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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. In Madden 07 Robert Royal is a white guy. Maybe they know something we don't.
  2. Do you remember that season?
  3. If money were class, you'd be the whole third grade.
  4. When a first time President comes in, by definition they lack experience. When you lack experience, you can look dumb around just about anybody. A new President should never look dumb as it would undermine his term. Solution: Trip to Canada. This is how politics works.
  5. Not true. He never verbally complained about weather during a game. He just complained with his poor play. He did complain about the Buffalo weather in general and how he stayed inside, etc.
  6. Trent's true colors ARE his INABILITY to stay healthy. And weak arm. And gloves. And constant whining about the weather. And turnovers.
  7. Well they all made a lot of money so I bet a bunch of them bought cars worth as much as a house.
  8. See what I mean?
  9. Congratulations on solving yet another mystery. I call it more a of "sharp object to the face".
  10. I don't think it was me. It easily could have been God laughing at your latest skiing mishap. I'll fire up a GvG and ask him.
  11. Things like this always have unintended consequences. There have been many documentaries on this very issue. I think Tony Hawke was in one of the famous ones. Anyway, I am against it but if they have to do it they should start in Canada where there is really nothing to lose.
  12. Jerry Sullivan will probably accept the buyout now that he is busy running the Bills.
  13. The NFL is about talent. If our football guys think he does not have the talent then fine. If he is talented enough and all the "fans" on this board don't want him that is also fine. But anyone who thinks he has the talent and still does not want him has ZERO right to EVER complain about Ralph again. All the stuff about distraction is excuse making plain and simple.
  14. Despite the poor spelling I think I understand what you're saying here. If I do, then you have still missed my point. It is quite simple actually. I am saying that the people berating Ralph for not getting football talent have no right to say he should reject Jones. It is they that ignore the damage to the franchise brand, not I. The comments I made were not intended for an individual poster. That means you or anyone else. You do not have to prove anything to me.
  15. In my original post I said: This clearly addresses your concerns. Maybe you should read the whole post before calling people morons.
  16. I stopped reading your post where I truncated it in the quote. I did this because you ceased using logic. We all know what talent means. In your post you seek to tack on new meanings like influence and behavior. Talent is talent. As for the Ralph part it was just that I noticed that all the same people that call out Ralph for not wanting to sign top talent are now saying that we should never sign Jones. You can't have it both ways. Either you support Ralph and his current policies or you want him to sign Jones. You can't say "Ralph sucks" and "don't sign Jones" at the same time and remain logical. I am okay with someone calling out Ralph and wanting Jones or supporting Ralph and not wanting Jones. At least those are consistent.
  17. That's all very nice but the NFL is about talent. If our football guys think he does not have the talent then fine. If he is talented enough and all the "fans" on this board don't want him that is also fine. But anyone who thinks he has the talent and still does not want him has ZERO right to EVER complain about Ralph again. All the stuff about distraction is excuse making plain and simple.
  18. Happy Birthday. You should go away on a skiing trip to celebrate. Oh, wait............
  19. There are 1000 threads complaining about Ralph not going after big name players, but not one call in this thread for picking up Jones? Jones is a mega-talent. He is a game changer and the Bills need game changers. The small market of Buffalo and the calming of coach Jauron could only help Jones, yet nobody on here even entertains the thought. I'm not a real X's and O's guy but when something is obvious like Jones talent or Edwards lack, I can see it. We do have a decent secondary so I wouldn't just flat out say sign Jones but at least let the football guys have a say. If they think he fits, I think Ralph should sign him and pay him well. He should not sign him to a bargain contract just because he can. If he pays Jones big money with little or no strings attached it will create a loyalty in Jones that he has never shown before. Again, if the scouts and coaches think we don't need him I am fine with it, but this should be a purely football decision.
  20. Worst case scenario: Things go bad for four years and Mike Hunt steps in to save us.
  21. Ed went to a special banned camp called marriage.
  22. The standard answer applies for you: 1. Find Hamdan 2. Exact revenge
  23. After he is in office for a while, they could have him visit Afghanistan. They could claim he took a wrong turn and ended up MIA. The terrorists would be in a frenzy trying to find him and kill him. They'd all be walking around asking each other: "Have you seen Mike Hunt? Mike Hunt is lost. Please help me find Mike Hunt."
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