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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Floyd is a drunken loser. Ergo Gilmore was the right pick.
  2. Smoking pot leads to all that other crap you typed.
  3. What position did you want the bills to pick? I think DB and especially Gilmore was a good choice but am wondering if you had a player/position in mind.
  4. Newsflash: If you have a degree in ancient calligraphy and get a job at McDonald's flipping burgers you are OVERemployed, not UNDERemployed.
  5. Enough with the Coby Fleener talk. His name alone eliminates him. The same people wanted Blaine Gabbert and Toby Whatever the RB on the Vikes. Their names doom them to nothingness and two of them have already proven it.
  6. A real fancy tiolet seat maybe. Mark my words: Trend setter.
  7. ...........Dontari Poe's hair stylist. WOW!!!! He or she will be getting lots of referrals. Big $$$$$$$$$.
  8. Bengals take a pot head. What a shocker.
  9. Did you get her a nice purse while you were there? Geez.
  10. Most college pukes these days go to school to learn some useless topic like "political science" or "social work" or "accounting" or ancient languages" where it is easy to see there is no money at the back end. Now they basically want a refund from the government? Let me ask you this: If I went to a car dealer and there was a nice landscaping rock in the lot and I told the salesman I wanted to buy it and spend the same amount I would spend on a new luxury car, would I be able to get a refund when I found out I couldn't drive the rock off the lot?
  11. He is probably not going in the top 10 though. To be fair, Reiff probably isn't either. I guess I will change my formal pick to Luck. Please select someone other than Glenn.
  12. 1. Gilmore - Awesome 2. Barron - Good but would remember that we just let an all pro walk and this pick was wasted back then 3. Kuechly - Poz with crappy hair. Hey you asked for my initial thought and that will be it. 4. Floyd - I will wonder where his first Buffalo arrest will take place. Probably Chippewa 5. any LT other than Kalil - Glenn Good....others bad 6. a trade up for Kalil - depends on what they give up but although it would be nice to have him it will be expensive, Probably too expensive 7. Tanlleywhacker - Well, at least we did well in free agency.
  13. At least one of the legitimate top 10 picks in every draft turns out sucking. This year Talleywhacker will be picked in the top 10 and will definitely suck horribly so don't use him as your choice as it is too obvious. Which of the other top 10 picks do you think will suck. My picks are Reiff if he goes top 10 or Andrew Luck.
  14. I have no problem with Barron but it would be a full circle of waste after just letting an All Pro walk last season.
  15. Congrats to you and your son and......WHEW!!!!!!! When I read the thread title I thought you had knocked up Ennifer.
  16. Seriously. I don't think a movie is needed at all but if he must, "Cougars on patrol volume 7" should work.
  17. Repeat after me..... Oh wait, you already did.
  18. I prefer Gilmore but I think "the Whitner thing" makes it more likely we pick Barron. I'm sure Buddy will calm the fans by making assurances that we think Barron will be an All Pro like Whitner but that in this case we won't let him walk.
  19. Hey Baldy I have two questions for you ad neither of them relate to evolution so excuse me for putting them here but this thread started as "science vs politics" not just evolution. Anyway question 1 is: Why are the solutions that are "based in science" always basically communizing everything? Question #2 is: Have you still not thought of a followup question for the big guy upstairs via GvG from the other thread?
  20. I think that pick is slated to be swapped for Casey Matthews. Anyway hitting a cop will probably get him to drop more than 1 round. Round 5? Did you see in the article that he got in a fight with Jeffrey who may also end up on the Bills?
  21. Barron is not a pot head.
  22. Any updates on this?
  23. Any updates on this?
  24. True enough I suppose. There is actually some footage of him using size to his advantage.
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