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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. That sign is saying that OJ will kill everyone. The guy left out the word "Sincerely".
  2. Seriously. In two short years Trent has already had to play through the worst weather in franchise history three times. That is freakish. If he has a 10 year career it looks like he'll have to play in the worst weather in franchise history 15 times.
  3. It is a least massage a mystic.
  4. I have said over and over that although it seems cruel, we should kill all mammals so that humans may live. Why must these politicians work gradually to inevitable end? Just pull the trigger right now. Simply taxing mammals is a step in the right direction if you are an idiot. How in the is a cow supposed to pay taxes? They are cows. They don't even have any money. It's like asking a Canadian to explain math. It's not happening.
  5. There was a lot of gunfire and stuff in that video. Maybe these guys thought they were going to get hurt and jumped in the ambulance so they could have a head start to the hospital.
  6. Did not appear to be an issue? Last I checked, you use your shoulder to throw and also last I checked Trent can't throw. This could be the best news ever. Maybe we can blame his weak arm on his shoulder. If it is fixed maybe his arm will improve to below average or possibly even average. That could be a big boost for the Bills. No surgery will cure him from being a girlish glove wearing Mary with hair highlights from Los Gatos but surgerry can help out with shoulder strength.
  7. I think we can all agreee that the video itself, shot in July, is not ironic because it depicts a Canadian with 4 dimwitted personalities driving through the snow and cold. I think the irony of the video is that it is not ironic because you expect the video to be ironic because it is about irony.
  8. Are you counting completions to Cleveland players in that misleading stat of yours?
  9. This is getting even crazier. I mean I know Trent sucks horribly. Anyone with eyes can see that. And yes he is annoying with his gloves and hair highlights and being more fragile than 73.4% of porcelain dolls and all. But the threads about Favre and Leinart? These are probably the only two QBs in the league over which I'd prefer Trent. If we were starting a thread about draft picks it should probably be Flacco over McKelvin rather than Leinart over whitner.
  10. And a high point output total if you count the points he gives the opposition.
  11. Occum's shaver principle would tell you that it is not likely random. My guess is that Beerboy had an "encounter" with Chrissy the pool "girl" and he is slowly coming to that realization. It will be a tough process for him. Try to be kind.
  12. I don't know, maybe it was the 314 interceptions that scared the coaches. Ok then multiply his point output by 2 and see if the Bills would have won. He scored zero yet again and gave the other team their only touchdown. Score one for us intstead of them....7-6.
  13. In retrospect the gloves are not too much to worry about. When he first wore them I thought they exposed him as a Glove Wearing Mary who feared the elements. Surely the defenses would see this as a sign of weakness and capitalize on it. Then for a while it also looked like a marketing gimmick. Someone on here started calling it "balcony fashion" which was a perfect name. Now, the gloves just seem to fit perfectly. They are less a sign of weakness than they are a pebble on the mountain of evidence. Between his hair highlights, complaints about the cold, pick sixes of throws that require arm strengh, text messages supporting the coach, injury of the week, refusal to throw deep, first flight out to Los Gatos, and the endless parade of other crap, the gloves really aren't a blip on the pansy radar anymore. Not everyone needs to be Jim Kelly, but can we at least expect someone more masculine than Jim Jay Bullock?
  14. Good point. Actually, more like whoever is 3rd string for the Astros AA affiliate.
  15. Garcia is a backup to Trent like Pujols is a backup to Giambi.
  16. Does anyone really need to wonder why the rest of the world hates us if we actually have a national mall and honor presidents there? Conspicuous consumerism gone wild. I don't recall seeing a Pat Buchanan statue there though.
  17. Dude. Do you know Chrissy the chief pool attendant at pools 26-50? Does "she" look familiar to you?
  18. If by fine job you mean he singlehandedly blew games against: Jets 1 Cleveland San Fran NE 1 & 2 Miami 1 then you are right on the money.
  19. Trent is a girlish, afraid of the weather, bad, hopeless, lazy, excuse making, glove wearing Mary of a weak armed QB but he is better than Favre. As I have stated many times, the Bills positional needs are: Starting QB Backup QB C DE TE OLB depth at LB, depth at DT, depth at OL Trent needs to go just like JP and I think it would be funny if they went the same place. As obvious as it is that Trent does not belong anywhere near an NFL venue without a ticket, Favre is completely done.
  20. Some dude on here once claimed that Pat Buchanan was the worst president in US history.
  21. Dude that's not fair. Clark has definitely slipped a bit but his arm is still stonger than Trent's.
  22. Bills 2009: The gloves are coming off....................except for the QB's gloves. They're staying on.
  23. Even though he is a girlish, weak armed, injury prone Los Gato with hair highlights and unable to play in weather below 58 degrees, Edwards is still better than Favre. It is likely that in 09 he will be #4 in the division but in 08 he was #3. I think his status as somewhere between #28 and #31 in the NFL is more worrisome.
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