. If you want a thread with different rules, start one. If you need help, I can offer consulting for $$$$$$$$$$$
  11. What part of "just answer the question" did you not understand?
  12. When you post a link can you give it a name other than just it url?
  13. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/post/sarah-palin-mama-grizzlies-united/2012/08/06/23393f12-dfc6-11e1-8d48-2b1243f34c85_blog.html Don't let your politics get in the way, just answer the question.
  14. In one of the pictures you couldn't read the whole bottle. You could only se "PO....". I was certain it must say "POOJER" but nope....Popov it was.
  15. I don't think he is a Mormon.
  16. Have any of you guys seen the links on the main page to the Bills videos by Hetch Hetchy? They aren't completely terrible. No offense to ajzepp because they are different than his web show.
  17. Pollyanna, When you get back from picking flowers google a little thing called the "Los Gatos foreign policy".
  18. I wonder if someone will get on the floor and throw around accusations about this. Don't get me wrong; Harry should make all the $$$$$ he can for his kid, but did he really name his kid Rory? Rory? What is that? Would you vote for anyone who named a kid Rory? I think that is considered child abuse in 29 States, Puerto Rico, Guam and DC. Why didn't he just name the kid "Please beat the crap out of me in the junior high hallway" Reid?
  19. Gore would have commissioned a blue ribbon panel to investigate why Mormons around the world hate us so much. No Afghanistan but more 9/11s
  20. Do you really think they give a crap about their "supervisor" being dead? They're commies. They'll find another supervisor.
  21. You know when you'll know your kidnapping is not a fake? When your head is rolling down a flight of stairs, that's when.
  22. Are you kidding me? Is that for real? Enough Canadians are so horny for Celine Dion that she actually has political power?
  23. Why do you always pick out a random statement like that?
  24. Why are Canadians unable to manage a company? There is no question here that the Canadians need foreign help to properly manage a company. It is just a question of which country or company will step in to help/take over. I agree that the Los Gatos Obama administration hurt the chances for a US company to take over or too forge a partnership that helped the US and in turn could help our downtrodden neighbors. His inaction is allowing commies to step in, but if Canadians had the brain power, they could run things themselves. It is too bad really.
  25. Is Ennifer aware of any of this stuff?
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