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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Hmmmmm. Who was it that busted up Bynum's knee?
  2. Don't beat yourself up. It is almost impossible to be full of urine when you're completely full of crap.
  3. Don't get too carried away.
  4. The grind is a big part of it, I will grant you that, but the grind is not completely how you do it. There has to be a lead up for both the body and the mind. Women are a multi-faceted species and different facets dominate each woman. The key is you have to get the individual woman ready for the grind. Even for the same individual, the lead up may vary from day to day or situation to situation. You have to be able to recognize this and react instinctively. Flowers, candy, dirty talk, props of various types and settings can be part of the equation. The key is by the time you get to the grind you should already have them satisfied and the grind itself just puts them over the edge into bliss. If you have done all of these things properly and you finish big with the grind, a woman will be more than happy to pay you extraordinarily well.
  5. With an attitude like that it is no wonder that they are always walking in the other direction.
  6. EIGHT. Eight is the average number a yards a Trent Edwards pass travels in the air.
  7. Did you work for Daschle while he was cheating on his taxes or did he do that after he left the Senate?
  8. Dude I have a Bently. They do not advertise because if you need to ask then you can't afford it. A Bentley is a low end imitation of a Bently.
  9. Ahmadinejad 1 Obama 0 Link It's not a big deal yet, so let's hope Obama smartens up. Being a Los Gatos rarely yields results.
  10. Is that the one where the main character dies of dehydration?
  11. And how many did I say I needed?
  12. Not THAT room with a lot of lettuce. Any room with a lot of lettuce except for THAT one. Sammy will nice her to death. How are you coming along finding those tasers?
  13. Well, considering she was already in and I told you to simply keep her away from: A. Sven and B. Meat lockers and C. the fridge and you obvioulsy failed in B and C, I don't know what to think. I sincerely hope you followed instruction A or it looks like Sven is gonna be a poppa. I suppose you should bring her in and lock her in a room with a lot of lettuce.
  14. Um....no. Bently. Bentleys are for wannabes.
  15. If I am reading this correctly I will say a prayer for you.
  16. Bently. And I was and continue to be paid at market rates, neither overpaid or underpaid.
  17. If you look at it mathematically Dockery is a better value than Trent. Take away your bias against Dockery and in favor of Peters and the Glove wearing Mary and look at this objectively. If you take salary as an indicator then Dockery would have a high expectation level. On an addition/subtraction basis he would probably be the most disappointing. He cost 7 Mil but only produced at a 2 mil level. That means we overspent by 5 Mil. Trent couldn't even match it as he is only overpaid by 500k. I can see that argument but I think it is too simplistic as he is still producing at a 2 mil level. I think it is most fair to take salary as a numerator and production as a denominator. This means Dockery would be a 3.5 as 7m/2m is 3.5. The higher the number the less value a player holds. 3.5 is a bad number. I think any fair assessment of Trent would have his value at 0. This makes his number infinity; even with a low salary. The last time I checked, infinity is more than 3.5. I think I have been too fair to Trent as he actually produced more for our opponents than he did for us. For instance he had a zero for the Cleveland Browns as he has produced richly for them two consecutive years and has not cost them a dime. In reality his denominator for Buffalo is negative which sends the calculation into a whirl. It is basically a sign he should be dumped which rings true to the naked eye. Clean up the city boy had similar numbers and he is already gone. Hardy, Omon, Ellis, Royal, and a few others fit this category as well. You can make a case that Hardy, Omon and Ellis were rookies and should be given another chance. You can also say that Trent will be entering his rookie year in 09 based on the draft value chart. Buffalo will probably look at it this way and keep these guys. In reality he should be held accountable as he enters his fifth season in August. The best value on the team is probably Fred Jackson based on last year's $$ and production.
  18. How does taking an obviously inaccurate rate and arbitrarily tripling it make it any more accurate? If I said my Bently car door is 3 times as efficient as Karl's car door, you would say that my measurments were weird. If I said, ok I guess it is 9 times as efficient, it would not make the measurement better. It should be very clear that multiplying things by 3 results in a lot of errors. If you multiplied itby 3.5 you might be on to something.
  19. Most teams defer because it gives them a shot at an extra possession over the course of the game. Dick Jauron defers because he is not aggressive enough. I suspect either team will defer and for the former reason, not the latter. Both coaches are aggressive so their reasoning makes sense.
  20. There are mysteries down there that not even Steely can solve.
  21. It's the same dude. He changed his name to Cat Stevens when he converted to Mormon.
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