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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. What Ivy league school did you graduate from?
  2. Archie has a couple of thousand cans of creamed corn stored deep undergound so you better head over there.
  3. Dude you are too into the details. The bottom line is that the harmony is attractive to large objects of many types which could smash the Earth to bits. I don't think anybody is really going to give a crap whether the object was attracted by the harmony or the lack of harmony. If the volcanic harmony starts and then stops, the aliens will get us, if it starts and keeps up then an asteroid hits us. Either way we are in big trouble unless we can stop this Yellowstone thing before it gets started.
  4. Do you think this harmonic divergence thing that Archie is talking about is what all the hippies have been waiting for?
  5. Archie, Do you think it is possible that the harmony from Yellowstone is actually attracting that big asteroid? There is president for this. That one Star Trek about the whales singing almost hosed Earth there for a while.
  6. If that hit on a Sunday in the fall it would be the FOURTH time in his career poor Trent has had to play in the worst weather in franchise history.
  7. But he can't count on an All Pro LT to block a CB? Bottom line is that play cost us the game, just like Losman's play cost us the Jets game. QBs cost us the games against: Miami 1 Jets 1 Cleveland San Fran Jets 2 NE 2 That is 6 of the 9 losses. And I am being kind regarding Miami 2 and NE 1. 100% of our QBs suck and only 50% of them are gone.
  8. That is a modification of Bill's season calculation algorithm. My method is more simplified.
  9. I'll start off with a personal favorite. Fried Noodles Serves: 2-3 Preparation Time: About 1 Hour Total Ingredients: 16 oz Elbow Macaroni 1/4 Stick of butter 3-4 Eggs Cooking Instructions: Boil Elbow Macaroni until soft. Drain as needed. Place Noodles in frying pan with 1/4 stick of butter and cook on low until half/most noodles get a crispy brown outside. Stir throughout cooking time so as not to have the noodles stick to frying pan. Next add the 3-4 eggs and stir so as to scramble them along with the noodles. When they are thouroughly scrambled and the noodles nice and crisp it's chow time Serving Suggestions: You can add some garlic salt or pickle juice for extra flavor upon finishing cooking.
  10. I said 5th season.
  11. That loss put Miami over the top because it was to an NFC team.
  12. Where was this post when JP was playing? Everything was his fault then. Well him and the DBs....on that you are consistent. Is it Trent's hair highlights that have you fooled? They are indeed spiffy. When will you be able to admit that both of the QBs stink? JP is gone thank God. Trent should be too. He will be entering his 5th season in August and enough is enough.
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but Miami lost to Arizona early in the year and won the tie breaker with New England because of that loss. A lot of people on here will be having crow for dinner.
  14. The only valid comparison for Edwards to Rothlisberger is that you'll never see headgear on either once they are off the football field. Ben thinnks it is cool to drive a motorcycle with no helmet while Trent does not want his pretty hair getting messy after he spent all morning on it. I can't think of a comparison with McNabb.
  15. pre season 07, season 07, pre season 08, season 08 I'm just using Bill's tried and true methodology
  16. To be fair to Trent, Buffalo does get some unusual weather. I mean he has only played for four seasons and he has already played in the franchise's worst ever weather game three times. But given his output of the other team scoring off of him more than the Bills, it wouldn't be fair to the fans to keep such a Los Gato on this team. I think to be fair to Trent and the Bills we should trade him to a team that plays in ideal conditions for him. I know there are quite a few domes in the league but does anyone know if any of these domes are connected to a shopping mall? I don't mean next door to a shopping mall, I mean physically connected. Ideally the mall should have a Sephora store.
  17. I don't like Cassel but Stephen Hawking would be an upgrade over Trent.
  18. Dude I have a Bently but you don't see me bragging about it or making my life revolve around it. It is practical because it handles so well and makes it easier to run over squirrels. If you have money, you still have to learn to be gracious. Did you hit the lottery or something?
  19. Fixed . Also though Cassel benefited from knowing the other teams plays. That will not happen anywhere but NE.
  20. He might be even worse than Trent when it is cold. Oh wait.....can't score less than zero. He might be just as bad as Trent in the cold.
  21. I forgot TE as in Tight end, but remembered TE as in Trent Edwards. We should replace both.
  22. I forgot TE. You forgot Starting QB.
  23. You're right. They won because of OUR QB play.
  24. Not in any particular order but all obvious: DE - Top need in my opinion #2 WR - The pregnant goose experiment is over. Replace Hardy with a vet FA pickup. Center - Preston and Fowler are equally useless Starting QB - Obvious to anyone who has watched this year OLB - They might need to replace all 3 starters but start with Ellison Backup QB - I think Trent staying in this capacity is possible but would be a distraction similar to Losman this year. The Bills should have cut Losman loose this year and they should learn from that mistake and say goodbye to the Glove wearing Mary.
  25. Definitely not. I mean Trent put up zero, just like last time he played in bad weather, but the defense didn't score either. Neither did the special teams.
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