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Posts posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. :o Oh god, we'd get trampled.



    I will say that the name Sammy made it into one of my episodes though his name got chopped to Sam the last I heard ... alas, he was not a hamster (or a gerbil) but rather an 11 year old kid who gets captured by a villainously psychotic robot hell bent on wiping out a group of LARPers.


    Kinda like Googlebot.



    Any chance the plot is foiled by Sam using the orbital bone of his heroic deceased stepson Khalid's skull to disable the robot?

  2. So even though Nix has been trying to build a high character team, he' s suddenly going to spend a high pick on a corner with character issues?

    And even though he's trying to put together a tough, physical team with versatile players, he's suddenly going to grab a scrawny one-dimensional receiver who's scared of his own shadow?

    And even though Nix trieds to get value with his picks, he's suddenly going to start reaching for a slow LB because it's a position of need?

    And even though he's always said he wants to draft people with production over potential, he's suddenly going to grab a receiver who's leaving school early after being a one year wonder?

    Sorry kid, but aside from it being an unrealistic and awful group, it also bears no resemblance whatsoever to how Nix actually approaches the draft.

    Well he did go for a guy named Cordarro which Nix has historically done.

  3. When my episodes start airing, there will be a few TSW references. I haven't seen the final cuts of 3 of my episodes yet, but so far most of the little shout outs have survived the process. The most notable ones are going to be found in the character names I used. :ph34r:

    If you have a talking hamster named Sammy he better not be a nice guy.

  4. Now this is just precious...


    Just so we're clear about the Bush administration's North Korea policy: the Bush administration took a hard-line with Pyongyang, ending Clinton's policy of "engagement" and isolating NK. The administration managed to push sanctions through the UN to force NK to the table, at which point concessions on Pyongyang's weapons programs were negotiated in return for aid (food, basically). Democrats complain that Bush is not doing enough to engage Pyongyang, and taking too much of a hard line with them.


    Now...after two years of refusing to engage North Korea, the Obama administration negotiates concessions for aid (again, food). Then, "suddenly," the North Koreans launch - unsuccessfully - a big-ass rocket. The world considers it a failure of Obama's North Korea policy. The administration's response? Not only is it not a failure, but it's a failure because of the failed polices of the Bush administration! Because Bush was TOO SOFT on North Korea, and it is in fact the Obama administration that reversed Bush's engagement of North Korea and stopped coddling them.


    It's a REAL good thing for these clowns that the American public's memory has the longevity of a mayfly.

    If Obama had a son his missile program would be just like that of Kim Jong Un.

  5. Moving forward with trepidation hesitation, fluctuation, oscillation, masturbation but no matriculation or ejaculation! Found out that her late husband killed himself 5 years ago Sad. Really not in any position looking for excuses to not be aggressive. One of the few times where I am letting the lady dictate the pace Insert full of baloney sentence here. I told myself that it would take 3 dates before there was any headway but at this pace it will take a sideways 8 worth of dates.

    I have edited the post to show you how others read it.

  6. There appears to be two crowds of thought forming by Bills Fans there is the Kulchey/DeCastro/Reiff posse forming and an anyone but those three posse forming.


    The prospects in the second camp look at Floyd/Gilmore/Kirkpatrick/Martin/Adams/Cordy Glenn.


    Then you have the Ingram/Upshaw/DT outliers.


    Most everyone also seems to agree that if somehow Luck/RGIII/Kalil/Clariborne/Richardson/Blackmon fell to #10 then you take them (yes even Richardson)


    Either way the great news is I don't see the word "Bust" being thrown around.


    So lets take a look at LIKELY (Kulchey or any of the other prospect could go on a OJ-like rampage but lets stay in the realm of likely outcomes) basements with these Ten possible prospects at #12.




    Kulchey - Worst Case Poz Part II - not a bust

    DeCastro - Worst Case Urbik Part II - not a complete bust

    Reiff - Worst Case Urbik Park II - not a bust

    Floyd - Worst Case Peerless Price - not a complete bust

    Kirkpatrick - Worst Case McKelvin - Kinda of a bust not a complete bust

    Gilmore - Worst case becomes a Safety like lil Donte- Not a bust; still contributing

    Martin - Worst case Plays RT

    Adams - Worst Case Plays RT

    Glenn - Worst Case Urbik Part II - not a complete bust

    Ingram - Worst case rotational DE - Kinda a Bust but not complete bust

    Upshaw - Worst case Can't get on the field because he is too slow - bust


    Again we're talking Likely Worst case here.


