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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Hippies tend to see their bodies as ecosystems. Also, they do not like to waste time on washing when they could be chanting nor do they like to filter money into the hands of the big soap corporations.
  2. Dude, brains are not a prerequisite. When is the last time a hippy granola chick with fleas from Cornell won Miss USA?
  3. Mark Sanchez Eben Britton Max Unger
  4. Is the Spinal Fusion re-make out yet? It is called Anvil and is about a Spinal Fusion like band except they are even dumber because they are Canadian. It seems to be less than original, but still funny.
  5. Next year LeBron will be the one suffering a Big Brown like fake injury. The NBA is fixed.
  6. I didn't realize that and I doubt he would go to those lengths as part of a practical joke. Maybe we should just wait until after the draft and figure out which guy is the most likely candidate.
  7. We all remember Bill Walsh's little practical joke on Marv called Trent Edwards. Walsh must have had a good laugh over that one. Now that Walsh is gone I'm wondering if there are any other potential jokesters out there that would burn the Bills in this years draft. Do you have any predictions? I'll go out on a limb and say Hank Stram, who coached in Missouri, calls Ralph and tells him to pick the not-ready-for-the-NFL Chase Coffman. Got any guesses?
  8. This would be a great day for pot heads if they had enough short term memory left over to remember it.
  9. I predicted the fake injury to Garnett and results a long time ago. I may revise it a bit and say the Lakers will beat Cleveland in the Finals but next year's Final is set in stone.
  10. It could be tiny spy robots sent by the recording industry.
  11. Dude you remeber her right? Ginny's sister? You know, the Ginny that gives you all those Werther's Orginals? Why do you think Ginny likes you so much? Hint: It is not your dashing good looks, but it is what you had done for her sister during her visit to the States. Now I keep reading media reports that this broad is a 48 year old virgin. How is that possible? I checked the old transaction list and either you are very forgetable to women or you filed a false report a few years back. Don't get me wrong, the former seems possible, but I have to think it is the ladder since Ginny still likes you despite her problem a while ago. If I were you I'd ring up Susan and try to cash in on this thing before it gets out of control.
  12. Most of the hippies at Cornell can't even get a girl, much less a job.
  13. This is interesting. After the first day the Bills will have a lot of time to see who is left on the draft board. With the first pick on day two they might have a lot of options. It might not have to be a replacement for Parrish. Maybe a Center or LB will be forgotten on day 1. Personally, I think keeping Parrish is the best option but the first pick on day two could be valuable.
  14. According to the draft value chart, Edwards will be entering his rookie season this year so I'm sure that many will give him a pass. Others will be unrealistically hard on him. Personally, for someone who will be enterig his 6th season in September, I think Trtent has to show something. All that he has shown so far in his "career" is that he is a glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos. That doesn't cut it in the NFL. With the OL he has been behind, he should have thrown the ball downfield more but he was scared. With a lesser OL this year he will have the chance to be a leader. He will probably squander it, but it is a good opportunity for him. I say Go Trent.
  15. Somehwere, Meazza is already imagining a catfight.
  16. Oh my God. News Flash to Canada: The people that left got out for a reason. You don't just go over Niagara falls on one side and then climb up the other for excercise. They were the ones that had double digit synapses still firing. This is an obvious ploy to collect taxes from people around the world to fund the 2010 Olympics. They may also be able guilt a couple of engineers into thinking they have Canadian "ancestry" and have them actually build a few buildings for the Olympics. Engineers tend to be gullible and a few may fall for it. On a related note, I once saw some drunken moron with a leaf on his shirt drop something that looked like money from his wallet. When I picked it up and tried to catch up to him and reutrn it, I couldn't because I was laughing so hard. Do you know that Canada puts pictures of National Treasures on the back of their money just like we do? We have stuff like the Lincoln Monument and Congress. Do you know what they have on their $5? Pictures of punk kids playing hockey on a pond. Nice National Treasure. Lolololol. And they can't even make it realistic. They have the kids pictured with real helmets instead of cardboard boxes with rope for a chinstrap. Even if you have a national treasure that is a joke to the rest of the world, it is still your national treasure. At least picture it realistically.
  17. On a positive note from the board's perspective, Conner and Sage will just be hitting puberty.
  18. The quote above is from Tim. In it, he differentiates the Marshall and Lynch situations. He seems to try explaining why Marshall got less punishment. He does not in any way argue for or against Marshall's punishment. He doesn't come right out and say he thinks Marshall's punishment was light and makes a strong effort to differentiate Marshall's situation from Lynch's. You interpret that as him thinking Marshall should have had a harsher punishment. Either he needs to write more clearly or you need to crack the Logic 101 books a little harder. I'm thinking it's the ladder.
  19. Your clarifying comments seem to contradict Sage's interpretation of your article. Please revise them or feel Sage's "Logic 101 wrath".
  20. If your car is drifting to the right at impact, you have to turn hard left and vice versa. You can actually flip them pretty high into the air if you do it right.
  21. Back to logic class kiddo. By not saying Marshall received undeserved favors, Graham, by implication, say he did deserve said favors. If he thought otherwise the article would have said something like: The entire premise of the article is that Lynch does not deserve the reduction. If Graham thought that all players get off too easy, he would have said so. When you advance with your understanding of what you're being taught in logic class you will be able to discern what is known as the "subject". Also, the pornographic reference in your reply is unnecessary. "Stupid logic" would have still been rude, but adding in a reference to "fallacy" is over the top. Kids read this board.
  22. Scratched leg = dead? It was a drunk Canadian broad so brain dead I can buy, but dead?
  23. Check the link The video in the linked article shows the supposed bow at about :53. It is seemingly a situation where Obama dropped his contact lens or something. I think the rude part is that you can clearly read the Arab dude's lips when Obama leans over. He appears to say: "While you're down there...."
  24. To be fair to wrestling fans, I'm pretty sure that race had very little to do with the Iron Sheik's lack of popularity. During his matches he would often load up his boot and knock out his opponent with a kick. Many suspected that there was a steel plate in the boot. That is when he received the most boos because cheating is always unpopular. The fact that he was from the Middle East did not have much to do with it IMO.
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