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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Can you imagine if they allowed Canadians to be actors? That's a double dose of dumb right there.
  2. Tom O'Brien of Lockport visited One Bills Drive today seeking a discount on his seaon ticket package.
  3. I know; right? It's not really ethical but you have to congratulate them for their ingenuity. The NFL couldn't see far enough into to the future during the last collective bargaining agreement. The next one will probably permit IP traces. Even so, once a player is a free agent they could just moved east. It's a pain in the neck but could pay off. You could take it a step farther and structure a team around this. If the Seattle Seahawks were smart, they could strike a deal where they shared the team with another city like Dover, Delaware. The Dover Seahawks would be in effect from after the Super Bowl until two days into free agency.
  4. The Googlebot has such a device but its use is too expensive even for the NFL. We're talking 3-Skooby car expensive. That's six houses in Buffalo.
  5. Technically you are correct but most of the players and agents have gamed the system by getting VOIP phones with Eastern time zone area codes. They can plug in anywhere and the phone records will look like a call was placed to the Eastern time zone. They can list a city as their residence in NFL records, the actual street address is not required because it is private.
  6. I'm not saying it's fair but time is time. 2009 started earlier in NYC than it did in LA didn't it? I'm sure the NFL will make up some crap about it being fair because the West Coast teams have three more hours to decide who to cut at that deadline but that hardly makes it even.
  7. It is like New Year's Eve in a way. For a three hour period, NY is in one year and LA is in another. I think we should all be on the same clock around the globe. It would be confusing as different hours would represent daylight hours vs. dark hours but the localities would get used to it. Anyway, unfair situations like this and New Year's Eve could be avoided.
  8. Think about the big market teams in the east: NY Giants NY Jets NE Patriots Philly Washington Pittsburgh is not a big market but they are a glamour team. Tonight, these teams will get a one to three hour jump on most of the rest of the league when it comes to signing free agents. At 12:01 Eastern, they will only have to worry about the other Eastern teams knowing Chicago and Dallas can't Jump in for another hour and San Fran and others have to wait three. I know we benefit from this, but it still isn't fair.
  9. The stories about the "sonar artifacts" are faked so that they don't have tons of people scuba diving for treasure. They want it all to themselves.
  10. I know it is hard to believe, but someone has picked up Losman quickly. It is not where I would have expected him to end up but there he is.
  11. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but let's face it, they look ridiculous in t-shirts. All of the flab and stuff shows through and it is disgusting. Excel is a pretty smart program. If you're trying to give a t-shirt to someone born in 1930 it is probably saying to itself :"no way am I giving a t-shirt to someone that old" and it adjusts. Change the t-shirt size to just the word size and it will allow you to default to 19xx.
  12. When did this turn into a Vikings board? How about the Bills adding Warner?
  13. I don't know much about odd couples since I broke up with Lee, but I'd pass on this guy. Has anyone noticed that guys named Max used to be tough but for the last 15 years or so are all wusses?
  14. Sometimes I think these things get out of control. There is an old axiom that if you give enough monkeys enough typewriters one of them will eventually type out Romeo and Juliet. I don't think it was really aimed at congress or Obama any more than Trent Edwards pass in that Redskins game was aimed at Josh Reed. Anyway, the reason Sharpton is pissed is because he did not get the analogy. Until me, no one in this thread even got it. The cartoonist is trying to say the bill was so stupid that you wouldn't need a lot of monkeys or typewriters, only one. Anyway, that is dumb for many reasons: 1. While Romeo and Juliet is generally considered a work of art, random is random. It would be just as hard to type out the stimulus bill or the winning lottery numbers or losing lottery numbers as it would Romeo and Juliet which was a dumb story anyway. 2. That monkey was something like 200 pounds which is way above average which defeats the whole randonimity theory. 3. Typewriters aren't even used any more. People use computers now and even if a monkey could type on a typewriter, he might not be able to use a computer. First he would have to turn it on and then figure out which icon was the word processor. How in the hell is a monkey supposed to do that? Plus, most monkey cages do not even have power outlets. Bottom line: Not funny because writer is dumb. Interpreted as racist because Sharpton is dumb. Monkeys aren't totally dumb but they are unlilkely to flourish in a post typewriter world.
  15. Did someone move to Canada?
  16. I don't know if he did. Which is why this doesn't suprised me at all.
  17. Dude he hit a drunk Canadian Broad. The streets in Buffalo late at night are teeming with them.
  18. So are you going to write McGahee's bastard children and tell them not to worry that daddy isn't around because at least he didn't hit a mailbox with his car and that would be really disturbing? And smoking pot in a car with friends is super disturbing according to Jerry Sullivan right? Granted pot is stupid and anyone who smokes it is wasting their own potential, but a lot of people do it. I'll bet the only reason Jerry Sullivan never smoked pot in his car with friends is because he didn't have any friends.
  19. Dude I was not trying to be political at first, I was just looking on the internet for some songs to help get Sammy out of his recent funk. I found the video because of the song and thought that maybe the Mormons have a point after all. That's it. There was nothing malicious. Anyway, the song seemed to work. Sammy has been waaaaayyy too nice for a long time now and has been singing uplifting songs based on certain situations. Anyway, I have been trying to provoke him and get him to be his normal mean self again. I got him some songs that I thought would get him mean but they made him nicer. So I thought I'd get him a nice song as reverse psychiatry. It worked. He's not totally back to being mean but that Hamster Dance song really ticked him off. You would think it would be a song a hamster would love. Weird huh?
  20. This video shows some things that are comedic at first. When you think about it, it is serious because these things can be dangerous sometimes too. The Mormons, as they are known in this country, do not allow this behavior in the Middle East where their religion is known as Islam. I do not support their overall behavior, much of which is oppressive toward women. After watching this video, I realize that some of it is probably justified. This situation helps explain why there is so much fighting in the world. Often, right and wrong is a thin line and good ideas get taken too far. When two sides disagree, they go to extremes.
  21. This again? Pat Buchanan may be a big jerk but he was NEVER president.
  22. They'd probably wait around for fancy cars like Skooby's to hang out in.
  23. In the thread on the main board someone posted that it was 6038 Long st. That is the only place I have personally seen the house number, but all of the news outlets are definitely saying Long St.
  24. Point well taken. Doublemets. On the flip side it is fun to watch them complain to no avail all the time.
  25. It's a pretty good idea to drive cars for a long time but a better idea to drive used cars. If you are married, you should have yourself and your spouse each register and take title to their own car. A few years into driving them, you can sell them to each other. This way you are both driving used cars and realistically if you liked the first one better you could always just borrow it from your spouse anyway if you are on good terms in your marriage. And if your spouse isn't too bright you can make a few bucks in the process.
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