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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. If you have ever made fun of the looks of any woman then you are throwing stones in a glass house.
  2. Among other human beings
  3. So you're saying your wife agrees with you 75% of the time?
  4. Yay for Barney. Legalize pot. How else are we going to have punk pot head kids running wornd killing skinning and crushing the skulls of cats?
  5. Incorrectly solving Sean Taylor's murder in 10 minutes or less.
  6. Good news here. All is well. My attorney, Jimmy Spagnola took care of the whole thing. All set.
  7. The Democratic party is influenced by organized crime? Dude wake up. The Demoncrat and Republican parties are organized crime.
  8. Madagascar? Madagascar is as hot as an oven. You wouldn't want to stick Jews in an oven would you? Oh wait, I read the rest of your post. Let me see if I have it. If we stick the Jews in an oven maybe the Mormons won't fly planes into our buildings. Did I get it?
  9. Hey kid. Keep your disgusting yet unrealistic fantasies off this board please.
  10. Israel is small so 500 people are like 5000? Do they have other super powers?
  11. Belgiums might know how to drink but they don't know how to party. Belgium is the most boring place on the planet and Belgiums are the most boring people. They drink because they are bored.
  12. If I wasn't being paid so handsomely I would agree with you. And you didn't quite break the code. Threre was no "dating" involved except with Lee.
  13. Excellent baseball insight at a Nationals game = Excellent rodeo skills at a swim meet.
  14. Awesome story and video
  15. Why wouldn't she? In that sentence alone she got 23 of 24 words correct.
  16. From Brussels? He probably did not get out in time and died of boredom.
  17. Dude did you miss the underling/overling discussion? You can't judge a book by it cover. Trust me, I have "read" thousands of "books" that looked spectacular and were terrible. I have also "read" many many "books" that looked marginal or ok and turned out to be incredible. Don't get me wrong, I have "read" at least 5000 "books" that looked flawless and turned out to exceed even that expectation. The cover definitely counts, but it is not everything. After a while you learn to understand the covers a little better and weed out the deceptive ones.
  18. Okay okay all of this wild specualtion is driving me crazy. I'll come clean on this. I was helping Skooby launder some $$$ for the down payment on his new car.
  19. Senators are human too!!!!! They are under a lot of pressure. They should keep their vows of marriage and to the constitution but sometimes it is hard. There are just so many people that don't show the proper respect, that the tension has to break somewhere. Sometimes they snap at people and other times they sleep around. It is not an excuse, but it is understandable.
  20. I can't say too much but I will say never send two japanese dudes to do the work of a Googlebot. This has cost me a lot of time.
  21. That is specualtion as you never really know someones bedroom tendencies.
  22. That is a great idea. Another great idea is to convince all of the world's pigs to fly over NK and let them have it with loads of pig crap which will clog their weaponry. The swine air force would come as almost as much of a surprise as Russian/Chinese cooperation.
  23. If them Jews told him to do it, I bet he would.
  24. This is a Los Gatos way of saying "I double dare you".
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