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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Was her response: Yes we can?
  2. Senate seats, Blackberries, etc. etc. Who can blame 'em? A dollar is a dollar.
  3. He does give the company line. It is just a different company.
  4. His school is in the Ivy league from a sports point of view but not so much in a critical thinking point of view. But still, there is racism in both directions and that is sad. It is a very real possibility that if Turner Gill had done the same stuff but was white, he would have been hired. He should have just sent in his resume and not interviewed. The name Turner Gill sounds like a white guy.
  5. Um....dude. He's a guy. I highly doubt he's prescient.
  6. He should probably be fired for being the only guy to point fingers at everyone except himself. But whatever.
  7. How dare he talk back to Jerry Sullivan like that? Doesn't he know that Jerry is running the Bills now?
  8. We can probably blame this on Losman too. I'm not sure how, but we can do it.
  9. It just goes to show you the difference in cultures. Candians for example probably consider feet the cleanest part of the body since they are usually in contact with snow or ice. It makes sense for Mormons to consider it dirty since both the ME and Utah have a lot of dirt.
  10. Sure, boxers make a lot of money and he was great in his prime, but he is only one guy. I am talking about in general.
  11. What about the Hispanics? They make below min wage and have horrible working conditions. If anybody needs a union it is them.
  12. These highly skilled union workers should have no problem finding a competitive position in the fast food industry.
  13. I know you are sensitive so I'll word this ginger-ly. If I have all of the problems you list why do you still follow my orders? For Pete's sake, it's like your the booboo to my Yomogi bear. If you feel this way you should stand up to me. Unless of course you have a yarrow streak down your back.
  14. You were probably salvia-ting at the thought of saying that weren't you?
  15. I'm not sure but if you figure it out you should dot every i and cross every tea.
  16. I wonder if Jauron wishes he could throw Trent back.
  17. Did you see the pictures of the prostitute? And Pataki was the guy whose boyfriend was running the gay hookers out of his apartment. The point is, one was from each party. Larry Craig was a Republican I think but it is sort of easy to understand because he wasn't getting any at home once his wife lost all that wieght and made money with her ideas. And I'm pretty sure that the pages were involved with both parties over the years.
  18. Even you have to admit that actually being alive is an advantage. Although the yammering is a disadvantage. Still, the alive part trumps it.
  19. Dude I'm pretty sure Spitzer was a Democrat and I'm positive he was a pervert. Trust me, there are perverts from every party. I might have Spitzer's party and Pataki's mixed up, but either way, one is from each party and both got caught doing perverted things.
  20. That was you and it was a long time ago. I will say that Ms. Tiegs was a hottie back in the day so you could have had it worse. Still, it couldn't have been all that comfry cozy for you.
  21. I can't discuss our realtionship any further but we did not technically date. Ask Beerball if you want more detail. He has no problem violating non-disclosure agreements. Edit: He broke it before I even finished typing.....albeit with a poor description of my line of business which displays his surface level understanding despite years of training.
  22. That was from a movie "So I Married an Ax Murderer".
  23. She never stops talking. And I'm being generous using the word "talking". Yammering is more accurate.
  24. I can't BayLeaf how bad that was.
  25. Frankly I wish some of these replies were spicier. Most are pretty vanilla.
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