I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but let's face it; old people and especially old broads have literally only one memory running through their brain. That one memory is:
That is why Pelosi keeps changing her story and keeps insisting that it is consistent and that everyone else is wrong. It has nothing to do with the actual topic. She might as well be saying that Cy Young is the all time Home Run leader.
She doesn't remember anything so she says whatever suits her at that moement in time. Then she insists that is what she has been saying all along. If half the planet points out the falsehood, she just insists more forcefully. She is old. That is what old people do. They are in no mental state to be in positions of power.
P.S. Did you see that Disney is putting out a cartoon movie about an old man. Are they trying to lose money on purpose? Flop city. Even so, that old man and Nancy Pelosi and all the old congresspeople are basically the same person. Now that hippies are getting old we are in for a real treat.
Old Disney Cartoon guy for President!!!!!!!