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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. But who will be? It's quite the caper.
  2. You guys are a bunch of dillweeds.
  3. The black hole thread really sucked everybody in didn't it?
  4. Yawkey? Some candies aren't as good as others but most aren't Yawkey. And in America it is spelled "Yucky".
  5. He used to play centerfield for the Indians. After that he sort of disappeared.
  6. Don't bother him. He's in anatomy class with his jaw on the floor. Getting drafted isn't the only thing he'll miss out on this year.
  7. Think of it this way. If Losman is playing then Trent will be on the sidelines with no helmet. This means if you have binocs you will be able to see his sweet hair highlights. These are his best feature as his QBing sucks. If Trent plays you will still see horrific QBing but all you'll see on the sidelines is a scraggly beard.
  8. When do the locals stop sounding like jerry Sullivan? And why should they? He now runs the Bills.
  9. Link Obama is going to need better liars than this on his team. But whatever. I am just wondering if they are going to tack on extra time to the sentence for that hair or hairpiece of the governor's. I mean, everyone is going to have to look at pictures of this guy and the thing on his head hurts people's eyes.
  10. I'm pretty sure they knew there were stars outside our Solar system before 1990. You wanna know how? They looked up in the sky at night. I don't know where your socks went but the Bills offensve playbook is probably with them.
  11. Who can argue with that? Could you read Stroud's lips from slow mo? Did he say, "Wow, we are all great, but Jauron and Fewell are morons. Don't worry Kelsay, next year, with new coaches, you'll be the next Bruce Smith"? Is that what he said? I couldn't quite tell. How did Duke Preston's snap look in super slow mo? Did Jauron run out onto the field zipping like a hummingbird and flick the ball out of poor Duke's hand? Can you only see that in super slow mo? I thought I saw a blur on the screen right as this play was happening.
  12. Update: Sammy is now nice to the point of sickening. He made me dinner the other night and it was great. Somehow he did it in 25 minutes which is basically impossible. Anyway, he goes out of his way to help and is always quoting mushy songs . I took had him do all sorts of chores for a while but even that is getting so old I'm feeling guilty. It is pretty weird but I want the old Sammy back. Not the really nasty one that the iPod created, but just the regular Sammy with an attitude. I can't figure out what to do.
  13. Flick them down to the road and quickly run them over with your Bently.
  14. Glad you're on the train. Jerry for owner.
  15. Dude, although I mostly agree with what you said, please don't call him surely.
  16. The governor dude from Illinois tried that idea just today. Results are not final but don't look too good.
  17. Clearly all three of these teams are smarter than Jauron. Bellichick Sparano, and Parcells are geniuses but all a bit overweight, so should defer. Coughlin won last year's Super Bowl and is thin so obviously he should receive. Jauron is just a big idiot that Jerry Sullivan has exposed but he is also thin, so obviously his decisions to defer are wrong.
  18. The two of you have obviously missed the update: Jerry Sullivan is now running the Bills and everyone must be depressed, not only for 2008 but from now until the end of time. Unless you are on the Sullivan blame train, you are not facing the truth. Jerry Sullivan was, is now, and always will be the authority. The sooner you realize this the better you will be.
  19. I'll try a few.... A winning coach doesn't: Have a glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos as a QB Continue to employ said Mary Draft a pregnant goose in the 2nd round
  20. Did you mean to post this on the Canadian Missionary Ministry bulletin board? If so, you are to be admired for your tireless work and no one can really blame you for giving up.
  21. No more looking at Trent's hair highlights or JP's beard would be a welcome break.
  22. I can almost hear her now: GET A JOB!!!!!!!!!
  23. It might not be one of those things. Have you brushed up against any Canadians lately?
  24. Our offense average .75 points per quarter.
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