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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I'm waiting for him to tie a few threads together by implicating Simmons in the death of Caylee Anthony with an random yet elaborate theory.
  2. Why don't we really punish Ralph? Let's all hope the Bills go 4-12 for the next 10 years straight.
  3. Oooh. I just thought of another great idea. As long as we're making up this Mike Hunt guy, we might as well say that he hails from Los Gatos.
  4. AQ press release circa Jan 21 2013: The desires of Mike Hunt will perish in the hot sands of the desert. Mike Hunt wants to rule the world, but will be vanquished.
  5. Let's hope not since he is now running the Bills.
  6. Dude you were covered on the Today show this morning. After they finished showing the pictures, they cut to Al Roker who yelled: "Tell 'em about the shrinkage Jerry."
  7. When you're 39 do you suddenly start wanting to be an underling to someone who is incompetent? I have a feeling that if Garcia ever came here it would be with an agreement for open competition. He would probably view that competition as being about as tough as having a "math off" with an average Canadian.
  8. I don't know. It sells itself.
  9. Because Garcia is older he would be willing to back up Trent? Payton Manning is getting up there too. Why not him? I realize Manning is 50 times better than Trent and Garcia is only 25 times better but old is old right?
  10. Blaming JP for Trent sucking. Finally, a new twist.
  11. When he was in collage there were people everywhere almost as if they were randomly arranged.
  12. He already told you. It says allot. I believe this is French for Hello. Allot also means allocate in English but allocate makes no sense.
  13. Good point. Many cornerbacks are playmakers.
  14. Isn't being a sports writer in Oneonta like being a Science editor in Canada?
  15. Is that the next aisle over from the Turtle Wax and Borax hand soap?
  16. Ooooh. I just looked that one up via the Goglebot. That's neat. The Ruskies'll never know what hit 'em.
  17. You can't really tell from the picture if he's wearing earmuffs or if the other one is flying a solo mission.
  18. Dude, say what you want about JP but at least try to be fair. He simply does not pollute. As a matter of fact he cleans up.
  19. I TOLD you not to go.
  20. Is that the Bread place? Did this guy invent it? If so I'm glad I never went to the original location. Two loaves. No extra charge for the baked in nose hair.
  21. I don't know much aboout spying but don't you have to get into a disguise usually? Obama named Leon Panetta as his top spy today. First of all, why wouldn't you keep the name of your top spy a secret? Secondly, I don't know who Panetta is but I saw his picture. The dude has a really big schnoz. I mean how is he going to get into disguise with a honker like that? It makes no sense. I'm starting to have my doubts about Obama.
  22. If you account for the draft value chart 2009 will actually be his rookie year.
  23. Does the yards per completion count completions to other teams and their ensuing 80+ yard returns?
  24. I told you not to go
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