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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Dude, You've been doing good work. Congratulations. You are now the assistant coordinator of miscellaneous operations involving crap I do not want to do. As ACoMOICIDNWTD your first act will be to fire Sven the pilot. I know Sven has a hot temper and he is 6' 8" 258 of steroid induced rage but am sure he will understand his ouster when you explain that I hired this guy to replace him. Let me know how it goes.
  2. Come on dude you have solved tougher mysteries than this.
  3. You're lucky this hasn't happened to Skooby's car because if it did you would probably be frozen in your house.
  4. Forgiveness is nice and all but the episode would have been better if they had Davey Shiv the Mofo.
  5. That would almost be enough to make me want read the Buffalo News.
  6. First, do the ceiling. Wait for it to dry and tape very carefully. The trick is to not just tape around the edges where it meets the wall. Tape extra careful there, but then tape the entire rest of the ceiling. If you're in a hurry, you don't have to wait for the paint to dry before taping. Next, paint the walls. Repeat the taping process. Be sure to use drop cloths on the floors. Before you paint the trim take away the drop cloths and put down two coats of tape on the floor. If you have carpet, rip it up and tape the sub floor. Now paint the trim. Tape the trim. Put a thin layer of caulk.....that's right caulk over the tape on the trim. Now re-install the carpet. You are now ready to remove all the tape. The trick is not to rip it off, but to scrape it off with a razor. Scrape hard for best results. When you are done with this hire a painter.
  7. You are describing Trent Edwards to a teeth. Anyway, generally speaking I am guessing a team would have a better chance with a strong armed QB from Ball S. than a weak armed glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos. Sometime the obvious is, well, obvious.
  8. How is being a bad NBA player a sure sign he will be a bad NFL player? Two sport stars often work out. Look at Tony Gonzalez. He might be better than the Ball S. guy at hoops but he would still stink against a real NBA team like the Bulls So the Bulls stopped him. Big deal. I bet they could stop Trent Edwards too but that wouldn't mean Trent stunk at football. There are a lot of reasons Trent is bad but basketball skill or lack thereof is not one of them.
  9. I bet Trent never went fishing with AVP because the worms were all dirty and icky.
  10. It's not a joke. Todd convinced me. Who needs a QB from Ball S. when you have one from Los Gatos?
  11. You're right. No team really NEEDS a qb that can throw the ball 9 yards.
  12. Not if they're both more than 12 yards from the LOS. P.S. LOS is an acronym for Line Of Scrimmage. I wasn't abbreviating Los Gatos.
  13. You know it's all going to hell and a handbasket when you are no longer able to duct tape an annoying kid to his car seat. On second thought, we really should have known even before that. Who needs a car seat anyway? Right from the time they are infants, we soften them up. Just throw 'em in the back seat and if they roll around a little, they roll around a little.
  14. Plus he should send the link to this thread. Imagine the response if Dell realizes it risks losing the Glove wearing Mary fanboy market segment.
  15. I didn't even think of that part. Maybe farmers should install some of that new style astro turf the football teams use. It is just as green as real grass and cows won't eat it.
  16. Dude. I was not discrediting the belief. I was mocking the Ruskies that think we're going into an ice age. I have been around cows and know for a FACT that they fart.
  17. The "scientist" who wrote this article obviously never heard of cow farts. I would like to see these Ruskies proven wrong. To quote the great I hope we get hotter than effin @#%^, just to stuff it up them 3,000 people that.....
  18. EGYLM, Please understand that when people see a thread title of "Truly Ugly" they open the thread with the expectation of having a laugh about Canadian sex symbols like Celine Dion. When they are disappointed they will lash out like you have seen here. It is your fault really.
  19. I don't thik they should pick all QBs although we need at least two. I have never seen him play but he declared early. That puts him ahead of Trent for starters. Plus, the first 5 letters of his school name are obviously lost on Trent. Overall, I am just wondering if the Bills willl draft for need or talent. Although I have never seen him play or read anything about his game, this guy seems to fit both need and overall talent. I don't see how we can go wrong.
  20. Look, I purposely avoided getting into the trade up trade down scenarios. I am sure some people will say we can trade down and still get him. You say trade up but do it later. All of that stuff is complicated. Like I said, I don't know if he is any good. So if he is there at #11 do we take him based on need? I doubt we would ever trade up for anyone because Jerry Sullivan said Ralph is cheap. If not will he be there in round 2? I doubt it based on his skills. I just tried to keep it simple.
  21. I get your not so subtle hint but I don't think you understand the crisis we are facing as a species. If we do not killl all mammals so that humans may live we risk their farts creating global warming on a scale that will wipe us out. We can't risk that. I realize you are saying it might have unintended consequences and it might. What if by killing all the mammals like cows the deer population explodes and a lot of people get Lyme disease? Would this suck? Yes. But it would suck less than extinction. Will I enjoy seeing all mammals killed? No. Do we have a choice? No. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Many times this is sad but you have to step up. P.S. If you want to disagree with one of my opinions then fine. You don't have to do it in another thread in a sneaky way. This forum is here so we can argue about things. I am not going to be offended if you disagree so go ahead.
  22. I can't remember his name and don't know if he is any good but if the Bills draft for need he could be our guy. Will he be there at #11?
  23. He said you can't argue with it.
  24. We probably should have cut him when he allegedly tried to kill his father.
  25. And that wouldn't make him a teal if we got him in the 2nd?
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