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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. Those are good questions that may never be answered. Some people also say that waterboarding is an effective recruitment tactic for Al Quaeda. Of course this notion is completely made up and does nothing except display that people will believe anything they read. That Americans are being displayed as so gullible is really the recruiting tool.
  2. If you're using mental deficiency as a standard, and the government defines what is and what is not mental deficiency, then you have ceded all power to the government. Congrats. Some decisions are easy and some are not. It's not like Canada where the mental deficiency rate is so close to 100% that you might as well just have the policy cover everyone.
  3. I can think of one glove wearing Mary from Los Gatos and some dude named Orlovsky. That's all I got.
  4. Although this is possible, it does seem paranoid. The next thing you know you'll be worried about broads sneaking peeks at our fullback's junk.
  5. Exactly? Are you already trying to let the culprit get off on a mental illness defense? If so, he would get off twice in one case which is difficult to accomplish.
  6. They're letting robots run for office now? This could be intersting because I know a Googlebot that might be interested.
  7. Maybe it was a simple misunderstanding of words. When they asked her if she was sure she might have said: And the cops thought she said: Mistakes can happen.
  8. I remember when Wilmer Valderama was accused of doing this outside of some woman's window he used the FezAin't onthe glass defense.
  9. A lot of times when a rich guy gets in trouble he will get someone else to accept the blame. It is known as 'bate and switch.
  10. No NFL defense does.
  11. If the city is ever robbed and there are no fingerprints it will be a good sign. It will prove that TO and Trent are working well together.
  12. They should also make laws against cancer because the minute I lose a loved one to cancer I will wish there was no such thing.
  13. So your trip to France will be quicker
  14. D1 - Bail money for Fullback
  15. Well one thing this case shouldn't lack is DNA.
  16. McIntyre rarely lost one one one battles but from time to time he would beat himself.
  17. EGYLN, I specifically addressed the A-Rod issue in my second post.
  18. That's a tough one. I even doubt Sage's friend could lick it but you could ask.
  19. I'm pretty sure he is not jobbing the system but trying to minimize how much the system is jobbing him. When you have his kind of money, you can lose it pretty quickly. I have been skilled enough to build a lifelong cushion but don't blame him for making sure he can survive.
  20. This makes him an obvious target for the racist Obama while Bonds breaking white-guy Babe Ruth's record made him a target of racist Bush. These things are so obvious that they are probably not true because they are too obvious and this has been planned.
  21. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone, but let's face it; old people and especially old broads have literally only one memory running through their brain. That one memory is: That is why Pelosi keeps changing her story and keeps insisting that it is consistent and that everyone else is wrong. It has nothing to do with the actual topic. She might as well be saying that Cy Young is the all time Home Run leader. She doesn't remember anything so she says whatever suits her at that moement in time. Then she insists that is what she has been saying all along. If half the planet points out the falsehood, she just insists more forcefully. She is old. That is what old people do. They are in no mental state to be in positions of power. P.S. Did you see that Disney is putting out a cartoon movie about an old man. Are they trying to lose money on purpose? Flop city. Even so, that old man and Nancy Pelosi and all the old congresspeople are basically the same person. Now that hippies are getting old we are in for a real treat. Old Disney Cartoon guy for President!!!!!!!
  22. It's their congressman just like everyone else.
  23. Is it a Canadian government office?
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