As you well know, I run a lot of businesses. The name of the game is ROI. The "I" means investment. That investment comes in both money and time.
This opportunity involves making a large % return on money invested but also involves a lot of time. I have tons of money, but not enough time. So for a large franchise fee, you can run with this idea:
Doggy Psychiatryst
and "tryst" is spelled that way for a reason.
The basics are that you get these bored broads to bring in their dogs and the dog's favorite chew toy. You then analyze the bite marks on the chew toy, make up some crap, prescribe some paramesiums and start hitting on the broad who thinks you love her dog. Depending on looks, hitting on the broad is optional. This will work even in tough economic times, because these people become depressed and start reaching out for guidance.
Before you say this idea has been tried, keep in mind I haven't told you everything. If you are interested in investigating or if you havequestions, just ask.