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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. If our defense is horrible on the first possession what will make them better if the first possession comes after our offense had the ball? Will sitting on the bench a few extra minutes make them more prepared?
  2. Tell me about this crap. Try telling some broad she has a sweet behind and the next thing you know you're hiring Donnie Cochrane to protect your assets. That dude isn't cheap. Anyway, sooner or later they all come begging for more. One day, Steely will turn a corner and there she'll be pointing her shoulders at him.
  3. You are so right. B of A dug themselves a hole by lending money to people who can't pay it back. The government bailed them out. The least B of A could do to show gratitude is to loan it out to someone else who can't pay it back. How else are we going to solve this problem?
  4. He said looked worse, not played worse. Trent wears fashionable gloves and has some sweet hair highlights. Flacco just looks like some dude. It should go without saying that no one has played worse than the Glove Wearing Mary.
  5. Football is a hard game for even some Americans to grasp. Asking Canadians to distinguish between which play is good for which team is like mission impossible. You can't blame Canadians for being dumb any more than you can blame the sky for being blue. It is probable that they spent the entire first half wondering why 10 meters looked shorter than usual.
  6. Is it still ok to call the pregnant goose a bust?
  7. Those dang social service agencies again. Ask a question and they're all over you. Duct tape a kid to a car seat....same thing. Is nothing sacred anymore?
  8. When has Trent ever been intercepted on a...... never mind.
  9. You are correct about this. By doing this, he turned the NHL into a spectacle like the WWE. It might has well have been Mr. Wonderful Paul Orton calling out Hulk Hogan. If the NHL is going to be turned into a spectacle it should be done by Gary Bettmen and Gary Bettman alone.
  10. On this topic I have an opinion that is different from most. I do questions Trent's: Leadership ability to read a defense desire to win ability to play in less than perfect weather desire to leave the house in less than perfect weather horric tendency towards turnovers and other things. I do not question his arm strength. I did, but I erased any doubt.
  11. The concussion excuse should wear off by about 2012 but he always be a Los Gato. He has never displayed any evidence that he gives a crap about winning or being a Buffalo Bill. Combine this with his lack of skill, personality or will to leave the house when the temperature drops below 48 and you have quite the recipe for losing. On December 29 he will be on a flight to Los Gatos and he will think about his job again in May. He will still be thinking primarily about who was drafted in front of him, rather than thinking about throwing the ball to that open receiver more than 4.8 yards away. Many people complain about clean up the city boy and say he will never learn to read a defense. This is quite probably true. He does give a crap when his team wins or loses and he has a personality. The odds of Losman learning to read defenses are between 0 and 5%. The odds of Trent ever giving a crap are much much lower. You can take the boy out of Los Gatos but you can never take the Los Gatos out of the boy.
  12. fixed for accuracy
  13. I think Ed's wife posted a thread that said unless we all paid her a lot of money, that she'd give him his posting priveleges back. SDS deleted the thread so I can't be sure, but it's the only thing that makes sense.
  14. Well it's not too hard to figure out, but I did put it on the wrong board. moved
  15. I would have thought they were too stoned all the time, but evidently a lot of hippies tour Washington DC. No doubt they are there to protest something like commerce or productivity, but still at least they get there. Proof: He has neatly substitued the word "tourist" but we all know what he means. I don't agree with this guy too much, but this time he is dead on. link
  16. I would have thought they were too stoned all the time, but evidently a lot of hippies tour Washington DC. No doubt they are there to protest something like commerce or productivity, but still at least they get there. Proof: He has neatly substitued the word "tourist" but we all know what he means. I don't agree with this guy too much, but this time he is dead on. link
  17. I swiped a credit card the other day and when the "accept screen" came up my options were: Yes/Si and No/No I mean seriously, if you don't even know the English word for No, you have serious problems.
  18. It would be interesting to see his answer to the following question: Hey Mort, I'm sure you noticed that Ted Rodgers died yesterday. Are you pissed that it wasn't Ralph Wilson?
  19. When your QBs are lemons......make some lemonade.
  20. More proof that Trent will be a star.
  21. Judge not, lest ye be on an internet message board?
  22. If God can immaculately concept, why can't he immaculately shorten the 9 months?
  23. Do they game plan to sack JP all day? Do they game plan to just sit back and watch Trent ignore open receivers all day? The confusion may hurt the Dolphins game planning.
  24. So it's not the highlights, it's the old "Trent is great because JP sucks" reasoning? That strategy needs some refreshing.
  25. Is it the highlights in his hair that convince you?
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