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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Edwards has a better chance of becoming a star via spontaneous nuclear fusion engulfing him than he does by going to multiple pro bowls.
  2. Look dude, I was never into that whole "look what's under the trench coat" routine. What's wrong with you anyway?
  3. Lots. And every time you ask it doubles. You in?
  4. Here is a partial prospectus: It costs lots of money I give you all sorts of crap to say so that the chicks think you know what their dogs are thinking The paramesiums make the dogs hyper and happy at first then they sleep. This perpetuates the notion that they are doing well. I also give you lots of crap to say to these chicks to have your way with them You have to sign a 5 year agreement to exclusively buy the paramesiums from me. There is an additional 25 year option. Details to follow. If you get in on the ground floor you get a whole area code You in?
  5. It's a sugar pill. Fake medicine and cheap two boot.
  6. Tell her you're a dog psychiatryst. Analyze the dogs' chew toys and tell her their mental state. Prescribe some paramesiums and sit back and watch as she is all over you. If you can figure out how to do this on your own, great. If not, I'll be glad to supply you with information for a large fee.
  7. Does this broad have a dog?
  8. Have you ever sat in front of a Nuclear plant watching the smoke for two hours? Well, it is not CO2 but it looks like it. Can you imagine if it was CO2 and there were like a million Nuclear plants in the world? You do the math.
  9. You're forgetting Avery, Jackson and Thomas. All this year. Things change and WRs are producing quick dividends now. We got goose eggs.
  10. As you well know, I run a lot of businesses. The name of the game is ROI. The "I" means investment. That investment comes in both money and time. This opportunity involves making a large % return on money invested but also involves a lot of time. I have tons of money, but not enough time. So for a large franchise fee, you can run with this idea: Doggy Psychiatryst and "tryst" is spelled that way for a reason. The basics are that you get these bored broads to bring in their dogs and the dog's favorite chew toy. You then analyze the bite marks on the chew toy, make up some crap, prescribe some paramesiums and start hitting on the broad who thinks you love her dog. Depending on looks, hitting on the broad is optional. This will work even in tough economic times, because these people become depressed and start reaching out for guidance. Before you say this idea has been tried, keep in mind I haven't told you everything. If you are interested in investigating or if you havequestions, just ask.
  11. If all conservatives said the sky is blue, would you disagree?
  12. Zero points against one of the NFL's worst defenses is "not that horrible"? Well, I guess he didn't give away points to lose the game against the Jets and Browns. If the damn defense would score more we'd all be able to see Trent's greatness. Do good players have crappy months/years/careers?
  13. Look, if you say Edwards was just like P. Manning yesterday and they still don't believe you it is pretty useless to argue. If I had realized Edwards is the new Peyton Manning, I wouldn't criticize him for sucking so badly.
  14. Mostly unrealistic until this part.
  15. Do I have to sing a song like Coom Bye Ahhh or something when I'm sitting there?
  16. The Canadians are the least of our problems. as soon as you tell them "no more zambonis" all bets are off. The hippies have rich indulgent parents who can keep supplying them with money while they stink up the land in their unwashed tie-dyed shirts and tell everyone else what to do.
  17. It also goes against the 4th compnent of scientific theory --- Suprisibility. This is the ability of the theory to generate surprises from previous known events. Global warming is a "crisis" that has resulted in a bunch of loser hippies deciding that government should be in charge of everything we do. Find the surprise in that.
  18. It was a hypertheorhetical question. It could apply to anyone. The stuff with Walsh and his ridiculous practical joke was just an example.
  19. Maybe they're talking about his brother who is married to the hot chick from The View.
  20. I'm not sure if you looked up stats, but Beck was drafted ahead of Edwards and attempted a long pass once. Check Mate.
  21. With the possible exception of Cassel who hasn't played a game without knowing the defensive signals since HS, all of those QBs are better than Edwards. It might be a start.
  22. Before I open up a GvG and get the answer from a reliable source, I wanted to get your opinions on something. Let's say you had a good life. You were a productive member of society, you generally treated everyone well and people thought of you as a good person. Then let's say when you were near death, you played a practical joke on an old friend. Let's say you didn't mean anything by it, except for it to be a joke. Now let's say you die and go to heaven. Everything is going great. You have a nice room, right next to some hot chicks and all is well. But there is a problem brewing. Back on Earth, your practical joke is turning into a disaster. It was funny for a while, but now an regional economic engine is on the brink of collapse. It was making some people very upset and causing others to possibly lose their jobs. This was all so you could have a good laugh. Do you think God could revoke your credentials based on stuff that happened after you died? I think this is an interesting question. What if it wasn't actually a practical joke, but was indeed sabotage? I'll bet Bill Walsh is upstairs right now scouring the rule book.
  23. It's still a better idea than letting Lindell actually kick the thing.
  24. Technically the loss did help our tie breaker position.
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