    The great news is I don't see the Bills taking a player that will be a complete bust and won't contribute in some way.


    We may not get the best "value" out of the #10 overall pick, but the Bills should get a contributor.


    In most years past this was not the case. The chance of a player busting was much higher. Maybin before the draft had a high bust likelihood. I would say not any of these prospects have a high bust likelihood.


    I'd prefer some prospects over others (Floyd) but I don't expect to be throwing stuff at the TV like in past year's Draft (even if Kulchey was the pick :sick: ))

    Ever heard of Len Bias?

  7. i like fitz but is he our tony romo? good but not great, can he take us all the way, its a make or break year for him and i hope he has worked on his arm strength so he can throw the log ball better and he can take us to the playoffs and someday the Superbowl ........ GO BILLS!!!

    Tony Romo? We could only hope. What has he shown to make us think he is half of Romo? And being a human chia pet is funny and all but does not bring touchdowns.

  8. To update:


    I made dinner reservations at an Italian restaurant irrelevant in the Rittenhouse irrelevant neighborhood of Philadelphia hell for 7:30pm last night. It was a BYOB low class, cash only rinky dink place, but really nice who cares anyway I'm trying to get laid here. She made the 40 minute drive south down I-95 demonstrating again her as yet unnoticed desire to bed me, parked at my place, and then we took a cab to the restaurant. I never took my eyes off of her so her plan to slash her own tires so that she would have to stay the night and I would finally get the hint fell through.


    We had a great dinner....she had the sausage; boy does she make googly eyes when she eats and I had something new called the naivete platter. Ended up staying until 10pm way past my bedtime, drinking wine, talking. We left and walked a few blocks north irrelevant to Market irrelevant Street to hale hail a cab. We got in the cab and we began to make out for the entire short 10 minute cab ride back to my place. The cabbie was filming the whole thing and we'll be on Youtube about 3:30under the heading dude can't get the hint from Cougar. She commented on how great of a kisser I was not so subtly begged for me to brag about my prowess and summon her for more and I liked how much she was in to it totally missed the point.


    When we arrived back to my place, I invited her inside. She was disappointed that I asked her instead of telling herdeclined saying, maybe another time if I tell her to instead of asking. She had to catch a train to NYC this morning at 8am in Trenton, NJ and I knew this make up some bs so she could get out of there even though it meant she'd have to drive drunk. so I didn't hadn't set my expectations high, so I'd say this night was a smashing success.


    All in all it was another lost opportunity great time, great company. I'm going to Coachella a purse store next week for 5 days, so I'm not sure when I will be able to see her again.



    I have edited your post above to show you how most people read it.

  9. Would you go after him if he was available via trade? He has been marginalized every year by GB since he doesn't really fit in their 3-4 scheme.


    He started out in the league (and had his best seasons) in the 4-3 at weakside OLB. I know we have Barnett out there now but you would have to think he could transition to strongside OLB.


    Just some food for thought.

    We should have drafted Casey Matthews in the 4th last year like everyone said. We have two fourths and could trade one for Matthews. If the 4th comes and goes look for us to make a move for Hawk in the 5th.

  10. 94. My bad answer was that I drink (wine) more than 3 days a week.


    I lied and said I "practice safe sex" even though I don't. But I think that being with my wife for 20 years puts me in the category of safe sex.

    Warning to all:


    To those of you thinking of commenting on the above post with some witty obnoxious observation about internet porn or no sex = safe sex, please refrain as you will be relentlessly skewered in a mean spirited fashion by JA if you do.

  11. So Romney could win the election but not the popular vote and Magox could still lose the bet?

    The Big Cat fooled him. Even if Romney wins he will not become president in 2012. This reminds me of the time that The Big Cat fooled that Golden Retriever. At least Magox only loses a bet. The poor Golden lost her virginity.

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