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Everything posted by ieatcrayonz

  1. I really don't know where to begin when someone suggests looking at Canada as an example of a dysfunctional society. Either you can spend your whole life studying examples or you can remember the old computer lingo garbage in garbage out.
  2. Some of the porno movie names were funny but I don't understand that one. Care to explain? I'll give it a shot: "A drink of Goat's MILF"
  3. What are.......things a commie would say?
  4. He's a Belgium which makes this whole thing more boring than it already was.
  5. I don't like commies, but I agree with them on one thing.
  6. No. It is Alexander Tounkara. Years ago his dad was a tag team partner with Mr. Fuji.
  7. If you can live through a Glove Wearing Mary from Los Gatos you can live through Vince Young.
  8. I posted the results of this year's playoffs three and a half years ago. You know that.
  9. I have just looked up Tank Carder on the internet and discovered he is white. I have edited my post above to reflect this new knowledge.
  10. No offense to anyone here but I am a bit worried that out front office people evidently read this board and actually do things based on what they see here. It seems cool at first blush, but when you think about it, it might not be the best idea. I know we can't afford to spend big $ on scouts like other teams but I really hope we are not all part of the scouting department. Below is my overall take on the draft: 1. Gilmore - Buddy got the best guy available and at a position of need. A total home run and maybe one of only 3 or 4 picks he made on his own along with the paid staff. 2. Glenn - Today's NFL does not really need as many or as skilled lineman as in year's past, there are many analogies I could provide to describe why but Glenn still makes sense here. Despite his size he is versatile and can move reasonably well. It also avoided having this web site explode if we picked up another DB which would have been a good football choice. The explosion was simmering but the time wasn't right because there was another pick to be had on Friday night...... ......3. TJ Graham - Whereas the Glenn pick was influenced by TBD; I think the Graham pick was 100% driven by TBD. I love that Buddy Nix has a sense of humor. I really do. I got a huge kick out of this pick but to take a guy that nobody has ever heard of just so he can watch Bill in NYC write hundreds of posts using the words "smurf"; "Roscoe"; "Spiller" and the like I think was taking it too far for a 3rd round pick. Doing this with one of the 4ths would have sufficed although I have to admit the throw in of the meaningless 7th to move up two spots and set off a proverbial mushroom cloud over Manhattan was hilarious. Bravo Buddy. I especially liked Chan's presser using all sorts of Bill in NYC trigger words. Awesome. Does Tgreg write this stuff? 4A. Nigel Bradham - I think the staff did this on their own and hope they got it right. He seems like a big dude and is not related to anyone that played in the NFL and does not have a cool nickname. No one on here had ever heard of him so I think along with Gilmore he was our best pick. 4B. Ron Brooks - Another solid pick. He played behind both Claiborne and Mathieu so he had no real chance at being named Honey Badger for 2011-12 but still the DBs at LSU were deep and maybe he is a hidden gem at the most important position on the field in today's NFL. This pick reminds me a lot of Matt Cassel so even if he sucks like Cassel we might be able to hide him on the roster and trade him for a first like NE did. 5A. Zebrie Sanders - At this point Buddy may have been surfing along on cable TV or maybe on the can reading the sports page so he just yelled out from the stall "pick whoever is on the top of Mel's best available list but make sure it is an OL". I hoped this wasn't influenced by the kid's neato first name until........ ......5B. Tank Carder. This pick killed about 93 birds with one stone. Pick a cool nickname.....check. Pick someone that EVERYBODY on TBD had on their mock drafts after we famously whiffed on Casey Matthews in the 4th last year and couldn't swing the trade for the Bradham pick.........check. Pick someone seen as a fourth or fifth rounder primarily because he has a cool name and was on TV a lot even though he has no shot at the next level.......check. Pick somebody that will take the heat off the stars at autograph time for the first 9 days of training camp before we cut him......check. Make sure he is at a "position of need"......check. Make sure he has some cool eclectic hobby like jumping out of pools or being humongously fat like Jasper or standing still and jumping really high like Wendling but make it something totally new; wait he plays cello or whatever that thing is.....perfect get him........check. This may have been the single best public relations draft pick in the history of sports. If he had self promotional hair like Polomalu he would have been our pick in the 2nd over Glenn. 6. Mark Asper. The pizza is here? FINALLY. Littman told me I can't tip the delivery kid so just let him make the next pick. Show him the alphabetical list and tell him to make it quick. We are on the clock. And Russ please get that Broccoli slice away from me; what are you a girl? 7. John Potter. Crap. The delivery kid picked a lineman? We only have one pick left and we are going to have to do something really special to annoy Bill here. I called Minnie Minoso and he said no. Can anyone think of something?
  11. I would have known exactly what is was, and I would have signed it.
  12. Don't totally agree on 08-09 but close enough. On the others: 2005 I agree but watch out criticizing Eric King on this site. There is a dude on here who won several Madden titles with King and he will verbally assault you. 2006 You mock Whitner but last I checked he was an All Pro. FAIL. 2007 You can't blame Lynch for his being from Oakland and not knowing about Drunk Canadian Broads wandering aimlessly around the streets of Buffalo. He is productive in Seattle and was productive for us on the field. Also 2007 Agree on Poz but he did have beautiful hair.
  13. Writing a letter is a decent idea but why not do a web show expose?
  14. I thought you were going to bit#$ and moan no matter what happened so as a group we are 1 for 2 with our predictions.
  15. If you hate them you are a realistic genius if you like them you are a homer.
  16. Everyone on this board knew about Matthews in the 4th for two straight years and the Bills missed both times. Strike two. One more chance next year.
  17. If you read his pro/con the game sounds a lot like a Fitz junior to me. I think it is interesting. Bandits got him, not the Bills
  18. I knew we should have kept Wang. Glenn's Wang was Long Wood after taking Levitre. or if you prefer: Wang grew a Pears and has Long Wood because of Levitre
  19. I think you're right. If he has a caller ID and it traces back to the Bengals, are they obligated to pay him first round money due to a verbal contract being initiated?
  20. I think we trade one of our 4ths for Casey Matthews.
  21. Supposedly Sanu got a prank call from "The Bengals" in the first round but they never drafted him. Strangely they actually did take him later on. Do you think it was really the Bengals calling and then they changed their mind? It seems odd to me.
  22. This guy shot himself in the hand so it is unclear whether the gun had a decocker. How does it do that anyway? Are their heat seeking bullets?
  23. The pot culture defends all smokers to mask and further justify what can plainly be seen as a destructive habit.
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